How friggin' IMMATURE can the liberals get??

Reba, KILL ME becuz I distrust Bush and Kerry...go ahead spit on my face and I will sing a song..."Reba kill me becuz I distrust Bush" :slap: :slap: :smash: :bye:
Reba, KILL ME becuz I distrust Bush and Kerry...go ahead spit on my face and I will sing a song..."Reba kill me becuz I distrust Bush"
This is an uncalled-for remark toward Reba. I believe you owe her an apology.

laugh at people who dying...
If this is true, please show us the news that President George W. Bush is laughing at people dying. Thanks.
I have to agree that people can take politics a bit too far, but don't side track just one group.

I'm a nonpartisan, because I don't think I fit in any labels. Can't vote for President until 2008... and I'm already waiting for it.
Brian said:
This is an uncalled-for remark toward Reba. I believe you owe her an apology

Brian, whoa...u take my quote too personally...I am just joking..this all...this forum isnt to offend anyone just to have fun...I have no intend to offend Reba..I respect her perspective about is NOTHING wrong to speak out what I believe....Reba and I enjoyed discuss on it earlier smile.
BigSpike said:
Brian, whoa...u take my quote too personally...I am just joking..this all...this forum isnt to offend anyone just to have fun...I have no intend to offend Reba..I respect her perspective about is NOTHING wrong to speak out what I believe....Reba and I enjoyed discuss on it earlier smile.
Hey guys, I appreciate the concern, truly, but please don't worry about me. I don't take anything personally. I don't want to stifle anyone's opinions. Personally, I prefer to attack wrong ideas, not people, but whatever someone wants to dish out, I will take.

I also know that people "bashing" other people convince no one to change their ideas. Swearing and name-calling are used by people when they are frustrated and run out of logic and proof.

I do know that some ADers here are more sensitive, so I would suggest that we all be careful about hurting others. For myself though, bring it on! :)

Luv ya all!
Steel said:
who the hell wants Bush to run for President again??

I really can't imagine why anyone would support him.

Re: Clinton - certainly he was one of the most popular presidents these days but not too popular to the public, that is. back in his early days, he refused to go to vietnam war when he was actually young...screaming "NO!" when some people from the government asked him to go to war and he ran away like a little girl in a cute pink dress with golden ponytail and gripping its teddy bear for safety as she ran as fast as possible

There's a difference between conscientiously being opposed to a war, which btw, we never should have been in... and running away like a little girl in a cute pink dress... btw, what's wrong with little girls in pink dresses? But as far as using one's affluent and powerful status to dodge military duty, look to our own commander in chief bullshit, George W. Bush.

speaking of the white house...why do they call it the white house? because it's a racist country thats why! it's already the 21st century and there hasn't been a single black man who was electried for President yet!

YEP, and no women either. That says a lot, doesn't it???

I say, "bless america and EVERYBODY ELSE!"

ABSOLUTELY! I am a citizen of the world!
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Poor behavior towards a certain individual not necessarily mean that the party of that individual is bad. We have imperfections in this world, not necessarily mean that WE are bad. =)

I'm personally conservative, because I'm trying to hold the old values in America that WORKS! Why fix something that wasn't broken, only to find that new fixes are failing?
Reba said:
Hey guys, I appreciate the concern, truly, but please don't worry about me. I don't take anything personally. I don't want to stifle anyone's opinions. Personally, I prefer to attack wrong ideas, not people, but whatever someone wants to dish out, I will take.

I also know that people "bashing" other people convince no one to change their ideas. Swearing and name-calling are used by people when they are frustrated and run out of logic and proof.

I do know that some ADers here are more sensitive, so I would suggest that we all be careful about hurting others. For myself though, bring it on! :)

Luv ya all!

You make a good point of pointing thing out...I had no intend to offend you..becuz I knew you are favoring, I had NO MEANING to offend or making any gap between anyone within just wanted fun discuss even we carry different opinions as long we dont feel being offend....
Vote left or Vote right
just use your american given rights to vote cuz it just doesnt matter
The president is selected by the electoral college
Bush is...well, he is bushshiter and as for Kerry...he married to rich katcup bitch and lied about Vietnam War combat experience, during which he received three Purple Hearts, the Silver Star and Bronze Star. So, both of them are full of shit...Which one should I voting for? Good question...(thinking real hard...what to do, what to do...mmm) I know! I'm voting for Nader! At least he's not full of shit like those two assholes! :D
Douglas said:
If abortion was banned since, there would be thousands and thousands expanding of incest babies and people from the generation and generation of the babies and people by the product of rapes today. Think about it, hypocritial conservative Christians.


The truth is...people do not know how to keep their pant on. None of this will happen. Some women who got raped... I dont know how to say like this. But it can cause them like overwhelm and dont know what to do with it. It is not easy for them to handle it

Ah I finally spoke for all this months