How do you discipline your son?


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2007
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I have a friend who is a Deaf mother. She is under stress, and has a history of depression. She is deeply concerned for her 13 year old hearing son. He is diagnosed with ADHD, and was put in a "special school" for his bad behaviors. He was in jail before. She is forced to stay up to make sure her son is in bed, because he can sneak out of the house in the middle of the night with his friends. He knows that she cannot hear him sneaking and everything.

How do you discipline your son to not go out with his friends in the middle of the nights?
A friend of mine actually nailed shut the window in his room....I raised 3 boys, a single parent. It's not easy....if you don't have the child in control by the age of 8, it's my opinion then you have lost control. By the time they get into their pre-teens, that's when the hard work begins.....I took all 3 of mine to Child Guidance, and they received help also with the school's dean....

Perhaps an organization, such as Big Brothers might be able to help?
She has already set up for appointment with her son's new counselor to figure out what's his problem is. She has been waiting for half a year for that appointment. He has an organization to help out, but he is very cocky, and thinks he knows better than those people in an organization. I will tell her to try a different organization.

Her son stays busy hanging out with his friends, but I think he needs a male role model. His Deaf father had neglected him, and left food with him, so he can fetch it for himself.

His Deaf step-father has been trying to be positive as much as he can, but he is extremely frustrated with his out of control behaviors. Step-father feels helpless and doesn't know what to do. Her son's behaviors even puts strain on their marriage. Her son has been very rude to everyone, including me. He hisses at me sometimes as if he is ready for the fight.
She has already set up for appointment with her son's new counselor to figure out what's his problem is. She has been waiting for half a year for that appointment. He has an organization to help out, but he is very cocky, and thinks he knows better than those people in an organization. I will tell her to try a different organization.

Her son stays busy hanging out with his friends, but I think he needs a male role model. His Deaf father had neglected him, and left food with him, so he can fetch it for himself.

His Deaf step-father has been trying to be positive as much as he can, but he is extremely frustrated with his out of control behaviors. Step-father feels helpless and doesn't know what to do. Her son's behaviors even puts strain on their marriage. Her son has been very rude to everyone, including me. He hisses at me sometimes as if he is ready for the fight.

Yeah...the kid is out of control....There are also Residential Treatment Centers for children such as this. I had to send my oldest one there for 6 months...Pay according to your income.

Has ur friend got in touch with DCF?....They could refer her to some programs/treatment centers....It helped my son tremendously, he learned a lot of coping skills (due to his inner anger). Hoping someone can reach this boy before it's way too late.... So might want to get in touch with Family Services also....
I have no idea, but I will find out. Thanks for the suggestions.
the way they find out is to give him ritalin if it works then he has ADHD.Sometimes we have to accept the human condition and not put names of syndroms on do a 13yr old end up in jail,something wrong with your system..
i feel sorry for this lady as something is very wrong with american educational health and social service systems.
i have over active child myself but she has other problems also...she was sent to boarding school and the best thing i ever did,she come out all round girl and we can handle her now plus she happy....good luck barbro
the way they find out is to give him ritalin if it works then he has ADHD.Sometimes we have to accept the human condition and not put names of syndroms on it..

Let's see.. I am told he was given Ritalin, and Focalin, but he had shown signs of headache, drowsiness, and stomachache. It wasn't worth it for him. I cannot remember the name of the current medication he is on now.

how do a 13yr old end up in jail,something wrong with your system..

He was in jail for assault. Recently, he was given a warning again.

i feel sorry for this lady as something is very wrong with american educational health and social service systems.

She has been under severe stress, and it already has been affecting her health problems physically and mentally now. Her memory is not so good. I tried to convince her seek counseling for herself. She currently has been working on her new eating habits.

According to her, she was told by teachers that her son is allowed to bring his own "magazines" to school to read instead of taking required reading lessons. That's definitely not a good sign of the education system. :eek3:

i have over active child myself but she has other problems also...she was sent to boarding school and the best thing i ever did,she come out all round girl and we can handle her now plus she happy....good luck barbro

Glad to hear that it went well for your child. Thanks.
i had a son do this..what i did was drive to where he was, block the driveway with our car and let them all know, including the low life parents who were letting him in that late that i would be here every single night with the police, if it didnt stop. they made him leave immediately and never let him come back. granted, my son had major issues other than that going on but it seems with kids like that you have to come down hard pretty fast so they know you arent playing around. it also helps that here, kids who are out past curfew can be fined, and the parents are NOT responsible for paying it, the kids have to pay it or work it off.