How did you learn ASL?

I study all the time. Even I have an app on my iPhone whenever I get bored, I do the quiz to keep my brain sane

I like but no app isn't be available in iPhone or iPod. :(
I remember as child being extremely gestural as I was non-verbal for longer than what is allegedly considered "average" among many kids. I had hard time being understood throughout elementary school and I remember getting pretty frustrated about it. I have always been primarily visual-kinesthetic person, I remember touching things a lot. And I mix up Left and Right so my natural inclination is to point. Body language skills are also very important in dog training and in canine communication and I use that as much as or more than was one of the things previous supervisor at doggy daycare <off-schedule thread> complained about - didn't talk enough.

Most hearing people have absolutely no idea how great a degree they rely on body language and facial expressive to infer meaning to a spoken message. If they realized how important the visual is to comprehension, they most certainly would see how silly their arguments against ASL are.
I believe that is true about the body language, seems most aren't aware of it. As I have become hoh, I look at people who are speaking with hands at their sides and no expression and wonder often - where's the rest of conversation?