How are you feeling today?....

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I am exhausted. For some reason, Sammy (the cat) decided that he needed the space where my feet go at night. He was physically removed from the bed at least 5 times before I gave up. Then, after getting up to get hubby off to work, I finally got a whopping 1 hour of sleep before Sammy comes in and proceeds to lick my face. At that point, I gave up. Needless to say, I cannot close the door on him as this house has no central A/C and we need what little cool air we can have.
I feel better than yesterday, even though I am not 100% yet. Not to mention, the heat and humidity here is just barely tolerable.
Healthy! I spent around an hour outside on the deck reading on my tablet.

The dogs got bored before I did. :)
Very apprensive today....tomorrow is back to the ENT to get the rest of the staples out behind my ear....However, the ear is again leaking and somewhat draining (after the 4th surgery)....hopefully it's just residue from Cholesteama, but again with my luck....maybe I should donate my ears to science!...(to see if they can figure it out).
RR I am so sorry. Your poor ears have been thru so much. I hope things get better for you soon and that this problem is resolved before your eye surgery. Your one tough cookie. Hang in there!!!! I am thinking and praying for you.
Exhausted after a long day with post-hour meetings, some restructuring and relocation- I'm not affected but thinking about voluntarily making changes...
RR I am so sorry. Your poor ears have been thru so much. I hope things get better for you soon and that this problem is resolved before your eye surgery. Your one tough cookie. Hang in there!!!! I am thinking and praying for you.

Thks Angel....will find out Aug. 17th if indeed I have Ushers in the right eye as one specialist seeing another specialist to confirm before the surgery (cataracts behind the eye)....boy, does this get expensive!....:hmm:
Im feeling a happy and peaceful b/c the weather is so nice today..finally! I have the window up and the fan darn nice and watchin little league baseball..cant get better than's wet outside but it's sunshine!
Having a much better day than yesterday. Plus at work they are moving people around and hiring people so looking forward to my stress dropping! Really lucky because the guy to take over some of my stuff starts next week, and he talked really loud when I interviewed him and knew what he was talking about.
Extremely "happy go lucky" the rest of the staples out behind my ear....and doc said the ear looks just great!...A little drainage is to be expected, but will clear up.....So relieved....stopped by the cornor store and got me a candy bar and a soda.....
Extremely "happy go lucky" the rest of the staples out behind my ear....and doc said the ear looks just great!...A little drainage is to be expected, but will clear up.....So relieved....stopped by the cornor store and got me a candy bar and a soda.....

I am pretty sure the doctor didn't give you a prescription for a candy bar and soda! LOL. :giggle:
I feeling weird I am awake :P I am energy fresh :D
Still in lots of pain and just feeling blah like.

what the matter?hope you feel better..i just found out my family bigger arses than i thought my brotherinlaw a creep,i just need to perscute myself which been doing all day
what the matter?hope you feel better..i just found out my family bigger arses than i thought my brotherinlaw a creep,i just need to perscute myself which been doing all day

I have a few medical issues that cause lots of pain. Normally I can deal with it, but some days are harder than others.

I have fibromyalgia that covers mainly my lower body but is moving into the upper as well. I have neuropathy, which is an unexplained numbness from the the right shoulder down to my right foot. I can feel muscular aches, but nothing on the surface. Living down near the Tropics, there is a lot of different air pressure systems and more especially this time of the year with hurricane season is very hard for me and my daughter.
RR that is great news!!! Are you still going to cut your hair? My "surgery" haircut is about 1&1/2 inches long now. My hair is longer so you can't really see the shaven part. Keep up thr good healing!!!!!,
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