
in the same way you look at straight few who were serial killers. did you know that the percentage is greater for homosexuals to be serial killer than with straight? Are you discriminating against the straight? I aint a serial killer!!

I haven't blame straight people being serial killers. There are various of people that happens to be serial killer, not gay, straight or whatever it's individual. Where's the proof for percentage is greater for homosexuals to be serial killer than straight? SHOW US THE PROOF
Gays are anti-straight, anti-family... once family disappear, people disappear...

Complete and utter bullshit.

Gay people are NOT anti-straight, we're anti-bigotted assholes who seek to oppress us.

We're NOT anti-family... if anything, we WANT to be able to have families of our own, and people like you do your damnedest to keep that from happening.

What is it with some of you people who think that gay people want EVERYONE to be gay??? BE WHO YOU ARE, nothing more, nothing less. Even IF we reached a level in our society where gays/lesbians/etc. were 100% accepted as "normal", that DOESN'T mean that all the straight people are going to stop being straight!

Or is your own sexuality so fluid?
in the same way you look at straight few who were serial killers. did you know that the percentage is greater for homosexuals to be serial killer than with straight? Are you discriminating against the straight? I aint a serial killer!!

Do you actually BELIEVE the garbage that you post?

Firstly, raise your hand if you believe that ALL members of one group are accountable for the actions of ONE of their group. Anyone?? What idiocy is it to suggest that we view ALL straight people as serial killers become SOME straight people are serial killers.


Take your medicine, already. That, or stay off the crackpipe.
Read the book "Fall of Rome"

And other sources that they do force straight to be homosexuals.

ummm I need to find a source what an extreme orgainzation for gays who had planned to convert everyone. When I find it I will post it.


I'm sure there IS a group out there of gay people whose sole mission in life is to convert straight people.


So what?? Does that mean we ALL are?

Do ALL white people subscribe to the beliefs of the Ku Klux Klan??

One day, you need to broaden your horizons, and learn to think in more than 2 dimensions.
Complete and utter bullshit.

Gay people are NOT anti-straight, we're anti-bigotted assholes who seek to oppress us.

We're NOT anti-family... if anything, we WANT to be able to have families of our own, and people like you do your damnedest to keep that from happening.

What is it with some of you people who think that gay people want EVERYONE to be gay??? BE WHO YOU ARE, nothing more, nothing less. Even IF we reached a level in our society where gays/lesbians/etc. were 100% accepted as "normal", that DOESN'T mean that all the straight people are going to stop being straight!

Or is your own sexuality so fluid?

Do you actually BELIEVE the garbage that you post?

Firstly, raise your hand if you believe that ALL members of one group are accountable for the actions of ONE of their group. Anyone?? What idiocy is it to suggest that we view ALL straight people as serial killers become SOME straight people are serial killers.


Take your medicine, already. That, or stay off the crackpipe.

Complete and utter bullshit.

Gay people are NOT anti-straight, we're anti-bigotted assholes who seek to oppress us.

We're NOT anti-family... if anything, we WANT to be able to have families of our own, and people like you do your damnedest to keep that from happening.

What is it with some of you people who think that gay people want EVERYONE to be gay??? BE WHO YOU ARE, nothing more, nothing less. Even IF we reached a level in our society where gays/lesbians/etc. were 100% accepted as "normal", that DOESN'T mean that all the straight people are going to stop being straight!

Or is your own sexuality so fluid?

:gpost: :gpost:
eh? What about Jeffrey Dahmmer? He was homosexual and is considered one of the worse serial killers.

Huh? :confused:

What does serial killings have to do with sexual orienation?
Umm... we have gentlemen's clubs.... stripper's clubs... playboys.... that's flaunting their sexuality.

I have gay friends who are raising their children just fine. Hardly a disappeance of families.

Well, what if, there's no more heterosexual, except homosexuals and lesbians ?

I am sure you know that the homosexuals and lesbians don't produce children, right ? Only heterosexual people can produce children. What if, there's no more heterosexual people to produce children when there are homosexuals and lesbians growin' with high rate than heterosexual couples ?

It would end population from growin' and .... possibility to end civilization ? :hmm:

I can understand where halford came from.
Given the amounts of people who ARE homosexual, the chance of EVERYONE is by all means impossible. Even if this statistically insignicant possibility came into play, science DOES allow lesbian couples to have children. We're super cool with science these days.
Well, what if, there's no more heterosexual, except homosexuals and lesbians ?

I am sure you know that the homosexuals and lesbians don't produce children, right ? Only heterosexual people can produce children. What if, there's no more heterosexual people to produce children when there are homosexuals and lesbians growin' with high rate than heterosexual couples ?

It would end population from growin' and .... possibility to end civilization ? :hmm:

I can understand where halford came from.

We have science to take care of that! :)
Well, what if, there's no more heterosexual, except homosexuals and lesbians ?

I am sure you know that the homosexuals and lesbians don't produce children, right ? Only heterosexual people can produce children. What if, there's no more heterosexual people to produce children when there are homosexuals and lesbians growin' with high rate than heterosexual couples ?

It would end population from growin' and .... possibility to end civilization ? :hmm:

I can understand where halford came from.

Lesbians are part of homosexual, just called as homosexual.

Any women who is lesbian, that can get preggy from sperm bank.

For growth rate, I doubt that would be happen for many years or never but majority is doubtful in my life.
Given the amounts of people who ARE homosexual, the chance of EVERYONE is by all means impossible. Even if this statistically insignicant possibility came into play, science DOES allow lesbian couples to have children. We're super cool with science these days.

Yup but only work from sperm bank.
Well, what if, there's no more heterosexual, except homosexuals and lesbians ?

I am sure you know that the homosexuals and lesbians don't produce children, right ? Only heterosexual people can produce children. What if, there's no more heterosexual people to produce children when there are homosexuals and lesbians growin' with high rate than heterosexual couples ?

It would end population from growin' and .... possibility to end civilization ? :hmm:

I can understand where halford came from.

Yupp, legalize homosexual around the world controls the population ;)
Well, what if, there's no more heterosexual, except homosexuals and lesbians ?

Do you EVER see this happening? Furthermore, do you think that that is what all gay people want (a world without anymore straight people)? I don't know ANY gay people that want that. Some might say that that kind of assertion is PROJECTION; ie, straight people that want a world with no more gay people assume that "the other side" wants a gay world with no more straight people. Speaking for myself, I can tell you that's not what *I* want, nor what anyone I know wants.

I am sure you know that the homosexuals and lesbians don't produce children, right ? Only heterosexual people can produce children. What if, there's no more heterosexual people to produce children when there are homosexuals and lesbians growin' with high rate than heterosexual couples ?

Ummm... gay people CAN and DO have children. Just because we are attracted to members of the same sex, this doesn't mean that we lose our ability to reproduce. I know several gay people who have children of their own that were conceived either A) with a little help from science, or B) the good old-fashioned way.

So your hypothetical question about "what if there's no more heterosexual people to produce children?" is really a moot question.

It would end population from growin' and .... possibility to end civilization ? :hmm:

No, it wouldn't. But nice try!

Heck, for all we know, maybe homosexuality is nature's answer to OVERpopulation.

I can understand where halford came from.

Do you EVER see this happening? Furthermore, do you think that that is what all gay people want (a world without anymore straight people)? I don't know ANY gay people that want that. Some might say that that kind of assertion is PROJECTION; ie, straight people that want a world with no more gay people assume that "the other side" wants a gay world with no more straight people. Speaking for myself, I can tell you that's not what *I* want, nor what anyone I know wants.

Ummm... gay people CAN and DO have children. Just because we are attracted to members of the same sex, this doesn't mean that we lose our ability to reproduce. I know several gay people who have children of their own that were conceived either A) with a little help from science, or B) the good old-fashioned way.

So your hypothetical question about "what if there's no more heterosexual people to produce children?" is really a moot question.

No, it wouldn't. But nice try!

Heck, for all we know, maybe homosexuality is nature's answer to OVERpopulation.


:gpost: :gpost:

Men and women can produce children and as long as we still have them, civilization will still continue to exist. :)
I agree with you. It's not only the GLBT pride that bothers me, but the other cultural prides such as African Americans, Asians, Latino Americans, women, deaf, etc...

At NTID, there are some people who take "Deaf Pride" too far that it pisses off or ruin reputations. I'm hard-of-hearing and I can speak orally for myself, but it was a challenge in some of my classes since some classmates were uncomfortable working with me. It turned out that their previous deaf classmates were rude and demonstrated too much "deaf pride". Those deaf students would refuse to cooperate with these hearing students cuz they were hearing and didn't know what it's like to be deaf. They would keep whining to the interpreter that they weren't getting enough attention from the hearing students and felt that the hearing students were discriminating them. Etc, etc. This happened so much to these hearing classmates that when they came to me, they were very uncomfortable with working with me. It took me a few weeks to get them to realize that I wasn't like those other "Deaf Pride" extremists.

Back to the GLBT pride, the same applies. I have a friend who loves rainbows, but people tease her about her sexuality and assume she's a lesbian. Rainbows are something she likes and shouldn't be interfered with by others. When she asked others why they thought she was a lesbian, their response was that every time they see a rainbow-related product, it's always by a GLBT person and that GLBT are always boasting rainbow as only a GLBT thing. Because of that, she gets a bit uncomfortable being around GLBT because they're ruining her way of life. :(
same old story

I agree with you. It's not only the GLBT pride that bothers me, but the other cultural prides such as African Americans, Asians, Latino Americans, women, deaf, etc...

At NTID, there are some people who take "Deaf Pride" too far that it pisses off or ruin reputations. I'm hard-of-hearing and I can speak orally for myself, but it was a challenge in some of my classes since some classmates were uncomfortable working with me. It turned out that their previous deaf classmates were rude and demonstrated too much "deaf pride". Those deaf students would refuse to cooperate with these hearing students cuz they were hearing and didn't know what it's like to be deaf. They would keep whining to the interpreter that they weren't getting enough attention from the hearing students and felt that the hearing students were discriminating them. Etc, etc. This happened so much to these hearing classmates that when they came to me, they were very uncomfortable with working with me. It took me a few weeks to get them to realize that I wasn't like those other "Deaf Pride" extremists.

Back to the GLBT pride, the same applies. I have a friend who loves rainbows, but people tease her about her sexuality and assume she's a lesbian. Rainbows are something she likes and shouldn't be interfered with by others. When she asked others why they thought she was a lesbian, their response was that every time they see a rainbow-related product, it's always by a GLBT person and that GLBT are always boasting rainbow as only a GLBT thing. Because of that, she gets a bit uncomfortable being around GLBT because they're ruining her way of life. :(

Vampy, this story of yours is getting old. You first posted it in this VERY SAME THREAD, back on 1/23/07, in this post, and I've seen you reference it elsewhere I think. What bothers me the most about it is that you (and your friend, apparently) are focusing your frustration against gays/lesbians, when REALLY you should be upset that whoever is making fun of your friend (no matter what their sexuality) is STEREOTYPING. I'm sure straight men who are really into ballet dancing are probably sick of everyone assuming they're gay, too. Should they get pissed off at gay people, though, or is there anger more deserved by the people who are DOING the teasing?

I responded to your originally post, here, but you never responded back. For all I know, you didn't read it, so I'll repost it here:

InTheGenes said:
VamPyroX, you might consider examining just why this bothers you so much. On the surface, it seems irrational and petty.

Our nation is chock FULL of people who express personal pride in their everyday lives... whether they're wearing t-shirts proclaiming their support for a particular political candidate (or party), sporting bumper stickers to that effect, putting signs up in their yard (or apartment windows) proclaiming their support... to people with the "Christian fish" symbol or "What Would Jesus Do?" bumper stickers on their vehicles, to anti (and pro) abortion bumper stickers, to "My Child is an Honor Roll student at XYZ High School" bumper stickers, to "I Love My Pet Schnauzer" bumper stickers, to Italian-Americans wearing t-shirts proclaiming "Italians Do It Better", to "Kiss Me, I'm Irish" sweatshirts, etc.

Get the point? While it's QUITE obvious that some foes of the homosexual community in our country (yourself included?) would seem to want to "keep gays in their place" by inhibiting their ability to have pride in who they are, I'm sorry to tell them (and you) that there's such a thing in this country as freedom of speech, which is the concept of the inherent human right to voice one's opinion publicly without fear of censorship or punishment.

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution says that Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of "speech." Note that the document uses the word "speech," although a long succession of court decisions has expanded this concept far beyond ordinary verbal communication. Protected expression now includes such non-verbal expression as wearing a symbol on one's clothing, dance movements, and a silent candlelight vigil.

My question to you is: why is that form of expression any more threatening to you that any of the ones I mentioned above? Why are gays and lesbians any less deserving of that basic human right that is the birthright of every other citizen of this nation?

If the parades bother you, don't watch them. But that's the simple solution. Getting to the root of just WHY it bothers you so much is likely a more difficult journey of self-discovery. Well, take it from someone who knows: self-discovery is oftentimes not easy, but it's worth it.
i'm against homosexuality and even lesbians because it's just against the natural normal humanity i gotta say it and i won't lie i believe that those people realy have to keep thier privte life in secret because we don't have to keep acting like nothing is wrong and everything is goog NO not everything is good because you don't want your son or your brother to become like that so I think taht wrong things shouldn't happen publicly
i'm against homosexuality and even lesbians because it's just against the natural normal humanity i gotta say it and i won't lie i believe that those people realy have to keep thier privte life in secret because we don't have to keep acting like nothing is wrong and everything is goog NO not everything is good because you don't want your son or your brother to become like that so I think taht wrong things shouldn't happen publicly

That's understandable, some people support or are against homosexuality AS LONG we respect each other then we don't have a problem
