
Interesting story but pink triangle are not longer after WWII here in Germany. I haven't seen them use pink triangle everywhere here in Germany... Maybe Berlin? :dunno: I will ask Sunshinelady about this. She born and raised in Berlin. I can understand that the people keep pink triangle as their memory.

Symbols & Definitions

Thanks for the link, it is very helpful. I love to collect the rainbows. I always fascinated to watch the rainbows after the rain. I never forgot, I saw three rainbow arches in Minnesotta. I dropped my jaw on the ground because it is so beautiful !
Thanks for the link, it is very helpful. I love to collect the rainbows. I always fascinated to watch the rainbows after the rain. I never forgot, I saw three rainbow arches in Minnesotta. I dropped my jaw on the ground because it is so beautiful !

Welcome ;)

Yes I love Rainbow and find it fanastic... I really don't care what the people think when they see me collect rainbows and label me as lesbian or what... So what! This is their problem to be ignorant and uneducation, not me.
Personally, I don't care if I see 2 gay men or 2 lesbians kissing.. if they're in love, LET them kiss..

Same with Straight people... Love should be shown.. not hidden away.. Sex is no longer a Taboo subject in this country. people talk about it.

And the whole bathroom thing is a laugh.. because I agree with the poster who said that gay men are not going to the bathroom to check out guys. they are there to do their business.. that's all. People have gotten so paranoid nowadays.. it's crazy.

I remember when people used to blame gays and Lesbians for the spread of AIDS, HIV, ect.. Hello, I support gay rights and gay people.. I've got members of my family who are gay or lesbians.. And I say more power to them. I may not understand the lifestyle, but as long as people are happy, I don't care. I'm more concerned about people's happiness than their sexuality. I seriously think that the GLBT community has gotten a bad rap from some straight people and various religions. because they are homophobic. And All I can say is.. GET OVER IT ALREADY!

*nodding agreement*

I cannot beleive after read the whole thread here that some people could be paranoid. *shake my head*
haha, I know. to me, it is nothing wrong to have rainbows, but getting paranoid that is the symbol of gay/lesbians. To me, as myself, I wouldn't look at kids, or people or anything they have rainbow as being gay or something. Yeah, but as going out bragging with pride or etc really is pointless to me. haha PDA is very common and sometimes getting tooo deep, in some places is illegal for PDA.
While I understand your perspective, you are simply ignorant about the dire effect it has on society as a whole.

Intolerance has a much more dire effect on society as a whole than does tolerance.

More than often I wished gay men would go to the female's bathroom. Their manliness fades and do not describe them as actual "men" anymore. They set the blurriness of what a man and a female should be. Perhaps we should add a third door for gay and lesbian people. ;)

Ahh, do not judge me by this post alone either... :D

Ahh, do I detect an undertone of latent homosexuality disquised as homophobia? Me thinks I do!
Intolerance has a much more dire effect on society as a whole than does tolerance.

Ahh, good point but it's still not a complete point. I'd have to research and contemplate about this.

However would you say certain forms of intolerance may be beneficial?
While I understand your perspective, you are simply ignorant about the dire effect it has on society as a whole.

You're going to lecture me about ignorance? That's rich!

I've got a newsflash for you, Yiffy: gay and lesbian people have been around for a LONG, LONG time. And guess what? The world hasn't come to a standstill.

What DOES have a dire effect on society as a whole is the kind of ignorance and intolerance espoused by people who think it's ok to:

Lash gay people to fences after beating them bloody, and leaving them to die
Bomb gay bars
Beat up gays in parking lots with baseball bats
Rape lesbians who refuse to have sex with men
Rape gay teens with plunger handles in high school locker rooms
Scrawl things like "God Hates Fags" on gay people's houses, cars, etc.

If there's a detrimental side of homosexuality in American society today, it's because there are people in this country who think it's OK to let their hatred manifest itself in one of the ways I listed above. Those actions, however, are carried out by HATEMONGERS, not homosexuals.

The fact that homosexuals exist in today's society isn't going to make YOU gay. (Is it?) It's not going to turn a bunch of straight people gay. It MIGHT keep some closeted gay people from entering into sham marriages with straight people, thereby keeping them from ruining everyone involved's lives several years down the line once they decide to come out of the closet.

Sometimes I think the basic different between people like you and people like me is that when you see the words gay people, you see: GAY people. When I see those words, I see gay PEOPLE. I see homosexuality as a facet of who someone is. In my experience, people like you see that as the ONLY aspect of who that person is.

You say in a later post that you have friends that are gay? Either they're not really gay, they're not really your friends, or they don't really know how you really feel about them.
While you assume too much of me and miss too many marks (actually, the whole post does), you still do not think homosexuality has any dire effects? You are saying that homosexuality is just fine? 100% fine? ;)
While you assume too much of me and miss too many marks (actually, the whole post does), you still do not think homosexuality has any dire effects? You are saying that homosexuality is just fine? 100% fine? ;)

I think it is 100% fine cuz it is about people's private business and how they live their lives. Why should how they live affect our lives?
I love purple and I have purple magnets, seats, and stickers on my SUV and some people in the deaf community started a rumor that I became a lesbain. I thought it was funny.

As for displaying their pride via stickers, logos, and etc, I cant answer that cuz I am straight. It never really bothered me cuz I never really paid much attention to it.

I love PURPLE AND FUSCHIA... butterfly... does not make me lesbian....
Prejudice has a much more dire effect on society as a whole than does homosexuality. Historically, in numerous cultures, homosexuality has not only been accepted, but encouraged, and seen as an enlighted spiritual existence.
I have yet to see one valid bit of sociological research that identifies homosexuality as sociologically destructive in and of itself. The unfounded reactions of bigots are what is destructive.
Ok, do you ever hear straights being killed for being straight? do you ever hear straights being scolded for being straight? Do you ever hear straights being told that they cannot talk about their relationships? Do you ever hear straights being denied the right to marry?

And you complain about gays trying to fight for their visibility?

GOOD POSTING.... I did not think about that...I did not realize that straight people dont get killed just because they are being STRAIGHT...

It is STRAIGHT people bashing or killing Gays or Lesbians.... most of times...

I do believe in Gay marriages... all gays or lesbians have same feelings as well as straight people have...Love....

I agree with what Rabbit said here ...

Also I did find that in the Bible that God did destroyed the gay, lesbian also people havin' sex with an animals, also kids many disgustin' sexual acts that God saw and he did litterly burned them down, it said that God does not approved of their wrong sexual acts which he said he made only a man and woman to stick with each other, not man to man or woman to woman...

There's a purposes why God made man and a woman is so they can spread the world by havin' childrens, that made sense...

Man to Man cannot have babies nor can Woman to woman cannot have babies either, that was God purposes for a man to sticks with a woman and woman to sticks with a man...

If God made gay and lesbian, we would not be here today, does that make sense ? But God ain't weird, but a natural...

I just don't know how anyone got into gay/lesbian/animals/kids, God did not made us like that, but the unseen Satan and the Devil who are the ruler of this world is the one who turns people against God to do whatever they wanted to do, this made God very sad.

I'm not against anyone who's different but I'am against their way of life that God does not approved of and I would wants God approval by not acceptin' people wrong lifestyle, but I do not hate them, it's their way I don't approved of, it's all I can say.

P.S. I've met many lesbian women from what I sees in them they are a wacko, many are so mess up which my husband said oh boy they are havin' a lesbian wars and I was like yep they are, I cannot explains their actions, it's so weird, I noticed many of them are suicidal and mentally illness, manic depressive, I was there and I have been here and there I've encounter the real lesbian women when I used to live in Las Vegas, oh gawd they all needed helps from a counselor very badly.
I agree with what Rabbit said here ...

Also I did find that in the Bible that God did destroyed the gay, lesbian also people havin' sex with an animals, also kids many disgustin' sexual acts that God saw and he did litterly burned them down, it said that God does not approved of their wrong sexual acts which he said he made only a man and woman to stick with each other, not man to man or woman to woman...

There's a purposes why God made man and a woman is so they can spread the world by havin' childrens, that made sense...

Man to Man cannot have babies nor can Woman to woman cannot have babies either, that was God purposes for a man to sticks with a woman and woman to sticks with a man...

If God made gay and lesbian, we would not be here today, does that make sense ? But God ain't weird, but a natural...

I just don't know how anyone got into gay/lesbian/animals/kids, God did not made us like that, but the unseen Satan and the Devil who are the ruler of this world is the one who turns people against God to do whatever they wanted to do, this made God very sad.

I'm not against anyone who's different but I'am against their way of life that God does not approved of and I would wants God approval by not acceptin' people wrong lifestyle, but I do not hate them, it's their way I don't approved of, it's all I can say.

P.S. I've met many lesbian women from what I sees in them they are a wacko, many are so mess up which my husband said oh boy they are havin' a lesbian wars and I was like yep they are, I cannot explains their actions, it's so weird, I noticed many of them are suicidal and mentally illness, manic depressive, I was there and I have been here and there I've encounter the real lesbian women when I used to live in Las Vegas, oh gawd they all needed helps from a counselor very badly.

I have many friends who are lesbains and they are not weird nor wackos. They have jobs, responsibilities, bills, and enjoy life in different ways just liike straight people are. I havent met any lesbains that are out of control or whatever..sure some of them have issues from the past just like straight people do. Like, i have issues from being isolated in the past..I am sure there are lesbains that have different issues that they had to deal with in the past.

There are wacko straight people like Ted Bundy, the snipers, 911 terrorists...

I dont think anyone's sexual orienation has anything to do with their mental health state unless they have mental health issues from being ashamed of their sexuality. :dunno:
I dont think anyone's sexual orienation has anything to do with their mental health state unless they have mental health issues from being ashamed of their sexuality. :dunno:

Absolutely correct. As a matter of fact, over the course of the last 30 years or so, the American Psychiatric Association (APA), which writes, maintains and revises the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (now on it's 4th edition, the DSM-IV-TR) removed homosexuality as a disorder (mental or otherwise) in the early 70s, and again clarified their language in the late 80s. Indeed, the only diagnosis that has anything to do with homosexuality anymore is: "Sexual Disorder Not Otherwise Specified" for someone with "...persistent and marked distress about sexual orientation".

The post before yours, by Pepe LePew, is one of the more ignorant I've seen here, and honestly, it's not worth my time to correct the misconceptions espoused there, especially given all the God/Bible tripe.

To that poster, live in your bigoted little dream world if it suits you. People like you deserve to live in ignorance.
Excuse me shel90

Me and my man has seen and witnessed lesbian women in Las Vegas tryin' to kill themselves and hurts themselves and in the report the doctor said Suicidal are high risks in gay men and lesbian women also Professional Doctors says when a man practice anal sex and blow j and a woman practice masturbation & oral sex leads into mental illness, that what it said in the Reports, don't looks at me!!!

I have many friends who are lesbains and they are not weird nor wackos. They have jobs, responsibilities, bills, and enjoy life in different ways just liike straight people are. I havent met any lesbains that are out of control or whatever..sure some of them have issues from the past just like straight people do. Like, i have issues from being isolated in the past..I am sure there are lesbains that have different issues that they had to deal with in the past.

There are wacko straight people like Ted Bundy, the snipers, 911 terrorists...

I dont think anyone's sexual orienation has anything to do with their mental health state unless they have mental health issues from being ashamed of their sexuality. :dunno:
Me and my man has seen and witnessed lesbian women in Las Vegas tryin' to kill themselves and hurts themselves and in the report the doctor said Suicidal are high risks in gay men and lesbian women also Professional Doctors says when a man practice anal sex and blow j and a woman practice masturbation & oral sex leads into mental illness, that what it said in the Reports, don't looks at me!!!

U say that Doctors say that gay.lesbain sex leads to mental illness? Ok, I need sources for proof. Thank you.