Hi Everyone!!!


New Member
Jan 20, 2005
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How is everyone? I'm new here. I found this board while I was searching for information on ASL and deaf culture. It looks pretty cool so far. :)

Here is a little bit about me:
I am a college student majoring in psychology and education. My career goal is to open up a school for kids with all kinds of different needs, kids who have been failed by the public school system. As of now I am thinking that the school/program that I open will be geared mostly towards children who have a)emotional issues, b)behavioral problems, c)learning differences or some similar issues. It's going to have an educational part and a theraputic part to it... Anyways, sorry I am getting off track.

I guess I should tell you why I am here. I myself, am not deaf. Currently I am in ASL 101. My teacher has encouraged us to get in touch with members of the deaf community, to learn about the culture, and of course the language. So here I am! Of course there are many more reasons for my being here. As I mentioned before, I plan on running a school for children who have differences which cannot be addressed properly at a regular public school. The age group I plan to work with will be as young as about 3 years old. Part of the program for the younger children will be American Sign Language. I decided this because I have read many studies and heard a few personal stories of children who acted out, and were either labeled as mentally ill, or 'stupid'. Most of the kids could not talk or communicate using spoken language for reasons such as auditory processing / language processing difficulties, learning differences/developmental differences, emotional trauma, and similar issues. After learning ASL these same children who were once labeled 'mentally ill' or 'below average intelligence' became happy, normal children. Another great advantage to ASL is that children can learn it at a younger age, allowing them to communicate with others much earlier than if they waited until they learned to speak. So that is part of the reason I am going to have ASL be a part of my program. But first I have to learn it hehe

OK, this post is already too long so I guess I had better quit typing!

Bye 4 Now
Welcome here, neighbor!!!

I think your dreams are fantastic and truly hope that your dreams will be realized one day :)

Enjoy posting at AD, where you will find both silly and serious postings.

Cheers :)

Welcome to AD and enjoy your stay here ;)