Hey Hey =)


New Member
Nov 8, 2005
Reaction score
Well when I joined this website, I really did not introduce myself, so let me introduce myself =)

My name is Bryan Blaisdell, I'm 17 years old, I live in Rhode Island. I live with my mom, my dad, and my little brother. I have 2 pets, a cat and a hamster. I go to a community college of RI. I take a computer course there, PE, geology, and drawing2 (I could show some pictures of my drawings when I feel like to) But anyway, I love to play basketball, chilling with my friends, being on AIM, I love computers. Computer is my thing. If you ask people that knows me, "What does Bryan love to do?" They'd say "Being on the computer" Haha, I am really into Security/Networking/Exploiting. There were an exploit where I could have own this site, I told Alex about it and he did something =) nice administrator you got there. I remember I did the same thing to some forums like AIMForum, deafparent (why did deafparent turned into *********? heh), and other forums I can not think of, they wouldnt do anything so I just got them. When I was about 5 years old, I first went on the computer, I still remember what it looks like, it was some crappy apple mac computer, with OS3 I would say. Those tiny monitors haha. I have passed the Networking course in my hearing school 2 years ago. A++ Networking. I am thinking about to go to IT in one day. I have a girlfriend of my own, we have been together for more than a year. I love her so much =)

Well I guess I have introduced myself =P Have a nice day.

Hello Bryan,

Welcome to Alldeaf and enjoy your stay here ;)....
Nice signature image you got there, did you make that?...
Haha yeah, it isnt the best one =P I have made alot of signatures. I just like the looks of it (the one I have right now)
welcome i guess we will be seeing a lot of each other in the it fourms :wave:
Hi inVert :welcome: & enjoy AD! Your education in computer networking got my eyebrows raised... a very bright young student... keep it up the good work!
:wave: :welcome: It's my buddy Bryan!!!!!!!!!!!! Bryan it's Donna who used to work at the front desk at RISD. How on earth are you? It's so good to see you on this forum!!! It sounds like you are doing so well in college. I know you will become very successful in achieving your goals for your future. You have always been an intelligent, happy and talented young man.
Have a Happy New Year and welcome to Alldeaf. :ily: Good luck with your girlfriend, and may there be many happy times for both of you!!!