Hello, I too can hear.

Thank you for your kind words. I never realized how closed minded people were to others who were different until it was in my own area. Because of Bugg I found out how deaf people were being treated. I am one who will fight for what is right and right now I am trying to fight for equal opportunity day care. My daughter can't find a center for Bugg to go to when school is out because they are not equiped to handle his needs. I wish I had the money to open a daycare center for the deaf. Not just the children who can't hear but children of Deaf parents. I think it is important for all children to get proper care. Every parent has a right to know their child is safe. Well Thank you again and I am sorry to go off like that. I just feel it is important for everyone to have the same chance in life. God Bless.

No problem. You are most welcome. And I also thank you too. :D
Why Thank me? I didn't do anything. I just complained. But you are most welcome. I know how it is to have a (and I hate this word) disability. I have Multiple Sclerosis. I was raised to look at a person for who they are on the inside. I have a passion for those who need someone with a big mouth to help voice their needs.

I had the pleasure of hearing Bugg say I LOVE YOU....HURRAY!!!!!!!!!!! His is so cute and his voice is a blessing to hear. But I would give it all away if they could take from me what he needs and give it to him. I have had the pleasure of hearing the sounds of the world. If Bugg could hear us say I LOVE YOU, it would be worth it. I would give him all my hearing parts in a heart beat if it was possible.
Thank you for your kind words. I never realized how closed minded people were to others who were different until it was in my own area. Because of Bugg I found out how deaf people were being treated. I am one who will fight for what is right and right now I am trying to fight for equal opportunity day care. My daughter can't find a center for Bugg to go to when school is out because they are not equiped to handle his needs. I wish I had the money to open a daycare center for the deaf. Not just the children who can't hear but children of Deaf parents. I think it is important for all children to get proper care. Every parent has a right to know their child is safe. Well Thank you again and I am sorry to go off like that. I just feel it is important for everyone to have the same chance in life. God Bless.

Yea, my friend who has a deaf 3 year old struggles to find a daycare to meet her communication needs so I have worked hard with her in using my network in the Deaf community and found a qualified babysitter who is fluent in ASL to watch their daughter. I wanted her to watch my 2 year old son but no vacancy. Many people told me that since I foudn her, I should have priority but I told them that my son is hearing and he can go to either a spoken or signing environment and be fine but their daughter needs ASL so she takes priority over my son for a daycare with ASL. I would love for my son to go there but I gave up my space for their daughter. It is no sweat off my back.
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Your friendly neighbour. :lol:


EDIT: This is the altered one, the first one has url problems, apologies!
Where are you located? I might be able to help you out. Let me know as soon as possible so I can work on it. Thank you for your unselfishness too.