Hello hello!


New Member
Apr 6, 2009
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Hi there, I'm Pixel, and I'm hoh. :cheers:

I recently moved from the U.S. Midwest to the Deep South. The people speak very differently here, which has made me realize how much I was unconsciously relying on visual cues, context, and backwards-parsing to understand. There, I was able to piece together meaning most of the time (if the speaker was facing me and there wasn't a lot of background noise). Here, it's much harder.

I haven't taken any steps toward diagnosis yet, but I believe I have conductive hearing loss. My mom is convinced I have otosclerosis, because she and her mother had it. She might be right; the symptoms seem to fit.

But enough about that, it's only a little piece of who I am. I'm also an avid player of World of Warcraft... I'm married to an awesome guy... I love reading, middle eastern food, and my cats... I'm looking at getting back in school to study graphic design... and I'm glad to meet all of you! :D
:wave: Chips Ahoy and welcome aboard All Deaf Ms Pixel, you sweet lil ol jaw ja peach you, and allsome guy, from the deep south of upstate Florida on the right coast.
welcome, Pixel! I am in Midwest and also love Middle Eastern food:D
Welcome to AllDeaf, Pixie! :thumb:

I am in Georgia just barely outside of the Atlanta, area just minutes away from the Alabama state border. Like you, I am one of many non-natives here. :)
welcome! I know the change is incredible. My hearing isnt so awesome and I dont realize how much I read lips and expressions until I get on the phone or go visit my family in Tenessee..the worst is when they call up here! I am new too. but I hope you enjoy it.