Hello everyone :)


New Member
Jan 26, 2007
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Alright, so my name is Jocelyn but most people just call me Jocy. I am not deaf or hard of hearing but I am hoping that is alright, regardless of that, I just signed up for an ASL class and have always been intriqued with ASL. I recently started reading For Hearing People Only which is an amazing book in my person opinion and it has inspired me to learn more about deaf culture. Now, I will be attending some deaf events but because I do not know enough presently to make much of a coversation peice, I decided I would look up "deaf chat" on google and then I stumbled across this forum and thought it would be a joy to meet you all and communicate like this, for now. I started learning some ASL from my two friends(one is deaf and one is her translator) a few years ago and ever since I wanted to be a translator and when I discovered I was terrible with learning Spanish I thought perhaps I'd be good at ASL and of course, I love it. It's a wonderful, unique way of communication and I enjoy it so much. Anyways, like I said my name is Jocy. Um, my hobbies inculde dance, horseback ridding, ASL, fly fishing, camping, playing pool, and playing soccer. I love phislospohy and writing. I've been writing poetry, short stories, and personal narritaves since before I can remember. Anyways, thats a pretty long introuduction so i'll stop now and if you want to know more, feel free to ask. I look forward to meeting everyone! :)
Hello Jocelyn,

Welcome to Alldeaf and enjoy your stay here :) ....
Welcome to AD, Jocy! :) Everyone is welcome -- hearing, hard of hearing, deaf and deafblind, so feel free to jump right in! :) You'll quickly discover that this is a wonderful place to ask questions about Deaf culture and ASL. By the way, I think it's great that you're learning ASL! Again, welcome!
Thank you, I wasn't sure at first, but now I am :)
It seems like a nice place..pleasure to make your aquantince :)
:welcome: To All Deaf JocyBear!!
I'm hearing also, so your not alone:)
Have Fun Posting &
Enjoy Your Stay Here:thumb:
Opps duplicate threads I see, may want to ask the mods to merge these 2 together:)
:wave: Herzlich Willkommen in AD!

yeaaaaa, i agree JLFWildKat that you are not alone :)
i hope you enjoyed here.
:welcome: to Alldeaf! Have fun browsing and posting! :)
Hello and welcome to Alldeaf! Nice and interesting introduction...you stated you like to write, hopefully you'll be able to share some of that here in AD, also, I knew the person/author of the book you've mentioned. Anyhow, hope you'll enjoy your stay here in AD! :)

Have a great day! :wave:

Thank you deaf_chick_20 and tweetybird :)
welcome then to you too deaf_chick_20 :D