Hello! Deaf gamer here!


New Member
Apr 3, 2009
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It is good to know that there is such a forum on the internet! What really interested me was when I saw the word "subtitle mods for videogames", so I decided to check it out! Thought I should join this forum and see whats up

Now to tell ya bout myself, I'm 16 years old and I live in Alabama right now..I was born completely deaf in my right ear and I lost alot of hearing in my left because of all the ear infections and pain I had when I was a baby. When I turned 14, I started losing hearing I didn't know why, I started using my hearing aid so I could hear and I still do! I've always wanted to go stem cell research, because I didn't like implants or devices..I didn't like the way people started treating me when I wore my hearing aid, they still treat me like crap and I am in high school. I don't think anyone will ever get mature enough to realise everyone is different and deal with it.

I don't have many friends, thats why I chose to start gaming because I really had nothing else to do. I moved from Sega Genesis-Ps1-PC-Ps2/Psp- and now back to PC, probably going to stick with it. I enjoy PC gaming more because I have alot more friends online than I do real life, someone actually cares and doesn't send me bad messgs because the way I am.

If anyone wants to play any FPS, simulation, strategy and if it's about WWII It's more likely I have the game, so hit me up on Xfire (ddempsey93) and kick some butt on multi sometime!

See ya later! :wave:
What game do you play for PC? I play World of Warcraft :)
dude seriously i know how u feel on the front of not wanting to ware aids on your ears dude. Neather did i ever want to use them because i would feel like the "social outcast" in high school. After high school though i came to my own conclusion that people can be crule and heartless beasts who care nothing more then to make life seem better for themselves. Coming out of high school was a shock for most people... real life hit hard and fast. I myself am a HOH gamer ... i have loads of hearing loss that seems to flux. I play games like fear combat and i also make my own maps for the game. I like you have alot of time to spend on the computer just learning about things so I take time out of my day to build multiplayer maps for fear combat. I also play other FPS games such as crossfire... yet another freebie i like to play when i get time. Anytime u want to talk im always on yahoo messenger under the same user name.
:hmm: Thanks for the warm welcome! I love to play Silent Hunter III, my fav sim, and yet the best FPS Call of Duty 4 and Red Orchestra Ostfront 41-45! I have every game out of the Medal of Honor, Call of Duty, and Brothers in Arms series, including ps1, ps2, psp, and the PC. GTA IV is also my fav game of all time, so if you ever want to talk about more gaming,

just add my xfire

Welcome to AllDeaf! :D