Hearing gal from SE CT


New Member
Sep 10, 2008
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Hello everyone, my name is Janice. I am taking the Interpreter program at Northwestern CT Community College about 100 miles away from where I live in New London, CT. (Am I crazy? I do wonder sometimes.) I am starting ASL 1 and Deaf Culture, and I took a basic 4-week course at ASD in West Hartford, to see if I was even doing the right thing, and fell in love with the language!

I've also been surprised - or maybe not - as a lesbian, to see some similarities in deaf and gay cultures, mostly in terms of the oppression both have faced from the "majority culture". I guess it shouldn't be a surprise - oppression is oppression no matter how you slice it.

I do want to learn as much as I can about the culture. I just finished Bernard Bragg's autobiography and enjoyed it very much - unfortunately, I missed a chance to see him perform last Saturday in West Hartford!

I enjoyed Ligby's thread below - like her, I need to immerse myself in the culture, and attend deaf events, deaf clubs, etc and so forth. (I know how that must sound, so forgive me!) Everything in CT for the deaf seems oriented to West Hartford and the Western side of the state - a long way for me to drive! So I'm looking for Deaf events, etc on the eastern side of the state, or Rhode Island perhaps.

I'm very interested too in the experience of gays and lesbians who are Deaf (or is that Deaf who are gay and lesbian?) I had never thought about the double-oppressions they must have to face until I starting learning about ASD!

thank you for having me here, and if I make a mistake don't hesitate to correct my ignorance. I'd rather know than not know!
:welcome: to AD! Enjoy your stay here! :)
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I hope you enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. Have fun with us. See you around. :wave:
I enjoyed Ligby's thread below - like her, I need to immerse myself in the culture, and attend deaf events, deaf clubs, etc and so forth.

Hey, I'm famous now:cool2:! Welcome to AllDeaf. It's a very friendly place to hang out.
Thank you all very much! It seems like a very friendly place and interesting - a lot of opinions. (Sometimes the textbooks make it sound like the Deaf World is a monolith where everyone thinks alike - but they do that to any "community" I suppose - gay, black, feminist, whathaveyou.

RedSatinDoll, Welcome!! Love the name!

Confession, shellanders - I think it was (unconsciously) inspired by the red satin gown "Satine" wears in Moulin Rouge (my favorite movie and my favorite actress, Nicole Kidman.)

Ligby, it was that whole "misspelling" discussion that burned your onscreen name in my brain forever, I think.
Ligby, it was that whole "misspelling" discussion that burned your onscreen name in my brain forever, I think.[/QUOTE]

don't think...know...Burn my onscreen name in your brain f o r e v e r!:ty:

I'd have my name changed legally to" Libgby", but it's actually a nickname for Elizabeth! Well, Libby is, but whatever.