Have the Jehovah Witness people come to your door?

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There are plently of Deaf/HH JW here where I live and I have my own belief in God. They (knows sign language) do come to my door and I tell them that I am not interested and please do not bother. Still they come, over and over til I sold my house and got my peace!!! LOL really that is not the main reason LOL
fw001 said:
Hmm, I'm not really religious.. I've been baptized, and i've been a member of a mormon church, and have read a few other religions, smile.

One thing I've come to realize, is that almost all of them have the same end goal - to join a greater thing at the end of your life. But oddly enough, each of them claims the other as the wrong religion. Some not so much in words, but by the general sense that the scripture or the people involved in said religion instills in us..

So the conclusion that I've come to, is that all religion is a farce. Bear with me a minute - SUppose, that at one time in history, there existed someone who was either really really smart (Reference: Rain man of scientific perception), or really insane (Reference: Wacko, Texas and others), who convinced people of certain things. And our lack of understanding of how things work lead us to believe them, and we turned it into a religion, which was then carried down our respetive bloodlines, with each generation not knowing any better, and either killing disbelievers in the name of god, or otherwise instilling fear or making questioning of the religion voodoo.. Or something along the lines of what I've described here. NOBODY in the entire world, not even the pope, can offer concrete proof of any religion actually being de-facto, nor prove that there is a higher being, a heaven, a hell, or anything in between. They can quote scripture and claim the white speckles they see at the corners of their eyes are angels, all they want.. but at the end of the day, it's all hearsay.

Yeah Yeah, I know there's lots of people out there who'll claim they've seen angels, spoken to god, prayed and had family or friends healed.. "miracles".. But look at the news, look at stories people say in papers, magazines, books.. EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM mentions god and praying at least ONCE, especially if the person lives. No books or magazines mentino god or prayer if the subject dies. It's like, society is saying "you better mention prayer or god and be thankful that you survived, or we'll all hate your guts!". People feel obliged to say things, even if its not true. Hell, I bet more than half of them are probabaly thinking "sh*t, i should have screwed her in high school!" moments before they think they're gonna die.. not "oh god, forgive me for all my sins.. i repent! i repent!" .. that is, if they think anything at all.

But it's not to say that religion is bad. Religion is GOOD, to a level. I'd hate to think what the world would be like today without religion.. And to imagine how many of our laws that protect us from harm that probably wouldnt exist, either.

I just think that religion is overly abused (Just think of all those homosexual catholic priests!), forced upon us through family, culture, and other social heirarchies. And last, but not least, religion no longer has any real weight in the world's powers any more. Bush certainly claims his strength is in god, but I doubt he's sending soldiers to iraq for god, increasing our taxes for god, or anything else at all that he's done in office since he took oath, for that matter. It's all just a verbal mask in which to hide behind, to justify (either to the people, or to themselves) that what they're doing is right.

Soo, that ends my 2 cents on the subject. My advice to you: Someone knocks on your door, regardless of the religion they're preaching, invite them in.. make them coffee.. offer them cake.. then preach the hell out of them, instead of them to you, and see if you can't convince them that their religion is wrong, that they're doing a sin. If you dont actually convince them, you'll certainly scare the hell out of the entire group. (I guarantee you they'll quip up during their next groupie and tell the story!) It's more fun than slamming doors in their faces, smile.

Alternatively, you could buy a satanic book and when they show up, just put it on the coffee table and invite them in.. watch them get all worked up and shaking! :rl: :naughty:

Good post! I agree with you. I've noticed that most people follow the same religion that their parents follow. Religion seems to be something that is taught, but forced at the same time.

I also noticed that a lot of deafies have strayed from their parents' religion as they get older. That's one big reason why Jehovah's Witness and Mormons tend to target these groups... because they're without religion and easy to 'brainwash'. (Yes, these groups have admitted it to me... by accident. ;))

When I talk to people of the Christian religion, they claim that their religion is the one true religion and that they make up for the majority of all religions. Yet, statistics show that Christianity makes up for 30% of all religions. Muslim makes up for 60%. Now, which religion is correct... Christianity or Muslim?
If you look at the way all religion is taught, you'll notice that what they all have in common is... propaganda. Propaganda is when information is spread for the purpose of promoting some cause or in this case, religion.
At least I'll add the "No Solicitors that included JWs"
I won't be rude to JW, I would just listen and let them give me some papers. And let them go on... that is all.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
I won't be rude to JW, I would just listen and let them give me some papers. And let them go on... that is all.
:roll: :sure:
*Me in Nozobo's house, FARTINGGGGGGG", Nozobo quickly open the door to let smelly fume out, and Jevohah Witness walks in and says, "oh that was quick, I only rang once."
Originally Posted by Liebling:)))
Simple is ask them to not come ever again because you are not interested.

jazzy said:
Yes we did and they still come here even I asked them to remove our name from their listen.

Yes, I agreed with Jazzy, it won't work as it seems because I asked them in first place to remove mine from their list, and told them why they ignored me again.

Their response is "We wondering if you change your mind about the world, and see how bad Hurricane Katrina is etc etc!!!! How do you think blah blah blah..............Zzz Zzzzz ZZZZzzzz"
Miss*Pinocchio said:
*Me in Nozobo's house, FARTINGGGGGGG", Nozobo quickly open the door to let smelly fume out, and Jevohah Witness walks in and says, "oh that was quick, I only rang once."
I wont even let you in our house... in fact if you come in... I'll tell my cats to sic you so good luck!
VamPyroX said:

Good post! I agree with you. I've noticed that most people follow the same religion that their parents follow. Religion seems to be something that is taught, but forced at the same time.

Parent's passing their faith on to their children does not mean they are forced to believe it. Sure, some religions do force their kids to follow, but not all.

I also noticed that a lot of deafies have strayed from their parents' religion as they get older. That's one big reason why Jehovah's Witness and Mormons tend to target these groups... because they're without religion and easy to 'brainwash'. (Yes, these groups have admitted it to me... by accident. ;))

That is true.

When I talk to people of the Christian religion, they claim that their religion is the one true religion and that they make up for the majority of all religions. Yet, statistics show that Christianity makes up for 30% of all religions. Muslim makes up for 60%. Now, which religion is correct... Christianity or Muslim?

What was that quote? "80% of statistics are made up..." Obviously if you believe your numbers are correct then we would like to see your source. FWIW, your numbers are wrong.
nozobo said:
I wont even let you in our house... in fact if you come in... I'll tell my cats to sic you so good luck!

I'll briing my little dog and eat them up!!!!
Miss*Pinocchio said:
I'll briing my little dog and eat them up!!!!

yeah bring in your soo :greddy: dog in and our neighbor will kick ur dog ass
When JW came to my door few times in the last 4 years, I told them that, "I was born and raised Catholic. Thank you for stopped by and good bye." They didn't bother me after that.
Any one know the addresses of Health and Momoftwo? Please inform JW to knock their doors.....
Yeah we have JW volunteers with us and the hard part is they dont help us with holiday related fundraisers.

On the other hand it would give them a taste of their own medicene. Can we send one to Crazymanwoot as well?
I'm FINE with Christianity.....but I don't like people telling me that I MUST follow THEIR way of thinking b/c their religion and take on Christianity is the ONLY RIGHT WAY, and people who think otherwise then them, are not following the right way. I appreciate that they want to win souls, and that they are sincere about it. Nothing wrong with that.....it's just the mentality that b/c I am not a Christian of their stripe I am hellbound.
Seems to me nobody's being too civil on either side here, reading some of the comments... :(
Willy said:
Yeah, many times they came to my door to look for deaffies to go to their church. Even though if Jehovah Witness people are deaf who came to my door, I still slam the door -- they absousblety have no respect.

Hmmm....no, Willy, they do not always look for deafies. They also look for HEARING people as well to try and interest us in their bibles and pamphlets. They bother us a lot of times until I decided to slam the door. My words to them doesn't make any difference: Please go away, I'm not interested. Please do not bother us, we're eating!!!! (they comes at noon where we have LUNCH!!!) Please stop bothering or I'll call the cops. So the final word: SLAM the door. Other tenants followed by slamming their doors as well. It works. Two years and they haven't come.

As for LDS, if they bother me, I would report them to the bishops. Bishops are very nice persons and we talked about it, so they told them to stop bothering us. And they haven't come.

I get tired when we eat something and our suppers get interrupted because they choose the wrong times to bother people while people are eating or working on homeworks or resting from a hard day work. It doesn't give them the right to bother people.

I'm in no mood to be bothered at all, call me grumpy. :D However, I do not hate their religion but their bothering people got to be stopped. It's a person's decision to join or not.
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