have any1 ever dealt with a VERY rude hearie qq

Fly Free

New Member
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
like for example --

a hearie try to "pretend" theyre Deaf and try to "talk" to u and laugh and BS like that qq

THAT is one of the many things that PEEVES the hell out of me among other things *rme* at hearies
Originally posted by Fly Free
like for example --

a hearie try to "pretend" theyre Deaf and try to "talk" to u and laugh and BS like that qq

THAT is one of the many things that PEEVES the hell out of me among other things *rme* at hearies

yikes steffie - well for me ..... hearies always seems to pay attention to me :dunno: lol maybe they loved me LOL
Yea sometimes that happends to me. They found it funny until I talk shit to them and they went :shock: I seriously hate that.

BTW whats qq I see that alot in your posts.
Originally posted by Wolfboy
Yea sometimes that happends to me. They found it funny until I talk shit to them and they went :shock: I seriously hate that.

BTW whats qq I see that alot in your posts.

the qq is same as ?? -- im lazy -- its really TTY jargon from the old days of using TTY and never quite started to use the ?? go figure LOL -- i just find using the qq easier than shift and ? u know what i mean qq hahahahah i even use it in the AOL Deaf chatroom too oh well :D
Originally posted by Fly Free
the qq is same as ?? -- im lazy -- its really TTY jargon from the old days of using TTY and never quite started to use the ?? go figure LOL -- i just find using the qq easier than shift and ? u know what i mean qq hahahahah i even use it in the AOL Deaf chatroom too oh well :D

Ah I see now. Thanks for explaining. I never used the TTY before. I can hear the phone fine.
I despise hearies staring for long hours at me, but i know little kids aren't aware of deafies as opposed to hearies staring the living shit outa me UGH at them! *stares back at the dumbass hearies*:shock:
lol when I was workin at a drugstore some elders wud think I'm not deaf cuz I said I ain't deaf and they go I ain't deaf.. sheesh that peeves the hell out of me but ah I'll live :D
no........never happened to me, but I hate when they find out I am deaf they ask so many questions..

but I have been faced with rude deafies before......

it goes both ways.......
Yes, I have dealt with idiot hearing people before. RME at them. They are dorks anyway.
Originally posted by javapride
I despise hearies staring for long hours at me, but i know little kids aren't aware of deafies as opposed to hearies staring the living shit outa me UGH at them! *stares back at the dumbass hearies*:shock:

:laugh2: i remmy what u did with the hearies somewhere i forgot where we were on that road trip *thinking* but i was :laugh2: :laugh2: once i understood what was wrong LOL
Phat.. look at BbNut's sig...

Plus I love hearies bc they dont mess w/ me and I got their attention lol... really, yea it happened to me before and I actually "bitchslapped" them- and always had hearie boyfriends in the past- so what else can i do?
Well, that used to happen quite a bit back when I was in like, say...middle school or something. However, one day I got sick of it, and I... well, snapped.

Ever since then, I've pretty much had the respect of the people around here. I respect them, and they respect me, it's all good. Now, there are a small handful who just don't get it. But here, let me give you some advice, well, it's how I take care of this kinda stuff anyway --

Talk to him/her. Reason with them, now, 90% of the time, this never works, but if it does, it'll save you some trouble. However, if it doesn't work, punch him. Hard. Just give him or her (if you're a girl) a good punch in the cheekbone with your good arm, the follow it with an uppercut to the jaw with your weak arm.

If they get back up, beat 'em. Even if you get beat up, you still showed that you were going to stand up for yourself, and that you aren't gonna take it anymore.
Originally posted by BabyPhat21
then you will not have any interpreters or operators (for relay)
If you shot all hearies, then you wouldn't need relay operators or interpreters....there would be any you would need to communicate to. Then again *thinking* I wouldn't be typing this post if there were no hearing also. :shock:
Originally posted by prostock19
If you shot all hearies, then you wouldn't need relay operators or interpreters....there would be any you would need to communicate to. Then again *thinking* I wouldn't be typing this post if there were no hearing also. :shock:

Yeah that would be a good idea. It would be easier world for us know why ? :-o IT IS DEAFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF WORLD!!!!!!!!!

Deafies rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)