gross fast food stories

I was eating at Taco Bell with a friend...I saw something dangling from his soft taco so I pointed at it and asked him, "What's that?"
He said, "I dunno." So he opened it to get a good look.

It was a tiny baby mouse.

It was its tail that I saw hanging out.

And if you must know...yes, it was dead.
Nice story. ;)
Yummy! Whopper is the fu*king delicious hamburger and I cant get enough of it.
I was being sarcastic...

I was simply pointing out that just because it happened at one Burger King doesn't mean we should boycott all Burger Kings.

It's like those Target/Blockbuster boycotts. When a deaf person complains that they weren't hired by Blockbuster/Target, everyone else jumps in saying that they won't go to Blockbuster or Target anymore. It only happened by that one manager at that one location.

That particular Burger King probably happened to get a bad shipment or didn't cook their food properly. It was probably that one day that it happened. It was probably the person who ate the food, not the food itself. Maybe, that person ate or drank something else that conflicted with the food from Burger King.

I've seen people end up at the hospital cuz they drank a particular kind of beer. Others suddenly said, "OMG! Don't drink that beer! It's bad! You'll go to the hospital if you do!" Seriously, the reason why this person was puking foam was because she was binge drinking... probably 20 bottles of beer in a few hours on an empty stomach. She was lucky to be alive.

Some people have no common sense. I always check my food to see if it s being cooked or not. Or looking for something that is unusual in your meal.

The key thing is take everything in moderate. If you know fast food is bad for your health, dont eat it everyday duh. Same thing with alcohol, dont drink it everyday. Jeebus.
Some people have no common sense. I always check my food to see if it s being cooked or not. Or looking for something that is unusual in your meal.

The key thing is take everything in moderate. If you know fast food is bad for your health, dont eat it everyday duh. Same thing with alcohol, dont drink it everyday. Jeebus.

Sounds logical :)
Hey moderator, let's change the subject from gross fast food stories to delicious fast food stories. :afro:
I refuse to eat at any McDonalds, BK, Carl's, IHOP, Taco Bell, Denny's etc...

I cooked at an Applebee's for a series of years and was appalled by some of the shortcuts and other violations of procedure that certain employees would employ. In fact, by the end of my 3+ year tenure, I too had taken some of these steps into commonplace. Now I do not claim that this restaurant ranks highly in terms of quality, but even at a non-fast food establishment the enforcement of proper policy is to say the least extremely loose.

The less the employees receive in pay, the less motivated they are to complete their given tasks in manners that are most often more time-consuming. The lower the costs being paid, the more the emphasis becomes on speed and quantity rather than quality. At a certain level, almost all attempts at quality are lost; yet numerous people return on a regular basis.

Until we prove that we'll settle for better, almost everything seen in the movie Waiting and similar media productions have a strong element of truth in them.

From the lowest establishments I have contracted food poisioning only twice; however, were it not for my complete refusal of these low-grade establishments I am sure that the number of illnesses acquired would be much greater.

If only quality and convinience could strike a balance...
NUMBER ONE ,THAT I HATE TACO BELL! :shock: ... I prefer goes to Private family Mexico restaurant Period!:giggle: :)
Ugh... I got horrid food poisoning from a sausage biscuit at chik fil a once. I lost a lot of weight. I held nothing down for four days, my parents had been trying to get me to visit my sister. When I vomited hour after hour into the fifth day, they realized I needed help...
I had a shot up my butt that made me numb and sleepy.
I love drugs.
I ate a chicken from KFC that had plastic wrapper cooked inside the meat. It was mildly confusing and gross. This was all before I went vegetarian. I'm pretty glad I don't eat meat or fast food after all these stories :eek3:
NUMBER ONE ,THAT I HATE TACO BELL! :shock: ... I prefer goes to Private family Mexico restaurant Period!:giggle: :)
Why do you hate Taco Bell?

I just had dinner there earlier tonight. *burps* Yum, great dinner! ;)
Why do you hate Taco Bell?

I just had dinner there earlier tonight. *burps* Yum, great dinner! ;)

Chipotle or Moe's is far much better than Taco Bell. Burritos and tacos from Taco Bell are pieces of sh!t. But it sucks that T.B is only mexican restaurant that open until 4am.
Oh I know... This was before I became the huge animal activist I am now. I've worked on 3 of those protests and I can't imagine eating there now... blech!

I often wonder what can we do about chicken cruelty. There are millions people who love to eat chicken or other meats. What should we do with killing chickens? Put them to sleep or pampering 'em before we butcher 'em? up? Dont tell us to go veg bec we can't live without meats period.