gross fast food stories

You don't need to quit eating fast food. Just be open minded. When you buy something from a restaurant, you don't know what is inside the meal that you are eating, or how the meal was handled, etc. As a precaution, you could avoid eating food that contains chicken or ham during hot days.

Making meals yourself is always better (technically) - at least you know what you are eating. But, sometimes it can be such a hassle to cook something when you can buy it from the shop. :)

There's nothing wrong with eating at fast food restaurants... as long as you don't eat there too much, eat the same thing over and over, get the unhealthy foods, etc.

It's Wednesday evening. I'm hungry for something small. I haven't eaten out for several weeks. So, I decide to stop by a local McDonalds and eat a double cheeseburger. There's nothing wrong with that.

Every night, I go to McDonalds and order two double cheeseburgers, a large Coke, and a large order of fries. Now, that's bad.
I like Burger King. :)

It was probably a one-time thing or maybe there was a conflict with something else you ate.
First of all, I am sorry to hear about this. I never have any experience like that.

I don't go to any junk/fast resturants and don't do anything with junk foods.
Yupp, Burger King is very juicy ;)

Agree, as my own experience being as a dishes washer, I see so much of greasy.... Thick greasy...

Of course, I prefer BK's taste over McDonald's taste.
Have you read this book at all? It's really good.
French fries came from the spoiled/frozen "no-good" potatoes, and McDonalds call it as America's best french fries. Why is there a yellow/red color on the McDonalds as their logo? Because you can see it that far when you are about 3 miles away. :eek3:

Actually the reason behind the yellow/red logo is because people tend to be drawn towards restraunts and food that are packaged in red/yellow packaging or advertised with red/yellow than foods that are packaged in blue or green. So it's not that so you can see it 3miles away it's because subconciously people like the red/yellow so in that fact mcdonalds is very smart
aha! Fast food is not always the problem with food
poisonings for as i can attest to it!
I cant remember what year it was for sure, i think it was like
in 2000 or 2001, my hubby and i went out to eat at this new
restaurant that just opened in our former town, i ordered
a steak, baked potatoe, salad and a drink. My hubby ordered
lobster dinner and a salad with a drink. Well, after we got home
about an hour later, i got real bad stomach thing
i knew, i was pukin and had diarrhea so bad...had to go to the
emergency room...we suspect it was that steak i ate that might
be tainted or somthing....oh boy, i never, ever went back to
that restaurant again...:ugh3:
Oh we dont like Burger King...eeeEEEEeWWwwww! LOL! We rarely
do go to any fast food restaurants. We prefer to go good restaurants and some Buffets. My hubby has to watch what he eats now since he got more junk food for him but he will get a burger and a small fries at McDonalds once in a great while like once a month which is ok. I will get
a salad there which is pretty good, heh.
Actually the reason behind the yellow/red logo is because people tend to be drawn towards restraunts and food that are packaged in red/yellow packaging or advertised with red/yellow than foods that are packaged in blue or green. So it's not that so you can see it 3miles away it's because subconciously people like the red/yellow so in that fact mcdonalds is very smart

Yup, I've read that the color, red, triggers, hunger pains from deep within our psyche.
I just had a cheeseburger from Burger King today for lunch. I'm still alive. ;)
You don't need to quit eating fast food. Just be open minded. When you buy something from a restaurant, you don't know what is inside the meal that you are eating, or how the meal was handled, etc. As a precaution, you could avoid eating food that contains chicken or ham during hot days.

Making meals yourself is always better (technically) - at least you know what you are eating. But, sometimes it can be such a hassle to cook something when you can buy it from the shop. :)

I almost agree with you. But I trying to avoid fast-food restaurants except
Milio's Sub Sandwiches, Red Lobster, or buffet.

I feel like I am struggle with our food from groceries that them are prices
go up. I hate those prices would go to up. I will carefully looking at the prices, if it get higher or price is expensive than I am expect, I will not buying as ignore them with high prices
including Ice Cream, Potato Chips with dip, and/or Kraft Cheese so I use
Crystal Farm cheese with low price.

I want to tell you: Last night, I cooked Spam with grill through the pan on the stove, after that,
I used with cheese, cabbage remove from salad pack (because I can't find lettuce) and mustard so it's good as burger. But I don't have tomatoes
or onions. Dang!
I just had a cheeseburger from Burger King today for lunch. I'm still alive. ;)

:ugh3: I don't want to hear about that. Just kidding. But, I must respect you anyways. Oh well. I can't have to argue about that. I feel happy for you are okay. :)
I think Burger King is worst than McDonald's.

Lol- That is my opinion. :cool:



Me neither. But I love Burger King for breakfast: Crossiant Sandwich with egg/cheese, and french toast with a maple syrup comes with orange juice.
I just had a cheeseburger from Burger King today for lunch. I'm still alive. ;)

Lets see what happens within 24 hours. It may start off with high fever, , severe headache, muscle, joint, or abdominal pain, severe weakness and exhaustion, sore throat, nausea, and dizziness.

Then it may progress to more serious symptoms, such as diarrhea, dark or bloody feces, vomiting blood, red eyes due to distention and hemorrhage of sclerotic arterioles, petechia, maculopapular rash, and purpura. Other secondary symptoms include hypotension, hypovolemia, tachycardia, organ damage (especially the kidneys, spleen, and liver) as a result of disseminated systemic necrosis, and proteinuria.

Do you feel lucky? :)
:ugh3: I don't want to hear about that. Just kidding. But, I must respect you anyways. Oh well. I can't have to argue about that. I feel happy for you are okay. :)
I was being sarcastic...

I was simply pointing out that just because it happened at one Burger King doesn't mean we should boycott all Burger Kings.

It's like those Target/Blockbuster boycotts. When a deaf person complains that they weren't hired by Blockbuster/Target, everyone else jumps in saying that they won't go to Blockbuster or Target anymore. It only happened by that one manager at that one location.

That particular Burger King probably happened to get a bad shipment or didn't cook their food properly. It was probably that one day that it happened. It was probably the person who ate the food, not the food itself. Maybe, that person ate or drank something else that conflicted with the food from Burger King.

I've seen people end up at the hospital cuz they drank a particular kind of beer. Others suddenly said, "OMG! Don't drink that beer! It's bad! You'll go to the hospital if you do!" Seriously, the reason why this person was puking foam was because she was binge drinking... probably 20 bottles of beer in a few hours on an empty stomach. She was lucky to be alive.
Lets see what happens within 24 hours. It may start off with high fever, , severe headache, muscle, joint, or abdominal pain, severe weakness and exhaustion, sore throat, nausea, and dizziness.

Then it may progress to more serious symptoms, such as diarrhea, dark or bloody feces, vomiting blood, red eyes due to distention and hemorrhage of sclerotic arterioles, petechia, maculopapular rash, and purpura. Other secondary symptoms include hypotension, hypovolemia, tachycardia, organ damage (especially the kidneys, spleen, and liver) as a result of disseminated systemic necrosis, and proteinuria.

Do you feel lucky? :)
*body shaking*

*explosive diarrhea*


Argh! My head! It hurts! My gums are bleeding!

I'M DYING!!! Argh!

Just kidding. I'm still here. :)
Ya know I agree with what Vampy is saying but just the fact that the majority of this thread is about E. Coli from Burger King makes me NOT want to eat anything, especially BK, lol.

But the one time I did have food poisoning was when I was on my way to Stuttgart, AR to visit Mack's Prairie Wings and I stopped over in Hazen at a gas station to get gas and a quick bite to eat. I bought my gas and ordered some chicken, I ate it on the way to Macks, and I felt fine, but about 2 hours later I felt like shit. I ended up going to the ER for food poisioning, luckily it wasnt a severe case of it, but it was bad, and I felt awful. I had to stay overnightin ER rather than the hotel room I had bought for the night, and I didnt get much rest. After I checked out of the ER, I said screw it my weekends blown and I still feel miserable, so I loaded up and went back to D-ville and ended up doing nothing but sleeping for the next 3 days because I was just zonked out from the whole thing. Needless to say I have avoided that particular gas station ever since.
oh, dear lord,

Haven't any one of you seen Super Size me? That film inspired me to stop eating out at fast food restaurants, with the exception of In-n-Out. I've been Mcdonald-free for over four years and am damn proud of it.