Greetings to you all...


New Member
Sep 17, 2008
Reaction score
Hi there!!

I found you guys whilst looking for info on CI's, so what the hell....I signed up.

I have had a decent browse of the site and clearly its the only place to be!!!

I wear 2 x HA's (see I'm into the the jargon already!!), have had hearing probs since birth but it is slowly deteriorating so thats not good!!....except I can hear and clearly there are loads of ppl who can't hear a I'm not gonna moan about it.....or maybe I will! :roll:

Nice to meet you all. :wave::wave::wave:

Welcome to! I am sure there is pleny of CI related topics you can read and make friends in there as well! :)

Enjoy your stay!
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. Are you bragging that you can hear better than we are. Pfft. Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. Have fun with us. See you around. :wave:
Welcome to alldeaf. And yes, there are some very helpful people here when it comes to CI's. The ones I have found are not just helpful, but go out of their way to give you an unbiased opinion on the subject. And, they back it up with knowledge they have gained not only through their own experiences, but from others that they have talked to, met or read blogs on.
Hello there!

Firstly welcome to, where a lot of deaf, hearing impaired and hearing members roam around the forum making friends, and discuss anything related to the sections on the forum.

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Or just general chat? Where you can put anything you want to discuss with the other AD’ers

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If you have a problem - . We have moderators around and they are Jolie77, ~SG~, VamPyroX and the site admin, Alex

There will be more new moderators coming soon

They can help you whenever you need them.

I hope you enjoy your stay!

Your friendly neighbour. :lol:
