

New Member
Nov 25, 2006
Reaction score
How many golfers here? how often you play? avg score or handicap index if you have one? equipment?

I play about 2-3 times a week, sometimes more... (it's gonna be my career).. i avg in mid 90's currently... just started it seriously abt 2 years ago... long way to go, lol. play with ben hogan apex plus irons, hogan colonial wedges and big ben driver 3wood and 2 and 3 hybrids... putter is baby ben...

I'm retired from softball and basketball...
I was on the high school golf team for 2 years. I quited, so, I can more time worked on JROTC. But it was fun and....frustrated. lol Right now, I'd considing to play golf again just for fun.
When it's warm here in Salt Lake, I play 1-2 times a week. In winter I go down to Las Vegas or Mesquite NV a couple times to play. I'm a 10-12 handicapper- hasn't changed in years though. Wished I could get a little better, but still love to play whenever I can.
Well I am play mini golf and golf Range sometimes in summer... Because I forget how golf its been 10 years ago so My pro golfer friend and I will go practice this summer.
i do like play golf but im not lots of play golf

my mom's family play golf very big strong golfers! since my late grandfather's pass away in 1976 so after him i play golf for him make him more proud but my grandmother learn from me to play the uncle my mom's brother is pro golfer.

im tell you the truth! you should play golf for the families! if your grandfather's pass away they would be proud for him!
I played golf 2-3 times a month but have not played in 6 months due to cancer treatment. But I am back on my feet now and plan to start playing again next spring. I carry a 16 handicap and shoot in the high 80's -low 90's. Been playing for 20 years and I still love it. There's an old saying about golfers who are hooked on the game of golf. " I hate this f*#@ing game but I can't wait to play again tomorrow" :cool:
I wish there is some golf league for deafblind in Minnesota but oh well. I do help out at 3M Championship since last aug, so I am looking forward to again in 2007!
My gf likes playing golf. She's not serious in it, just for fun. Her father plays some serious golf, though.