God, I'm so sick


New Member
Jul 30, 2008
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I'm pretty sure the way I feel is partly because of the crap I've had to endure during the last week. I've never been in such a big mess in my life and I'm humiliated and I feel like the world is crashing down on me emotionally, physically, and financially. Not to mention the person I'd been confiding in about all this (my stepmother) is going out of town to visit her mother for several days and I'll be stuck with my dad (who doesn't want to talk about anything). I've been beside myself with having to be thrown into an entirely different environment after 14 months, and not only that, but having to deal with the breakup of a serious relationship and being a victim of domestic violence at the hands of someone I thought loved me. My head has been killing me for 4 days now, and I've been so sick at my stomach. Nothing is helping me get better......
Take it one day at a time.

Actually take one minute at a time at this moment of desperation, it sounds like you are extremely overwhelmed.

Have you tried going to therapy? What about surrendering all of your woes to your definiton of Higher Power - whatever it may be ?

Actually take one minute at a time at this moment of desperation, it sounds like you are extremely overwhelmed.

Have you tried going to therapy? What about surrendering all of your woes to your definiton of Higher Power - whatever it may be ?


Actually both of those I have done and both are working for me. I've seen therapists off and on for years and have one I like right now that I usually see once/week. I also have tried prayer which helps immensely and I'm going to church for the first time in forever tomorrow night. I'm still overwhelmed though, it's a lot to take in... but I think I'll be okay. :)
Actually both of those I have done and both are working for me. I've seen therapists off and on for years and have one I like right now that I usually see once/week. I also have tried prayer which helps immensely and I'm going to church for the first time in forever tomorrow night. I'm still overwhelmed though, it's a lot to take in... but I think I'll be okay. :)

Hang in there - I went through that recently and I can totally relate to your despair - Remember "Thou shall pass." I keep telling myself that nothing remains constant except for change.........that helped me :)
I'm sick of someone who i don't know. Tried to make lot of annoying "BUZZ" or "username want your attention!" on Yahoo IM.

That's my rant. Ahhh.... i feel better.
Both suggestion are good and I would do something like a hobby to get your mind off the things.
Actually both of those I have done and both are working for me. I've seen therapists off and on for years and have one I like right now that I usually see once/week. I also have tried prayer which helps immensely and I'm going to church for the first time in forever tomorrow night. I'm still overwhelmed though, it's a lot to take in... but I think I'll be okay. :)

I think you're on the right path. You've been strong thus far . . . ain't nobody gonna be able to make you fall - for a long while.
i ended a long term relationship at the beginning of the year myself and the hell you endure isnt exactly something i recommend anyone going through--especially when you loved her for so long. But it DOES get better over time, and the soul-searching and things you find out about yourself just make you stronger and a better person and one of these days you'll smile like you smiled before. I know i am and you will too :)
Thanks everyone, for your suggestions. I am taking it one moment at a time, literally.... that's what I have to do to keep myself from going insane. I'm starting to feel better. I actually stayed up all day yesterday which is a good sign... and I think I will be able to do that today, too. :)