Glitching in Halo 2

Banjo said:
I'm okay with SMG weapons, I do get to kill a lot with these weapons. Level 7 here in team slayer as of now. Still working on my aiming with SMG.

Anyway, the biggest problem with cheaters is when you leave them bad feedbacks, they'll leave you bad feedbacks too!


LOL, indeed! I'm sure some players moron to feeback before agrue on who cheaters, then cheaters would be aware it as u mentioned. For who deaf players or who smart hearing players, simple is don't agrue or fussing on cheaters and keep cool, then use feeback! If u are play as smart game! ^_^

Speak of Bungie, I read news from bungie somehwhere- Bungie said that they can't afford to motioning all games as overtime, due to their limit of work hours. Yes, that's sucks! That's why they put on the feebacks as simple one.
No wondering my friends still addicting of glitches all time! =) one of my friend, he playe d head to head match, he was 2 level. I played vs him, he's sucker than anyone. I raped his ass, 15 to 0! So, he's used all glitches on head to head @ matchmaking, like from lvl 2 to over 20 lvl in 20 or 30 min! If u are in high lvl, u better to use glitch to be equally to anyone who high lvl. Or u can play as honor player, ur job is look around and prevent glitch as like I mentioned. =) That's ur choices! ^_^
Banjo said:
I'm okay with SMG weapons, I do get to kill a lot with these weapons. Level 7 here in team slayer as of now. Still working on my aiming with SMG.

Anyway, the biggest problem with cheaters is when you leave them bad feedbacks, they'll leave you bad feedbacks too!


LOL, indeed! I'm sure some players moron to feeback before agrue on who cheaters, then cheaters would be aware it as u mentioned. For who deaf players or who smart hearing players, simple is don't agrue or fussing on cheaters and keep cool, then use feeback! If u are play as smart game! ^_^

Speak of Bungie, I read news from bungie somehwhere- Bungie said that they can't afford to motioning all games as overtime, due to their limit of work hours. Yes, that's sucks! That's why they put on the feebacks as simple one.
No wondering my friends still addicting of glitches all time! =) one of my friend, he playe d head to head match, he was 2 level. I played vs him, he's sucker than anyone. I raped his ass, 15 to 0! So, he's used all glitches on head to head @ matchmaking, like from lvl 2 to over 20 lvl in 20 or 30 min! If u are in high lvl, u better to use glitch to be equally to anyone who high lvl. Or u can play as honor player, ur job is look around and prevent glitch as like I mentioned. =) That's ur choices! ^_^
Nusentinsaino said:
Xestor, When will you be online for XBL lol?

yea i wonder too... heh. he works at nights i think. i did meet him on xbl at midnight. ugh. so late for me. *yawn*
Meh it sucks that i have school on weekdays... never have time to play halo 2 on late nights... only on weekends i would play it all night and morning heh
Nusentinsaino said:
Meh it sucks that i have school on weekdays... never have time to play halo 2 on late nights... only on weekends i would play it all night and morning heh

Heh, I can play is Tues, Thur, Fri, and Sat. Its all night only. Especially, Tues- we have party lan every tues! Its for H2!
Xestor said:
Heh, I can play is Tues, Thur, Fri, and Sat. Its all night only. Especially, Tues- we have party lan every tues! Its for H2!

okay.. i ll remmy your schedule, xestor.

neusent, what is ur best schedule ?

my best schedule is m - th after 8 and before 11pm. however, i can stay lately on fri and sat nites.
deafclimber said:
okay.. i ll remmy your schedule, xestor.

neusent, what is ur best schedule ?

my best schedule is m - th after 8 and before 11pm. however, i can stay lately on fri and sat nites.

thats great, ProClimber! ^_^
dont worry, cheaters/glitch whores'll be a thing of past, as mentioned in frankie's update in, the patch that fix the glitches, cheats, etc'll be automatically downloaded anytime soon, probably a week or two, before the download content become available.
ya, bungie doesnt want the new maps to be advantaged thru glitching, so thats why the patch'll be released first (imo).
Potman09 said:
dont worry, cheaters/glitch whores'll be a thing of past, as mentioned in frankie's update in, the patch that fix the glitches, cheats, etc'll be automatically downloaded anytime soon, probably a week or two, before the download content become available.
ya, bungie doesnt want the new maps to be advantaged thru glitching, so thats why the patch'll be released first (imo).

Yea, I agreed. Yes, I knew how to use all glitches, but i didnt use it at all. Unless anyone use it, i will use to against em. 2 days ago, our clan memebers and I played at Big game.. Im really pissed off and feeback cheat that guy who used score instantly. Thats time, i found out, then ran over their base and kill glitch guy. Thats after, he found another area to hide- so, he can use glitch again, because he can use teleport. When u steal the flag, then teleport come back to where hide spot. Our clan member and I really pissed off. I can do use all glitches at custom game or Xlink Kai. Im the one person know how to use all glitches and 2 of my friends too, but not all from my clan. I just honest to play it. Yes, thats sucks
Xestor said:
Yea, I agreed. Yes, I knew how to use all glitches, but i didnt use it at all. Unless anyone use it, i will use to against em. 2 days ago, our clan memebers and I played at Big game.. Im really pissed off and feeback cheat that guy who used score instantly. Thats time, i found out, then ran over their base and kill glitch guy. Thats after, he found another area to hide- so, he can use glitch again, because he can use teleport. When u steal the flag, then teleport come back to where hide spot. Our clan member and I really pissed off. I can do use all glitches at custom game or Xlink Kai. Im the one person know how to use all glitches and 2 of my friends too, but not all from my clan. I just honest to play it. Yes, thats sucks

that is interesting... last night i saw several cheaters did cheat but i kept missing to catch these names. ugh ! :pissed:
Banjo said:
I'm okay with SMG weapons, I do get to kill a lot with these weapons. Level 7 here in team slayer as of now. Still working on my aiming with SMG.

Anyway, the biggest problem with cheaters is when you leave them bad feedbacks, they'll leave you bad feedbacks too!


Yes, some player idiot to cussing to cheater, then they will be aware and do same to idiot player. But it have proof on picture of map what they played. I will show it to u how they cheat look like. I will post here later. I highly recommand is dont cussing to cheater, just click feeback cheat thats it! =)
Now, i want to show u what look like glitch is, THE K1LLA BEE used glitch as teleport. So, I found out when he grab the flag, then teleport to their near base. I rushed and killed him to prevent cheat. So, he found another hide spot, u will see that strange move with their line bewteen from blue base to red. Its glitch teleport. look here: u also need to sign in as hotmail or msn only.

Look that picture, where he can move and arrived to our red base to grab? He used glitch as teleport- meanwhile, one of their teammate bring for him to drop off at our base, then he can grab then teleport back to blue base.
Bungie updated that they are removing the "Sword Flying" glicth on the multiplayer which kind of sucks. Although they are leaving it on the singleplayer...
Nusentinsaino said:
Bungie updated that they are removing the "Sword Flying" glicth on the multiplayer which kind of sucks. Although they are leaving it on the singleplayer...

Look.. Like, I mentioned that bungie is abolsutely bullsh!t. I still use glitch sword fly and last night. Its still work well. Bungie is full of crap. Bungie need ur $$ to keep run for XBL, so they can make another halo 2.5 or 3. Trust me. See me twm night. I'll show u what's look glitches by twm night. U better txt me @ XBL or aim @ Xep Xesus as samew XBL GT well ^_^
Xestor said:
Look.. Like, I mentioned that bungie is abolsutely bullsh!t. I still use glitch sword fly and last night. Its still work well. Bungie is full of crap. Bungie need ur $$ to keep run for XBL, so they can make another halo 2.5 or 3. Trust me. See me twm night. I'll show u what's look glitches by twm night. U better txt me @ XBL or aim @ Xep Xesus as samew XBL GT well ^_^

But they haven't updated Halo 2 yet, they plan to release the update later this month. They said that the sword glitch will stay in the single-player mode but not the multi-player mode. We'll just wait and see.

They won't ban people for using the sword glitch though.
Banjo said:
But they haven't updated Halo 2 yet, they plan to release the update later this month. They said that the sword glitch will stay in the single-player mode but not the multi-player mode. We'll just wait and see.

They won't ban people for using the sword glitch though.

Yes, indeed. I found out recently. My good friend with their clan for expert glitches as me too, bir I can't join them, due to our homwtown guys need me as team and role player. Anyway, he told me that he did testing all glitches, but found out that not work sword fly is use for warthog make fly launch when u use sword. Yes, it can work @ single game or system link either. 2 have different glitch known as sword fly. One not work sword fly is on glitch warthog, but another one glitch for sword fly still work.
argh! i just got cheated THREE games tonight :mad2:, blah, all standed-by.
im gonna leave halo 2 matchmaking alone till the patch's released...

edit: oh ya, frankie just posted his new update at
not much info but a hint "firefly", probably got to do with night time ('timeable" hint that can change time?) when the "firefly" insects come out?
Potman09 said:
argh! i just got cheated THREE games tonight :mad2:, blah, all standed-by.
im gonna leave halo 2 matchmaking alone till the patch's released...

Yea, it can would standby. I think last Jan- Bungie fixed that whoever use standby, it force u to quit as lose game. But still work standby for T1 or more only. They are work on it. But dont work for cable modem (it was work before jan), sorry. But can be work is custom game or use system link well too. ^_^