Get to know you

I think I better quit my job... because I am scare.

I saw him went the same direction I went to, to go home.

I'm afraid he'll follow me all the way to my home.

I hope he doesn't stalk me or anything...
Let me tell ya this-

When I was in high school, Joe, who was my friend back then, kept come up to me and talk to me, I had no problem with that, and later on after graduation, we wind up bumping into eachother at graduation parties, stores, anywhere in the community, and wind up going to same college, and last aug, and sept he started to come to my office everyday- was interested in me, I could tell, and he ended up come to my house one day, and guess what? He ended up asked me out, and we have been together since. Even Joe was one of popular kids (He was Homecoming King candidate, was involved with school, and was well-liked) but still accept who I am.

Maybe the guy is like Joe, nice guy, and want to get to know you well and is very interested in you. You can't be alone and depressed for rest of your life- Thank god, I am much happier.
but he is a smoker, I don't like being around smoker.

because he is a smoker, he isn't my type.

I wanna be with a man who doesn't smoke.

It isn't fair for male smoker to try to force me to be with
him, when I don't want to put up with his bad habit.
hello, how are you

my name is tiffany bentley , i saw ur profile and i found it much interesting. i will want to get along with you if u dont mind , i am a girl of 25 years old , i am easy to get along with thats what people say. well this is my yahoo id incase u want to IM me tiffanybent01 or tiffanybent07 i will be waiting for ur IM there or ur messgaes.
hi, we could be friends

my name is tiffany bentley , i saw ur profile and i found it much interesting. i will want to get along with you if u dont mind , i am a girl of 25 years old , i am easy to get along with thats what people say. well this is my yahoo id incase u want to IM me tiffanybent01 or tiffanybent07 i will be waiting for ur IM there or ur messgaes.
hi tiffany....


Today is my last day at work, and I am planning on getting
my check on Thursday.

So anyway Willie kept bothering, talking to me while I was working.
And since I can't get this guy Norman to understand the word, "no".

I finally gave in... and wrote him a small
note: I am ugly, please ask somebody to go out with you.

And he said... "don't say that, you're not ugly."

Then during the 15 minutes break time, I was sitting down with
Willie, and told him, "okay, fine, we can go out date."

I wanted to see if he is really seriously about that...

And he said, "well you can follow me to pizza hut, we can drive there after we get off work."

I said, "okay"

And while I worked, a woman Mamie gave me his note and said,
"He said call him, because he left."

And the note has his phone number.

So after work, I went home and gave him a call....
I used my relay...

And he picked up the phone and asked, "who is this?"

And I gave him my name.

And he said, "well I'll call you back as soon as I get home."

Then he hung up.

And I called him back....

"How will you calll me back if you don't know my number?"

And he said, "I got your number on my id caller."

And then hung up.

And then I call back again....

"That isn't my phone number, that the relay number."

And he said, "what?"

And then he hang up.

So then I call back again...

"Why you wanna hurt me for, I haven't done anything to you, bye ga"

And then he said, "Call me back after 4pm."

And then he hang up.

So anyway... I knew it was too good to be true.
So I just throw away his phone number.

And just glad he isn't serious.... whew.

EyesBlueDeaf said:


He should have asked for my phone number so he could call back.
I just don't understand why he kept hanging up the phone.

Or he could have waited a few minutes... waited til I am finishing
working.... and we could have gone to pizza hut together....
but I don't understand why he left like that....
He could have help me with those boxes at work.

But oh well.... I gave him a chance to date me, but he blew it.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
But oh well.... I gave him a chance to date me, but he blew it.

Maybe he was still at work when you called him.....he said to call back after 4 PM, right?

Personally, I don't believe in mixing business with pleasure with other people....that's why a lot of married people or two single people who are "involved" with each other who work in the same department, one of them have to leave that department or move to another department elsewhere.....if both are in the same department...that can spell trouble.
no, i don't want to call him after 4pm.
i am too sensitive and i am afraid of getting hurt.

so forget it. I know I am thinking negative, I can't go through that, no more.

NObody can't say I am mean....

Because I took my time and called him after he harassed me at work for whole 2 months.

So there, I did my part... so yall don't be singing, "If I were your woman, if you were my man, I will never never never stop loving you." Sang by Glady Knight.

No guilt trip on me, and and don't call me a lesbo, either, So SHUT UP!!!!
Well, I learn something from that.

During 2 months of him harassing me at work, and it causes me stress.

Next time if I am somewhere... work, church, or whatever...
if a guy mess with me, I'll take his phone number
and call him and let him hang up on me several times.

Since that the way men wanna treat women so badly these days.
Since that make men very happy.

It would save me from a lot of stress and no more harassment. :thumb:
tiffanybent01 said:
my name is tiffany bentley , i saw ur profile and i found it much interesting. i will want to get along with you if u dont mind , i am a girl of 25 years old , i am easy to get along with thats what people say. well this is my yahoo id incase u want to IM me tiffanybent01 or tiffanybent07 i will be waiting for ur IM there or ur messgaes.

GET LOST! :topic:

Tiffany, get lost?


I visited my lawyer today, and I saw a tall handsome man who looked
like he is from India...

Oh man, I wish I could marry that good looking lawyer. ;)
Miss*Pinocchio said:
i am too sensitive and i am afraid of getting hurt.

so forget it. I know I am thinking negative, I can't go through that, no more.

did you not noticed that you did went the same syndrome all time daily? even through you still getting hurt all day and everyday even you did thought of negativity. oh, do you need me pescriped you a supercalafragilisticespialidoscious pill for your own anti-depressant system? let me know when i can call a psychiratist doctor for you. :)
well I just think the world is out to get me...
so I guess Norman just wanna hurt me. :Ohno:

That what this world is about...

I can't do anything about it.
so go cut your foot or something.
