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Jan 26, 2005
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Day one at work, it was Wednesday, I heard male co workers giggling.
Day two at work, it was Thursday, my male co worker asked me
if I can talk and blah blah blah. And I told him I can't hear him, cause
I lost my hearing aid.
Then Day three, it was Friday, today, during break, I sat on a table with him... and he had something in his hand, and he was going to give me...
but couldn't, then after the bell rung, break was over...
and then he finally gave me a little note.

And I read.......

see I like
you I just want
to talk to you ok
do you have a
if you do not
will you please
call me my
number is
call me
name *********

And after I read that,
I told him that I can't hear the phone.

Then he said, "I talked to you later"

And then it was time to go home.

He talked to me, but I can't hear him...
He wrote on the black board.....

Meet me at Pizza Hunt I want to talk to you there

Then I told him, I have a puppy at home, I have to go tend to her...
because the puppy is in the living room... and if I don't go now, the
puppy might have an accident on the floor.

But he acted like he doesn't understand.

I was going to walk out the door, but noooo...
he put his hand on my shoulder, block me sort of,
and told me, "I wanna talk to you!"

I could hear that...

I told him sorry, I gotta go home, we can talk later.

And he laughed in shame....

I don't see why he was so urgent to talk to me,

I will be back to work on Monday, he can talk to me during 15 break and 30 minutes break, next time bring a paper and pen.

But I am afraid what will happen on Monday, after he put his hand on my shoulder at work today. I hope he will be a gentleman on Monday.
Just tell him the place and time and that way you can be there after u take care of your business.
Well I am not really interested in him.

I don't like his aggressive way, it makes me feel so uncomfortable.
Are you shy, Miss P? :) I think you should take Pom's advice. :) He sounds interested in you. :)
4th day, he gave me another note, and I gave that note to
my boss... and the boss told him to leave me alone.

YAY!!!! :applause:
Why do you give a note to your boss even though a guy is innocent enough to get to know you?? :-o
don't you want to have a boyfriend in your life? LOVE is in the air and I am still looking for Ms. Right.
Miss *P, It sound that he dont want something from you but want to get know you better. Why can't you let him?

You will be surprised how nice guy he is when you get know him better...
Miss*Pinocchio said:
Well I am not really interested in him.

I don't like his aggressive way, it makes me feel so uncomfortable.

Just give him :bj:
are you ever getting tired of :clit: yourself? you should get :lick: from that guy at your job? Everyone needs LOVE and don't feel sorry for yourself and start thinking positive! I would be very proud to have my mom as a grandmother to my children and my future gf will share my last name! :)
well today, I worked hard... and during lunch break,
I saw 5 chairs were all together next to the table...
And I didn't understand... why the chairs were rearrange...

So I just sat in one of the chairs and he sat next to me....


And then after work, he made a mad face and saying, "ew".
Trying to make me feel bad about myself...

And then he waited for me outside with a sad look.

So I just ignored him and just went on home.

WHY MEN WANT ME SO MUCH????? What is it about me?
If I don't want boyfriend, then he needs to respect me....

He looks kinda cute, but I ain't interest... I like having my freedom
as independent single woman....

and I like masturbating... :giggle:
rjr2006 said:
are you ever getting tired of :clit: yourself? you should get :lick: from that guy at your job? Everyone needs LOVE and don't feel sorry for yourself and start thinking positive! I would be very proud to have my mom as a grandmother to my children and my future gf will share my last name! :)

well I am not thrill of having a baby for 9 months in my stomach
and then have to PUSH PUSH PUSH out baby out of my vagina...

what if men's last name is Hog, Brownass, or some other weird last name,
if you're a female, would you want your last name to change to that weird last name???

And plus that guy's last name with my first name don't sound right...

Pat Norman, ewww, even with my middle name, ewww.

Maybe I should find a guy who last name is perfect with my first name,
then I will reconsider having a boyfriend.
this is a dumbest thread ever.... misspinnicoliar, u should given ur co-worker a chance and stop being so resent urself away from people who is trying being nice to you. thats real dumb for u to give ur boss that note, u could have simply tell him that your not interested.. and yall cld started out as being a friend.. whats wrong with being friend? :roll: its a worst thread i ever read.. :doh: miss p, u have alot to learn before you hitted 80's with alzheimer's diease.
I will be SMAHT said:
this is a dumbest thread ever.... misspinnicoliar, u should given ur co-worker a chance and stop being so resent urself away from people who is trying being nice to you. thats real dumb for u to give ur boss that note, u could have simply tell him that your not interested.. and yall cld started out as being a friend.. whats wrong with being friend? :roll: its a worst thread i ever read.. :doh: miss p, u have alot to learn before you hitted 80's with alzheimer's diease.

:rofl: I agreed with you.. its SO DUMB THREAD.. omg.. I will say she is lucky to have a guy who like to know and try to be with her.. I want that man!...

GOSH.. Miss P.. *takes off boot* *toss at her*...

(Psst.... I will be SMAHT--- its more like bio polar that she have it)
DoofusMama said:
:rofl: I agreed with you.. its SO DUMB THREAD.. omg.. I will say she is lucky to have a guy who like to know and try to be with her.. I want that man!...

GOSH.. Miss P.. *takes off boot* *toss at her*...

(Psst.... I will be SMAHT--- its more like bio polar that she have it)

YEEEEAA!!! :squint: i hated when people r such insecured on their self- esteem but this girl (missp) needs a psychiratist evalution, so whomever gonna to slam a "INSANE" on her license.. oops, sorry im being such a bitch with humorous.. now i rest my case! :smash:
Miss*Pinocchio said:
well I am not thrill of having a baby for 9 months in my stomach
and then have to PUSH PUSH PUSH out baby out of my vagina...

what if men's last name is Hog, Brownass, or some other weird last name,
if you're a female, would you want your last name to change to that weird last name???

And plus that guy's last name with my first name don't sound right...

Pat Norman, ewww, even with my middle name, ewww.

Maybe I should find a guy who last name is perfect with my first name,
then I will reconsider having a boyfriend.
Last names don't matter!

if I like this girl whom has the last name like Miss Kathleen Johnson, she will share my last name and her name will be Mrs. Kathleen Root. I know that it may look weird, but you will be very happy to be part of your future bf's family.
Ever thought of not changing your last name when u get married? u could keep your maiden name ?? my sis do that and my 3 friends kept their maiden name ..

yeah? whats wrong with getting a note from someone? u SHOULD be flattered!!!! Maybe he just want a friend? Have you ever thought of that? hmm still I wouldnt mind going with him to Pizza Hut and chat with him and see where it is going??? :)

i agree this is so dumb thread i ever read? *ahem* :doh: lol sighs..
Miss*Pinocchio said:
well today, I worked hard... and during lunch break,
I saw 5 chairs were all together next to the table...
And I didn't understand... why the chairs were rearrange...

So I just sat in one of the chairs and he sat next to me....


And then after work, he made a mad face and saying, "ew".
Trying to make me feel bad about myself...

And then he waited for me outside with a sad look.

So I just ignored him and just went on home.

WHY MEN WANT ME SO MUCH????? What is it about me?
If I don't want boyfriend, then he needs to respect me....

He looks kinda cute, but I ain't interest... I like having my freedom
as independent single woman....

and I like masturbating... :giggle:

I hate it that you broke this guy's heart....he seemed to really be interested in you. I guess you blew it, and you kept saying you want a's your fault.
Also, I see nothing wrong with having a guy's last name when married. If I love him as my husband, I would keep his last name, no matter how kooky it sounded.