Get to know you

Miss*Pinocchio said:
1. they might call me a town slut
2. he might ask me to marry him
3. i might get pregnant
4. he might have Herpes or something

so nah, no thanks... too much trouble. :|

Ok, 1) just get a laid ! No one know what u and man do ! just pick any stranger from bar or somewhere !
2) If He ask u to marry him.. if u dont want to THEN say "no". Have ya hear "NO" word? before...
3) get CONDOMS ! ! They have everywhere at stores etc..
4) If he might have Herpes or something.... USE THE CONDOMS! ! !
Simple is simpleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ! ! ! ! ! :dizzy:
Miss*Pinocchio said:

Ok, My guess is that u are not cutie at all.. That s too bad...

Mostly of us.. show our face pictures thats mean we are very proud what we look like... no matter what ugly or pretty at all...
Count our hearts.. that is matter ! ! No worry abt "look" :dizzy:

Maybe, u have low self-esteem ? ? Maybe u are not proud what u look ? ? My opinion.....

If so, then dont be... U should be glad that u have a breath on the earth..that is matter ! !

They ask for ID everywhere because of what happened at Gallaudet (the murders) My brother was teh guy who found the body. So they do it for a reason, plus alot of people would go into Gallaudet and SLEEP in the dorms when they weren't students. They were trying to STOP the abuse!

ScubaladyTx said:
Ok, 1) just get a laid ! No one know what u and man do ! just pick any stranger from bar or somewhere !
2) If He ask u to marry him.. if u dont want to THEN say "no". Have ya hear "NO" word? before...
3) get CONDOMS ! ! They have everywhere at stores etc..
4) If he might have Herpes or something.... USE THE CONDOMS! ! !
Simple is simpleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ! ! ! ! ! :dizzy:

1. no I wanna be celibate
2. then he might say i AM using him.
3 and 4. then what if he doesn't want use it?
DefLord said:
They ask for ID everywhere because of what happened at Gallaudet (the murders) My brother was teh guy who found the body. So they do it for a reason, plus alot of people would go into Gallaudet and SLEEP in the dorms when they weren't students. They were trying to STOP the abuse!


all of the murders they had on that campus are done by ONcampus students
and by males.
Ahhh, this Norman guy is stealing my heart.

I don't wanna fall in love...

He is on my mind... ugh... help me... I am vulnerable right now. :Ohno:

i have men who have crush on me i can tell they don't have to tell me

i have one man in my mind right now mmmmmmm nice
giggles evilly
Miss*Pinocchio said:
1. no I wanna be celibate
2. then he might say i AM using him.
3 and 4. then what if he doesn't want use it?


1) u want be celibate...Thats fine what u want be!
2) No worry abt if he say "u using him" but u need an orgasm Anyway, make u relax and calm down ! But If u did then u will say " WOW"
3) and 4)then what if he doesn't want use it... AGAIN, Have ya heard word of "NO" ? before ? ? Tell him NO! S I M P L E ! ! :mad:

:buttsex: :kiss: :69: :cuddle: :lick: PS: Did ya know that SEX is good for u ? Very pleasure and wonderful orgasm !
:rofl: Hey, Miss P... are you good at storytellin', aren't ya ?
ScubaladyTx said:

1) u want be celibate...Thats fine what u want be!
2) No worry abt if he say "u using him" but u need an orgasm
Anyway, make u relax and calm down ! But If u did then u will say " WOW"
3) and 4)then what if he doesn't want use it... AGAIN, Have ya heard word of "NO" ? before ? ? Tell him NO! S I M P L E ! ! :mad:

PS: Did ya know that is good for u ? Very pleasure and wonderful orgasm !

He ignored me now... won't speak to me, gave up on me.

Miss*Pinocchio said:
He ignored me now... won't speak to me, gave up on me.


Ok, U didnt answered my question about "sex"....

There are many thousands men in USA... Did ya know that ? ? :smash:
ScubaladyTx said:
Ok, U didnt answered my question about "sex"....

There are many thousands men in USA... Did ya know that ? ? :smash:

well I can't say no, because I don't wanna use condom either.
So I might as well be celibate. :squint:

yes i know there are other men, but but butt, i want to save
the rest of myself to my one and only true soulmate....

I can't say his name, Mods told me not to. :squint:
Miss*Pinocchio said:
well I can't say no, because I don't wanna use condom either.
So I might as well be celibate. :squint:

yes i know there are other men, but but butt, i want to save
the rest of myself to my one and only true soulmate....

I can't say his name, Mods told me not to. :squint:

1)ok, I didn't asked that who he is.

2)Again, Please answer my question about "Sex".. Is sex good for u or not ?

Do not point off my question. Thanks ! :ty:
ScubaladyTx said:
2)Again, Please answer my question about "Sex".. Is sex good for u or not ?

Do not point off my question. Thanks ! :ty:

The question is NO!!!

The brains play trick on you....

For example, when you have an awful toothache,
you take aspirin, right?
The aspirin does not go to your tooth to get rid of the ache.
The aspirin goes down your stomach, then spread to nerves and veins,
and then go up to the brain, and tell the brain, "hey, turn off the pain."
So your brain says, "oh, sorry, just want to make sure that she knows
that she needs to brush her teeth."

So same thing with sex...
the brain is telling you that you need sex, by making you horny.
The only way to fool the brain, is masturbating, and then your brain
is thinking that you are having sex with someone, but you're not.

So anyway, if I do what the brain tell me to do,, then
the brain is fooling me...
Once I get lay, then I'll be disappointing...
I'll be like, "ouch, this isn't fun, or maybe he is too rough, or don't
know how to do it, it isn't like the sex fanstasy I had."

So no, sex is only good for one thing, making babies.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
The question is NO!!!

The brains play trick on you....

For example, when you have an awful toothache,
you take aspirin, right?
The aspirin does not go to your tooth to get rid of the ache.
The aspirin goes down your stomach, then spread to nerves and veins,
and then go up to the brain, and tell the brain, "hey, turn off the pain."
So your brain says, "oh, sorry, just want to make sure that she knows
that she needs to brush her teeth."

So same thing with sex...
the brain is telling you that you need sex, by making you horny.
The only way to fool the brain, is masturbating, and then your brain
is thinking that you are having sex with someone, but you're not.

So anyway, if I do what the brain tell me to do,, then
the brain is fooling me...
Once I get lay, then I'll be disappointing...
I'll be like, "ouch, this isn't fun, or maybe he is too rough, or don't
know how to do it, it isn't like the sex fanstasy I had."

So no, sex is only good for one thing, making babies.

BIG WOW then there is something wrong with ya very interesting.. !
Just let ya know that Sex isnt hurt! That mean u never had a sex before ! !

Thats too bad :squint:
well anyway,

you know me, why you keep saying "just be myself", when
you don't know exactly who I am?
I always say booty, even in front of my mom, she said she is
sick of me saying booty booty booty.

Ask my mom, you want her cell phone number?

And um, that tall dark and handsome man keep staring at me...
My boss almost had to tell him to get off his azz and go to work.
But anyway, he got up and worked.
Well, That is sad cuz u didn't answered my question !

U must be bullsh*t stories to us... I believe....

Now, I see that u aren't honest with us lately. We asked u VERY SIMPLE some questions..
But, U get point off ! What s up with that ? ? ? :o

Really, I dont get it at all..... :topic:
well I am sorry that I didn't give you the kinda answer you want to hear.

Anyway, I'm thinking about go ahead and have sex. :mrgreen: