Future iPhone for Deaf people

remember mac is more expensive than any windows pc.

mac is to lexus
pc is to chevy therefore

iphone is to lexus
nokia is to chevy.

make sense ?

What? Mac and PC are mixed prices, depends on tech spec.
US$5.7 billion is lower paid? My ass!

he get paid thry stock only. How it work is... if he don't get product sell well, he don't get paid that much. Otherwise, for base salary he earn is $1/year
he get paid thry stock only. How it work is... if he don't get product sell well, he don't get paid that much. Otherwise, for base salary he earn is $1/year

an rats poweron beat me....

yes that is correct. his salary is one dollar per year yet he gets money from stocks. that is all.
Boult, I am having second thoughts about some of our discussion above. Are you saying that Apple has agreed to NOT lower the price of the iPhone for 5 years? Seems to me, that's a rare move for a capitalistic society such as ours, doesn't it? It is usually the market (supply & demand) that drives prices up or down...monthly service I can understand but to keep the price of the iPhone the same for 5 years seems odd, don't you think?
Boult, I am having second thoughts about some of our discussion above. Are you saying that Apple has agreed to NOT lower the price of the iPhone for 5 years? Seems to me, that's a rare move for a capitalistic society such as ours, doesn't it? It is usually the market (supply & demand) that drives prices up or down...monthly service I can understand but to keep the price of the iPhone the same for 5 years seems odd, don't you think?
the cost of monthly service may fluctuate. but not the retail price of iPhone though... one can't expect the price to drop within 2 years from launch and then there's 3 years left in exclusivity agreement. some will buy them next year or two.

and the launch are not simultaneous worldwide so USA launch first then Canada then europe then Asia. (all in 5 years)

I doubt iPhone needed to be updated hardware wise thru 5years because it is all software updates. I know 3G is included but disabled. future software update will enable it when necessary.

so when exclusivity agreement expire then the landscape will change.
Also, Steve Jobs gets his real salary from Pixar and he's a Ceo of Pixar, I believe.
he get paid thry stock only. How it work is... if he don't get product sell well, he don't get paid that much. Otherwise, for base salary he earn is $1/year

Next time, Said salary from Apple only.

He don't really care about money and he want everyone to be happy like family.
Vampy, I don't have any real GOOD reasons....first off, I'm a Mac fan and secondly, IF, IF the phone part is good enough for me to hear on it, I will get it. I'm in no real hurry....best wait till they iron out all bugs, etc and the price comes down a it......
So, you're getting it cuz you're a Mac fan? Hmm...

Even if it costs a lot of money and it costs a lot more monthly just to get what you want? You'll still get it?
So, you're getting it cuz you're a Mac fan? Hmm...

Even if it costs a lot of money and it costs a lot more monthly just to get what you want? You'll still get it?

We love Mac computers. I did not know that iPhone is going to be very expensive. I felt that it is not proper for Steve to put on the market to sell the most expensive pagers anything else in the world. It's because it is small and thin. It is very easy to be stolen that contains personal info and photos in it. Those cannot be replaced. If the price is down a little more, then I might buy it with a chain, or perhaps an electric shock detector. :fingersx:
So, you're getting it cuz you're a Mac fan? Hmm...

Even if it costs a lot of money and it costs a lot more monthly just to get what you want? You'll still get it?

Yeah, Vampy, I would; it would cost more for the unit but the monthly is average. Besides, what would seem expensive for one person would not necessarily be true for someone else, right? It's all relative, right. If you were making 100k a year,.......oh, nevermind, I know you get the idea. Plus, too, I am "circling my wagons" so to speak and there are some things in life that I deserve and can well afford same. This isn't to say that I WILL get this unit; I will mull it over. And I'm glad I have those options....
I also love Apple products, but the iphone is expensive so I'll wait til the price goes down and the bugs are worked out and stuff like that.
I also love Apple products, but the iphone is expensive so I'll wait til the price goes down and the bugs are worked out and stuff like that.

Yeah, that's what I said, too, Sequoias but see post # 132........