Foreign finger alphabets/Ausländische Fingeralphabete


Sussi *7.7.86 - 18.6.09*
Premium Member
Jan 13, 2004
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It´s good for you to learn finger alphabets when you meet deafies from the world. :thumb:

I know it´s German language but you can familiar with those words, if not then ask me... no problem :thumb:
wow thanks for the link. it was interesting. I have always wanted to learn the Irish language.
Very cool site! I put that to my "favorites" list.

Interesting to see that the Irish alphabet is closer to ASL than the British 2-hand alphabet. I would have expected Irish to be closer to British than American. Some of the other alphabets look like they have an ASL foundation. Very interesting.
That was so cool!
Is it older?? My mother just came back from a trip to Belgium where she took this picture of the finger alphabet and everything was the same except W which looked like number 3.
Wow, I was looking for something like that! Thanks, darling :)

Great post here..

I would love to learn thier sign languages and perfect for me learn. Near the future, One day I meet forgien Deaf people who communcation with me.. Would be great challenge for me to learn.. :)