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New Member
Dec 23, 2008
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this is like my first time on this site. Im surprised i found it in the first place. Ummmm i go to a all deaf high school....and i prettty much dont know wat to say on here :giggle: but i really wanna get to get more familiar with this site because lately i have been feeling left out from my family. They are all hearing and know very little sign language.... ... .... it was much worst on thanksgiving bec everybody was laughing along with other family members and i had no idea what was so funny. My sister was "too busy" to translate for me. Most of my Deaf/HofH friends dont live near by me, most live miles and miles away....
I am sorry to hear about this happening. I have noticed it happens in several hearing families where they wont really try to learn sign language even if they have a child who is Deaf. For what it is worth you can build many friendships on here even though not all of us will be in your area there will always be someone who is willing to talk.
Welcome to AllDeaf, Lxbroknglass.

I'm sorry to hear about your being isolated in your family. <sad> Would confronting your parents be helpful?
this is like my first time on this site. Im surprised i found it in the first place. Ummmm i go to a all deaf high school....and i prettty much dont know wat to say on here :giggle: but i really wanna get to get more familiar with this site because lately i have been feeling left out from my family. They are all hearing and know very little sign language.... ... .... it was much worst on thanksgiving bec everybody was laughing along with other family members and i had no idea what was so funny. My sister was "too busy" to translate for me. Most of my Deaf/HofH friends dont live near by me, most live miles and miles away....

Oh, boy, this sounds exactly what I went through at your age! I felt really left out, nobody seemed to care very much. When nieces and nephews came along I was happy to play with them while the adults talked, so that helped, but in the absence of "little distractions", if I were you, I'd slip away and go talk to friends on the computer (wish there'd been computers when I was a teenager) or read a book or watch TV, and later on ask your parents for a summary. I didn't care about being antisocial, it was better than sitting there like a mannequin and making myself dizzy trying to figure out who's talking now, what they're laughing about, etc. I always wound up with a headache.
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. You are not alone and I have been there. My parents and my sister don't take the time to learn sign language whether English sign language or ASL. They think I talked pretty good for a Deaf girl or woman but in a Deaf accent. It is the understanding what they say is the problem which they are not aware of. They did not know what is like to be silence with noooo sounds. Anyway, I hope you have fun reading and posting all the threads here. See you around. :wave:
I've dealt with this situation while growing up, but while ASL is a good means for communication, you can't force anyone to learn it. What I did was to teach them the alphabet so they will at least spell and sum up what was being said. It worked very well, and definitely better than being left out of conversations.
I grew up in an all hearing family, so I totally get how you feel. Now I just kind of shut myself off from everyone, since I don't catch most of the conversation anyway. My best recommendation, laugh as though you're laughing with them. I hope you have a great christmas, and happy new year.
welcome to AD!! I feel the same way as you do. The holidays are the worst... but since I have been on here and another site things are better for me :)