First Evaluation from Audiologist since years

YAY!!!! That's awesome!
Do you want info about summer programs and stuff? I can post info about Gally and NTID summer programs for teens. I'm not sure how good the education is at CSDR, but the good thing is that almost all schools for the Deaf, have a fairly sizable academic program.
Glad you're taking advantage of the Deaf school op. I do think many dhh teens can benifit from attending a Deaf School. (especially with how horrible hearing schools are socially)

Sure I’d love info about things even though I’m shy tell me about the programs that would be cool. -_-
Welcome to AD.

I hope you'll enjoy your time here. Also enjoy your time at CSDR.

Good luck with evaluation.


Thanks for all for all of your welcomes that really makes me feel happy inside ya know my life is actually worth it
Yeah and being a kid is hard because everyone I guess is it curiosity or nosey or what is it I can’t tell lol???
Also you need to get your parents in on the school issue with the FM system that is against your IEP (individualized education plan) that you prolly have that gives you access to use the FM and it's against Americans Disability Act to refuse to wear your FM system when you need it.
I get discrimnated on from time to time..but it's usually people who think I am lying about being deaf because of my speech or it's ppl who just don't like anything out of their norm and when they see hearing aids they tense up and or act rude.

I have an IEP but I didn’t like pay attention to it because I just usually let people run all over me as I was told.
MiniLee, welcome to the AllDeaf. If the kids teased you for being deaf, it will be blown over when you are older like in college or so. I don't remember being teased for being deaf in long, long time.

When you go for the hearing test, ask them what are your hearing in DB in each ear. They measure the hearing loss in decimal (DB).

Yes I will put my numbers up but I don’t know how to read db but when I go on the 19th I will let you all know but I know it’s in the profound range
what is everyone elsese db....?
:welcome: to AD and congrats on going to CSDR...I was mainstreamed all of my life so I know how you feel.
Oh yeah I’m African American/Asian/and Puerto Rican
Alicia and cool n thanks…..but yeah I do want something to fit my loss these suck to be honest sorry…lol it’s like I rely on lip-reading more than the freaking hearing aids.
But that was my choice because the other ones were kind of expensive so the state gave me these from the hearing foundations something blah blah sorry I know about it though. But they are good aids but you are right not for me. So yeah you are right I’m sorry people are so dumb and look at you like that why would you lie about not being able to hear sounds dumb to me but yeah would knock me off my feet to hear you speaking like a hearing person but no id believe you  of course  what’s your audiogram thingy do we post it here? I don’t know how to read db. And Wow College is another story that has to be hard to adjust what teachers do that to you wow…id really go off on them…what about your peers and your family and friends

Ya I could tell you were mixed:p Ya the UNA at one point less than a year actually, was useless to me. lol it's ok it's not your fault....people are just ignorant and don't think never know who you're talking to or their situation so I never am quick to think something of someone..but other ppl are not so smart... My audiogram is between 70 dB and 90dB so severe reaching profound ish I guess lol. My friends and family are all usually pretty good with it ...some make stupid comments sometimes but I ignore it... and I think you should get new aids! for sure bring it up next week at your audiologist appt! :)

have an IEP but I didn’t like pay attention to it because I just usually let people run all over me as I was told./QUOTE]

Don't let ppl walk all over you! Your IEP is in place for a reason and if your school doesn't follow it I am pretty sure that is violation of the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act)
My dB is currently at 120+ with an arrow pointing downwards to denote that I am not on the chart. I am total deaf.
so the big day is tomorrow ouch! im kinda scared lol but yeah so i will put my results up here and stuff but can someone explain to me what db are i researched but i dont get it last time i chhecked my old one it says the dots are around 100 on left and right are around 90

any tips for tomorrow im so nervous im a kid chill people lol because im just scared okay