fire away and ask me anything (knightwolf68)

Sabrina said:
Oh come on... Knightwolf68 ... You can't deny yourself. Your blood type was from President Abraham Lincoln.

:smoking: No wonder, you have been smoking cigerettes lately !! tsk tsk tsk
LOL hahaha actually i really don't know what is my blood types !! i always think it is unimportant !!! hehe ofc i still smoking cigarettes allot in lately due to wild stress and pressure that i am going through a great pain in a$$ !!!
VamPyroX said:
Do you smoke? How often do you smoke?
yes i do smoke!! a pack a day or two just depend on the mood ... but for now i am under a great pressure i would say a pack and half right now since ... I have been through a great painful to go through althrough i can't give out the details what is it all about ... sigh ...
DeafSCUBA98 said:
why you didn't decide to quit smoking ?
ohhhhhh yes i have been tried so mannnyyy tttiiimmmeeesssss!!! it is so blooodddyyyyy hhhhaaarrrdddd !!! see why it has to be that way .... I am telling u the truth not BS okay ??? i start smoking at 3 years old thanks allot to my dad !! He is the one who taught and encourage me !!! but now he quit smoking when i was round 6 years old and it taught him a blooddy hard lesson come from me ... because recently he told me that he having hard time with me because i am the one who always stolen his cigarette and smoke it off ... and he told me that he regret for that ... Yes i know it is so hard to believe that i start smoke at 3 years old .... but it is very FACTS !
knightwolf68 said:
fire away but not whole the story just depend on what issues that u want to know about ...

Will non-sustainable developments become halted in pleasant ways of our choice, or in unpleasant ways not of our choice?
illustrator said:
Will non-sustainable developments become halted in pleasant ways of our choice, or in unpleasant ways not of our choice?
sometime we have the choices to make and learn from the mistaken and deal with it for better or worse ... sometime we have to accept the things that we can't change and accept the things that we can change therefores we have to learn the mistaken from the experiences and understand better ...
Congrates for engaged. Just found u are engaged to the gal with high energic. Found out by looking at ur profile in Kick ur ass for not telling me so i would give u big congrates.
just askin

If you could have any power like being
Able to walk through walls or have x ray
Vision what power would you like to have
And what is the one thing you would
Change if you could from your pass,
Hopefuly I can get a funny answer from
You ......... P.s. Be safe
Lasza said:
Congrates for engaged. Just found u are engaged to the gal with high energic. Found out by looking at ur profile in Kick ur ass for not telling me so i would give u big congrates.
thanks and please talk to me in yahoo as i need to talk to u asap thanks ...
HaloAsesino said:
If you could have any power like being
Able to walk through walls or have x ray
Vision what power would you like to have
And what is the one thing you would
Change if you could from your pass,
Hopefuly I can get a funny answer from
You ......... P.s. Be safe

oh ummm.... i will think over and will answer back to u asap when i can think of something hehe okay???
1. Gonna quit smoking?

2. Have crushes on anyone at AD?

Liza said:
1. Gonna quit smoking?

2. Have crushes on anyone at AD?

I am trying to quit smoking as much i can ... but there is no grantree !! and have i crushs on any one at AD ... well i used to .. but not this times ... cuz someone else already claim my heart big times
awww U are taken.. Darn it that was my question... Ok.. Hummm... How long u been with ur Girlfriend/soon to be ur wife...? :P
Cheri said:
awww U are taken.. Darn it that was my question... Ok.. Hummm... How long u been with ur Girlfriend/soon to be ur wife...? :P

start think of something else .... yeah it is almost 6 months .... yes i know it is so soon but she is so such sweetheart ....
knightwolf68 said:
start think of something else .... yeah it is almost 6 months .... yes i know it is so soon but she is so such sweetheart ....

Awwww.. Who cares if it is too soon If you are in Love and Think she is the Right one for you.. then go for it...:) Wish you all the best...By the way Congratulations :thumb:
Do you plan on having children and how many?....
Cheri said:
Awwww.. Who cares if it is too soon If you are in Love and Think she is the Right one for you.. then go for it...:) Wish you all the best...By the way Congratulations :thumb:
thanks !!! :mrgreen: