

Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2003
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After waiting for most of the semester, I am finally going to get my brand new hearing aids on April 27! Just twelve more days!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAHOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YAY! Congradulations! I'm still waiting to get mine.

Hope all goes well and tell us how they are! YAY!!!
Great scotts! About time you got a new hearing aid! :D I really want to get new ones myself...but cannot afford it at this stage. :(

Way to go, deafdyke! :)
Vain, stop trolling for attention. The close-knit nature of this message board is what sets it apart from most other message boards on the Internet. We all make frivolous posts here about minor events in our lives. It’s just part of the nature of this community, and is a reflection of our camaraderie—accept it.
Heya DeafDykegirly that's awesome! Now what happened to the old hearing aids or did you ever had one? Your excitement just made me wonder heh heh!

Ten more days for ya!
Super to know that you are happy...

I´m happy for you.... :P
Now what happened to the old hearing aids or did you ever had one?
Been wearing aids since I was three, so no, I am not a newbie to aids. However in college, my experiance with aids has been kinda patchy. Started out with a dorky ITE aid, then about two years ago got a mini-BTE. Fall semester of '02, ITE broke, and decided to dump it since I hate that type of aid. Wore the mini-BTE, but it was a pain b/c it was so tiny that it fell off constantly. Over winter break, the tubing and the earhook broke on the I stopped wearing it, figuring that I could just get a new set, since I FINALLY got Medicaid last summer. Made an appointment at Clarke School at beginning of this semester, figuring that I'd be able to get an appointment...turns out that the next availavle appointment was March 26! Then I go and find out b/c I have Madicad that I have to wait an entire MONTH to get my I am counting down the days! ONLY ten more days!!!! YAHOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (and I might be getting the cool clear ones with purple earmolds! :D Before I've only had the ugly old lady tan ones! )
Congratulations, DeafDyke! How do you like your new hearing aids? Are the acoustics different than the older version than the newer version? With some people, they find that they need a few days to balance the acoustics because of the older version. So glad you are full of vim, verve and vitality right now with the new hearing aids as you can pick up more noises around your environment.
Wow, Congratulations Deafdyke!!!....I am hoping to get new ones too since, My old ones wouldn't be able to get fixes.... I sure missed my hearing aides... :tears:
Hi DeafDyke! That pretty much explains your excitement! :lol: Are you getting the same pair of BTE hearing aids? I had Medicaid help pay for my new hearing aids before I started working (1997). It was a big help for sure. Enjoy the new hearing aids and take good care of them! :thumb:
Got my hearing aids yesterday....they are Phonak aids...really wonderful! I keep rediscovering new sounds I'd forgotten!
And yes....they are the cool clear ones with clear tinted purple molds! I love them....I can even hear a clock ticking!
:lol: deafdyke -- glad u are enjoying ur new aids along with the purple molds hehe -- have fun hearing various sounds -- oh yea and dont forget u will be hearing the cicadas anytime soon if ur area would be hit with them this year :lol: my mom who ofc is hearie has told me she had wished shes deaf cuz the cicadas make this VERY loud racket :lol:
OH wow! deafdyke..congrats on your new hearing aids..i need a new one myself..its old and losing power..i cant hear very good anymore..are you severe or profound hearing impaired? I have profound hearing loss so wonder if those phonak brand are good for severe to profound hearing loss? Will appreciate your answers to my questions..cuz i need to explore on brands of hearing aids thats best for my type of hearing loss..thanky!!
YAY! YOU GOT YOUR NEW HA's! I'm so happy for you! I get mine in August and i'm mad, lol, i'd prefer to have them now but oh well. I UNDERSTAND YOUR EXCITEMENT! YAY FOR YOU! Get used to the sounds you've forgotten! I heard the microwave the other day for the first time in eons and it scared the fuckin shit out of me. ENJOY! *hugs*

KEEP US UPDATED ON THE "new" sounds! lol.
Breezy said:
I heard the microwave the other day for the first time in eons and it scared the fuckin shit out of me.

:rofl: :rofl: Breezy -- im sorry but i find this humorous and the imagination must also be quite hilarious seeing u jump up and say :wtf: was that qq :lol: hope u dont take offense to this -- if i have i apologize in advance! :D
Lol oh no i'm not offended! Don't worry! I jsut don't know what you mean by qq? Lol sorry!

And yeah i did jump! I went crazy! I was eating and i jumped, pointed to the microwave like a 3 year old and yelled, "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!?!?!?!"

And my mum goes, "It's the fan in the microwave darling."