Feeling strange to be back here



Hello to everyone old and new,

I'm back to AllDeaf once more. I used to be a member here years ago as BostonIceFire if any one of you can remember. A lot of things has changed over the year and I often wonder what is it like to return here. So here am I and let's see how it turns out. I'm just plain interested in making new friends, learning new things, and just enjoy myself.

Don't know ya.. but Welcome back to AD!! Hope things will be better here for ya! Enjoy!
RebelGirl said:
Don't know ya.. but Welcome back to AD!! Hope things will be better here for ya! Enjoy!

Thank you Angela!! Hope to get to know everyone here!!

No remember

Sorry for not remembering you, I'm getting old here... haha

I registered this forum at 2 years ago.

Anyway, Herzlich Willkommen zu AD...:thumb:
Liebling:-))) said:
I registered this forum at 2 years ago.

Anyway, Herzlich Willkommen zu AD...:thumb:

Don't remember you either. But glad to meet ya. Was that german? If so, I'm of german ancestor..
:welcome: back to Alldeaf. I have seen your old username BostonIceFire before, I think.
Don't remember ya, but welcome back! :o

No, really, it's good to see you around again. :mrgreen:
Nice meeting you :)

By the way, I am a wine freak too :)

What is your favorite kind? Mine is Pinot Noir, Pinot Gris, Merlot and Chardonnay. I cant just pick out one :lol:

Do you have a favorite wineyard that you go to often? I am in midst of nation's second largest producing wine region and it is always great to have so many different wineries to sample on weekends. It is hard to pick out just one as each one is unique in its own way.

:cheers: (hey Alex, will you ever put in an emoticon showing two cheering each other with wine glasses, not beer mugs?)
I remember you from the old AllDeaf in 2002 and here. I didn't post much that time.

Welcome back, loveofwine! :)
Welcome BACK!!!

mine aka Bullym0m been here oldest member as same you..
Hopefully jog your memory again... LOL
i remember your old sn, i didnt post very much since i joined here. Welcome back :D