fear of settling down

yeah okay I wanna man. but I know men will dump me anyway.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
JamieLee, you ain't doing much in your life?

Your dream didn't come true?

Actually I do a lot in my life and have accomplished a lot also. I work the job I have wanted since being a child, an Education Assistant working with youth who have special needs. I just bought a house, I drive a nice car, and I have a boyfriend who loves me and cares for me very much. I am living my dreams. :thumb:

So what is it that stops your from living you dreams? I think that one of your issues is that you lie and have admitted to making up stories about men raping you, ect. You need to be true to yourself and be happy with who you are as a person; before you can be happy with another.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
me? I got all kind of problem, and no men want to deal with me.

Why do you feel sorry for yourself all the time? Stop with these negative posts...gee.
jamielee said:
Actually I do a lot in my life and have accomplished a lot also. I work the job I have wanted since being a child, an Education Assistant working with youth who have special needs. I just bought a house, I drive a nice car, and I have a boyfriend who loves me and cares for me very much. I am living my dreams. :thumb:

So what is it that stops your from living you dreams? I think that one of your issues is that you lie and have admitted to making up stories about men raping you, ect. You need to be true to yourself and be happy with who you are as a person; before you can be happy with another.

Well for one, you are hearing. You can't compare to me to you.

I think Nancy is hearing too. If you have TCS, facial deformity,
would you think it would be easy for me to get a job I always wanted
and husband and kids?
Miss*Pinocchio said:
why not get married and buy 2 house, house for husband
and house for wife. and not have to live together? :dunno:

huh, if u got married and live seperated, WTF?!
Good luck to find mr right who doesnt mind to live in his own house and urs if u could afford it :thumb:
1. don't have to worry about toliet seat being up.
2. don't have to worry about husband saying, "I worked all day, and came home, my dinner isn't cook and house isn't clean."
3. Sloppy husband.
4. Husband never have to see you without makeup and hair rolled up.
5. Don't have to smell your husband's breathe every morning.

Miss*P.... Then WHY are you complaining about it?

I am happy to have my husband for almost 4 years of marriage, and my husband MIGHT have the World's stinky feet or the smelly feets, but I dealt with him and it doesn't bother me since. He always leave the sink pile up with dirty dishes, but I still love him. It's good to have someone to be part of life and grow old with. That might be the same as everyone have.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
I think Nancy is hearing too. If you have TCS, facial deformity,
would you think it would be easy for me to get a job I always wanted
and husband and kids?

Miss P, I don't know if you have noticed in some threads in AD that I have posted about my hearing loss, but I am definately NOT 100% hearing. I am deaf in my left ear, and very HOH in my right ear -- I even mentioned my new BTE earlier in a thread. Yes, I do have deafness, and a job.
If I have a job, you can get one too.....if you quit your whining, maybe things will get better for ya.
but there are some things I need to do first... then I will try
to get a job... but right now I can't settle down...
because I am not ready.
why are you complaining about marriage, yet you want to get married in the future. It doesn't make sense. I can relate to you about trust issues with men because i was harrassed at 17, but I know not all men are like that.
But I still have a fear of older guys, and I don't think that will ever change.
I do want to get married to someone ,but i'd rather it be a guy who was my friend first.
fa lalalllalalala fa fa lalalalala lalala i can't find a job fa lalalalala
fa la la la la i don't want no men fa la la la la
no men wants me fa lala la la lalala*ends singing*
get a life lady!

take your fears out and show the world you can do it!

*singing again*fa la la la lalalalala
fa lalallalalalala llllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *ends singing*
Miss P~

you might as well stay single if you don't want a husband to live with, deal with complications in the house, etc.. Really, Miss P.. whatever you are, who you are or what you look like doesn't mean you won't find a man.. You HAVE TO LET MEN COME INTO YOUR LIFE AND LET THEM GET TO KNOW YOU. you need to stop pushing them away by accusing them for things they haven't done. If they ask you if you know how to cook.. what do you think they meant by that??? It means they wanted to get to know you more and see what you do with your life. I'm not trying to be harsh but I think you need to seek counseling and get help. I have a job, I have a wonderful man, a beautiful daughter, That's all I ever ask for. I'm 100 maybe 110% deaf. there is no comparison in between hearing, hoh, deaf, blind, you name it. Its who you are and how you treat people.. if you disrespect them.. they'll disrespect you back. You have to learn to give your life to people. I've also noticed that you don't listen. you should try listening to other people.. We have good advices, some don't.. but you should at least listen and think about what we've said. You can be funny, have a great personality, beautiful woman inside, have some compassion, you'll do great, people will love you and would accept you into their lives as well as you can accept ours.. Don't go against your will. accept them. You'll find something you'll dream of or accomplish something.. if you let it.
:thumb: Thanks Rebel!! Great explanation! You should have become a Life/Marriage Specialist or something. :applause:
Miss*Pinocchio said:
Well for one, you are hearing. You can't compare to me to you.

I think Nancy is hearing too. If you have TCS, facial deformity,
would you think it would be easy for me to get a job I always wanted
and husband and kids?

Well poor you, your deaf. All you do is whine and complain about how hard your life is, get off your ass and do something about it. :barf:
If a man is interested, that means they like you.. HELLO? I've been with the same guy for 5 years and LOVE and adore him.. he's my best friend. If you would just be friends for awhile and then when your'e ready to move up then move up but dont do it before! I guess the problem you're havig is you have a low self esteem.. for whatever reason it is, it better not be because you're deaf because being deaf can be a huge blessing! It can be a bad thing too but i have said more often i'm glad i'm deaf than not.

Kudos to you for seeing that you have a problem. get professional help and perhaps you'll be able to get married after somebody figures out whats wrong.
Thank all, very beautiful comments some of you guys replied.

I met a guy today at work, my 2nd day at work.

I didn't have my hearing aid on...
and I think he said....

"Can you talk?"
"Do you have a boyfriend?"
"I think you're kinda cute?"

I was a little shy. Gulp.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
I keep making excuses not to settle down...
I am afraid that once a man comes into my life....
then he will want to marry and settle down...

I on purpose push away men...

For example...

I ignored a guy who l know like me, and he was hurt real bad.

and another example...

I met a goodlooking man at Gallaudet, and I on purpose
told the security guard "he raped me." And then told him
that I reported on you. And then he demanded, "don't talk to me,
don't touch me, and don't mess with me again!"

Then the other part of me, wish I hadn't report him...
I was regretting.
But the another part of me, glad I did that, I don't have to settle down,
I just push him futher away from me.

Right now that man is married and got children... whew I am glad
it wasn't me... but I don't know.

I just not ready to settling down...
there are so much for me to see out there in the world...
I know I am 34 years old... my clock is ticking....
but there are so much for me that I want to do....

I went to Hawaii, Alaska... I went to New Orleans to eat at nice resturant there.... I wanna learn more by taking more college classes...
I love my independence... :wiggle:

You love your independence?! You are griping because you are still living with your mother. Please straighten up and start telling the truth for once.. :ugh2:

guess what, Miss P?

I don't care what you say about your life anymore...do whatever you please. we've done enough help with you for over a year now so enough is enough. you are on your own now.