Evolution vs. Creationism

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There are some evidences to prove as the Bible told about : Egyptian lion statues sittin' in Egypt. Jesus' burial in Israel. Red Sea where Moses and God's people walked through when the sea was split in half. There are many historics in Middle East where Jesus used to walk among people.

Anyone ever thought about that ? ....
Religion and science is all about opinion ? I disagree with you there. First of all, there's NO religion. God neever tells it in His opinion. There was never an opinion in God. He was there and His Word was always determined and still is determined.

There was neeever billions or millions of years ago. If, you think that is so...then, we will NOT be able to see the OLD and huge statue of Eygptian lions sittin' on the ground in Eygpt where it left off its history for the whole world to see...and the Pyramid, too and such. Same goes with where Jesus was buried in Israel and other things.

Like you said, you have your own opinion and I have mine as well. :)

via 8525~ what I mean NO one knows what happened before dinosaurs. no one knows what color and what dinosaurs really did and how exaxctly they died. history can not be repeated and it is a mystery forever. there is no proof or answer on that.. they are all theories and guesses, that's all.
but folks (evolutionists) please help me out here. It is tiring to cover everything myself. It's time consuming to try to debate each and every single point made out by a poster, any help would be appreciated.
once upon a time in the other forum in the net land, i spent countless hours in the front of my computer banging creationist's head into a wall one by one. there was a light at the end of the tunnel, the one thing i've learned is that from crossing swords with them - they don't care about the facts, empirical evidences, hard data and scientific studies. no matter how many times i and other evolutionists tried, they would rather to jump off a cliff or slit their throats than considering to open their minds to other possibilities.

truth be told, i wish i invent the bible in the first place - so they can fall for the cheap gimmicks i can think of like they usually do. it's amazing how the book -- as you pointed out in your old post that it was written by men -- controls what and how they think and feel.

needless to say but i'm in awe of your persistence. humanity gives up on them many, many years ago. i'll try one more time with them but no promise.

oh, every time we [evolutionists and scientists] bring the scientific studies to the table and they unceasingly flip the table and quote the bible to defend their paradoxical beliefs.

if someone here has a tip on how to stop them from flipping the table, i'm all ears.
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..if someone here has a tip on how to stop them from flipping the table, i'm all ears.

..and what does the 'title' of this thread implies to? Goes both ways-- ;)

RR - maybe i can try and persuade the author who made this thread to retitle it to "evolutionists have empirical evidences, creationists have paradoxical beliefs".

how would you like an idea i have for this thread? i know, i know i shouldn't challenge a moderator. :)
..RR - maybe i can try and persuade the author who made this thread to retitle it to "evolutionists have empirical evidences, creationists have paradoxical beliefs".

That literally would be almost like going in one's mind and telling them 'how' to say or do something....

Creator/Author of 'any' thread is entitled to see fit as to how they (creators/authors) desire to word their own thread(title).

Only suggestion is...create your 'own'. ;)

well, an argument for argument's sake i'd make some snarks but i don't want to get banned. here's a white flag.

via 8525~ what I mean NO one knows what happened before dinosaurs. no one knows what color and what dinosaurs really did and how exaxctly they died. history can not be repeated and it is a mystery forever. there is no proof or answer on that.. they are all theories and guesses, that's all.

Well, the Bible can give the answers to all that. :)
truth be told, i wish i invent the bible in the first place - so they can fall for the cheap gimmicks i can think of like they usually do.
1: Make something up and spread your beliefs ASAP when man is primitive and without scientific method
2: ???
3: Profit!

Just dawned on me the reality of that joke...religion actually managed to make a profit out of this. A very, very lucrative profit.

I mean if you think about it, no one has heard of the term "starving priest" (as opposed to starving artist) when in the bible, jesus explicitly stated one must give up all of your possessions and riches if they were to enter the kingdom of heaven. The irony.
That literally would be almost like going in one's mind and telling them 'how' to say or do something....

Creator/Author of 'any' thread is entitled to see fit as to how they (creators/authors) desire to word their own thread(title).

Only suggestion is...create your 'own'. ;)

I knew I should have created the thread myself.

......but knowing me I'd named it similar to what gamer12 wrote, which would then incite creationists to complain about my wording where then a mod would then be forced to change it.

What. You know it's true. ;)
once upon a time in the other forum in the net land, i spent countless hours in the front of my computer banging creationist's head into a wall one by one. there was a light at the end of the tunnel, the one thing i've learned is that from crossing swords with them - they don't care about the facts, empirical evidences, hard data and scientific studies. no matter how many times i and other evolutionists tried, they would rather to jump off a cliff or slit their throats than considering to open their minds to other possibilities.

truth be told, i wish i invent the bible in the first place - so they can fall for the cheap gimmicks i can think of like they usually do. it's amazing how the book -- as you pointed out in your old post that it was written by men -- controls what and how they think and feel.

needless to say but i'm in awe of your persistence. humanity gives up on them many, many years ago. i'll try one more time with them but no promise.

oh, every time we [evolutionists and scientists] bring the scientific studies to the table and they unceasingly flip the table and quote the bible to defend their paradoxical beliefs.

if someone here has a tip on how to stop them from flipping the table, i'm all ears.

Gamer12's right, xentar. It's a futile effort to keep arguing the same points over and over and over. Many of us who have been at this for years (here and elsewhere) have perhaps come to the realization that when it comes to faith/beliefs... you're seldom going to be able to get those folks to see anything that contradicts what they're told in church, or in their scriptures (even when their scriptures contradict themselves, and when their pastors contradict their scriptures). ANY attempt to dislodge them from their notions of what they BELIEVE to be true will be viewed as either A) temptation from the devil, or B) a test of their faith from God. If they can JUST make it through a conversation with you without changing their beliefs, then they're that many steps closer to heaven.

So again, I say: we're at an impasse. Neither side is going to be able to convince the other that they are wrong. Some people draw comfort from tangible (or even theoretical) fact; others draw comfort from their faith. Seldom are people drawn out of their comfort zones.

I applaud you for keeping up the good fight, truly I do. But sooner or later, you'll come to realize that it's a lost cause to try to get the Believers to see Reason.
I :applause: Xentar for make very good points in many of his posts here and other threads. It's up to the people either they agree or disagree with him... Its about open mind debate.
You know what, you guys are right. If anything, I've noticed I'm repeating almost everything I say over and over again. (meaning of theory, anyone?)

I was thinking maybe if I worded it differently (even though I'm practically repeating what I said in earlier posts) they would "get" it eventually. Yeah we all know how that went.

Dreamslayer was the only one to actually bring the topic of actual science discussion but unfortunately they are popular creationist questions thats been repeated a million times. (information in cell, beneficial mutations, etc) And even then, those questions are creationism propaganda. (folks: the reason why I say propaganda because these questions are in a sense, 'wrong' questions to ask and are somehow drilled into the minds of creationisms. Try thinking outside of the box and ask yourself what you're really trying to accomplish with said questions and why creationisms created those questions in the first place).

And you two are correct in regarding the bible being used as empirical evidence. The only way to counterattack those arguments is to prove the bible is nothing more than parables and.. oh dear I'm going off again. Maybe someone should start a new thread on the Bible. Har. Har. :D

Oh yeah, while it's true that its nothing more than a futile attempt as you mentioned.... it's fun.. .

. . . to the point where I want to pluck the nose out of my hair. That pretty much sums up how I feel. THE PAIN!
Because it's MY opinion and I don't have to answer your post. There is no right and wrong, no one knows what happened in the past, not even scientists or christians. No one, period.

Yup, that what I thought about it.
...If they can JUST make it through a conversation with you without changing their beliefs, then they're that many steps closer to heaven....
Just one tiny correction. :)

Christian believers don't take "steps" closer to Heaven. Once we are saved, our destination is determined; we don't "earn" our way to Heaven thru works, even the works of perseverance at AD debates. No Brownie points for AD posting. :)
Religion and science is all about opinion ? I disagree with you there. First of all, there's NO religion. God neever tells it in His opinion. There was never an opinion in God. He was there and His Word was always determined and still is determined.

There was neeever billions or millions of years ago. If, you think that is so...then, we will NOT be able to see the OLD and huge statue of Eygptian lions sittin' on the ground in Eygpt where it left off its history for the whole world to see...and the Pyramid, too and such. Same goes with where Jesus was buried in Israel and other things.

Like you said, you have your own opinion and I have mine as well. :)

I have tell you that Sequioas is right!!!

God isn't real, also you can't talk or take action on God, just NOTHING to do. *shrugs*
via 8525~ what I mean NO one knows what happened before dinosaurs. no one knows what color and what dinosaurs really did and how exaxctly they died. history can not be repeated and it is a mystery forever. there is no proof or answer on that.. they are all theories and guesses, that's all.

Can people stop saying things like "big bang, evolution etc have no solid proof", just because they haven't seen it with their own eyes? Yes, nobody was there to witness anything 15 billion years ago, and no one today is alive to witness human evolved from an earlier ancestor. But that doesn't mean that the experts out there are making wild guesses about everything and paying scientific journals to get their incoherent rambling published. Anyone interested may begin by reading about antibiotic-resistant bacteria like MRSA. That, is evolution live in action.

To quote from Richard Dawkins' book, if a detective goes to a murder scene and picks up an overwhelming amount of evidences in the aftermath, he doesn't need to have seen it with his own eyes to realize how the murder has happened.

Isn't it an irony that people who say these things are the same ones who say "hey, I know you can't experience God, but trust me, He exists and He loves you!"
Net, Your post is good points!

I wondering why MOST sciencists and MOST christians can't figure how did the POWERFUL diease "VIRUS" evolve from the cell blood to kill white cells thru vein inside their body. Or they can't figure where it came from.


That's true. :D
I'm take on XBGMER's side, also remember about it.

Christians are just think that they are rightous, also majority or dominant in the world.

For me, it's not true because of other countries have different religions and views.

If I'm science teacher then I would explain about evolution with no religion's views and just like regular education for kids.
People (laughing and mocking): What on earth looney Noah think he is doing?
Noah: I am building an ark, and you all are welcome. God said we will have serious flooding coming
scientist: flooding, rofl, what a loot. Where is the water? I am too smart, and I got logic, we will never will have flood.
Atheist: God? You believe in God? hahaha, prove me if there is God. you are right, scientist, he is a looney guy.
Psychologist: Noah has psychosis. He's been hallucinating. I try to reason with him, but he won't budge. He is stubborn and been brainwashed.
Noah: (400 years later, ark is completed and God told him, its time) Ya'll, storm is coming sooner than you think. Come. ( people laughing and jolly) then suddenly door was shut)
scientist: Hey, I didn't see Noah shut the door. How that be?
Other scientist: Oh, I don't know, I got to work oh physics, might be the gravity.
Other scientist: He said going to rain and will have flood, been 400 years, haha, obvious, we got logic and sense, Noah is psychosis, looney. I rather have proof.
Atheist: yeah, Noah is wasting his time for relying on faith, not logic. (suddenly rain drops beging to fall and more is coming and now got harder and blinding rainstorm and grund burst open with water)
People: Noah, we believe you now, let us in, let us in *screaming* and all of them were drown
God told Noah, and Noah warned people. Whose fault is it? God trying to save people or people doubting God and ignore His warning?​
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