Ever lose a hearing aid?

I was told by my mom that I threw them in the toilet several times. as growing up, I have left my hearing aids in places where it shouldn't be and it gets broken. My dad's dog chewed up one, my little cousin took it from my night stand and played with it and couldn't find it.

now I can't find my left hearing aid, I haven't worn them in about 3 years and I'm ready to wear it again. gotta dig thru boxes to find it.. so wish me luck!
Oh yes, I had a little puppy of mine and snag it and make it a snack. Fortunately I was till on my warrantee and I got the one replaced, but it was a 300$ deductable. Nowadays I take that as a very serious lesson to be very responsible with them and consistent to where I store them away from any possible harms way. I have also nearly get in shower with them on.
I had done that more than once,I remember one time I could not find my aids for days and when I did find them they were in my earring box :roll:
Yep, I wore my new hearing aids while I rode my bicycle in hurry in the heavy rain/hail!!! My hearing aids were damaged from wetness. My dad was pissed off at me. :giggle: Many years later, I quit wearing HA because I can't stand them anymore. My mom was upset about it and I told her that I did not need them anymore. I am fine without HAs.

At elementary and HS, I hate wearing FM system box everyday. One day, I lost two detachable FM buttons and I did some damage to my FM system during my HS year (I poked a tiny screened hole on the middle of FM with my pencil). Even though my "damaged" FM works, but it won't work between student (me) and teacher. My bitch speech therapist called my parents about my damaged FM box (I did it for fun). My dad was so livid and yelled at me. I might paid $600 to have FM system replaced, but I was told that school took care of FM system right away. It saved me $600!! haha Speaking of two lost detachable FM buttons, I was charged $25 each (today, it should be around $100), I was told to pay up. I lied to her that I did (I did not) and she believed it. Hahaa, I hate that speech therapist at all!! I fooled her!!
I received hearing aids when I was 11 years old, during the summer, before entering fifth grade. I don't recall if it was that summer or the next, but my mother always yelled at me for not wearing my hearing aids when she calls me and has threatened several times to step on them. I have worn my hearing aids religiously ever since. However, when flying on a plane with parents, I always took them off and put them into mom's purse, due to the sound on the plane.

In seventh grade, the vice-principal was very livid with me several times for being late for my next class after gym, as I had to shower (hence, taking hearing aids off). One day, I was in tears because he was being mean when I explained they dropped to the locker below mine. He called me into the office the next day to apologize and it never happened again.

My oldest brother was attending some sort of supper thing with his wife and he took out his Miracle Ear hearing aids at the table. Well, the waitresses were clearing the table, didn't see them and they were scooped up into a coffee cup with coffee still inside. I don't recall if they had to be replaced, but he doesn't do that much anymore (to my knowledge).

About the shower, I never wear them and always take them out. As I get in the shower, I check both ears again, as well as right before getting my head wet, just to make certain they're not still in my ears. It's a habit that I've been doing since getting them, although I should have gotten hearing aids at a much younger age (a long story).
I've purposefully hid them and they should have gone into the garbage. These are some of the places I've hid them:
in a brown paper bag
inside the speakers of a stereo
under the seat on the school bus
in the food cabinent
in a cooler in the basement

unfortunatly and fortunately, my parents always found them eventually. The longest I was without hearing aids was 9 months, but I've never had hearing aids lost for good. I still have my previous 2 pairs.