Eating fast food often does supersize you


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May 20, 2003
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A new study gives scientific clout to a conclusion many already see as obvious: Eating lots of fast food makes you fat and increases the chance of developing diabetes.

A study published in the Lancet medical journal this week found those who frequently ate fast food gained 10 pounds more than those who did so less often, and were more than twice as likely to develop an insulin disorder linked to diabetes.

"Fast food is commonly recognized to have very poor nutritional quality," said Dr. David Ludwig, director of the obesity program at Children's Hospital Boston and the senior author of the study. "But there have been very few studies, essentially no long-term studies that have documented the effects of this dietary pattern on the key chronic diseases of Western civilization — obesity, Type 2 diabetes, heart disease."

"In the absence of such data, the fast-food industry continues to claim that fast food can be part of a healthful diet," he said.

Ludwig's U.S.-based team followed 3,000 young people enrolled in a study of cardiac health over 15 years, giving them medical checkups and asking questions about diet, physical activity and other lifestyle factors.

Even after the scientists used statistical techniques to cancel out the impact of the other factors, those who said they visited fast-food outlets twice a week or more gained 10 pounds more over the course of the study than those who ate fast food less than once a week.

They also had more than double the chance of developing insulin resistance, considered a predictor of Type 2 diabetes, the form of the disease linked to obesity.

"These findings suggest that fast food as presently consumed can really not be part of a healthful lifestyle," Ludwig said.

Arne Astrup, an obesity expert at the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University in Copenhagen, Denmark, said the study was the first long-term look at the relationship between fast-food consumption and diabetes.

"It's quite a powerful message," he said. "I'm happy to see that we have some more solid evidence to substantiate that this is really unhealthy."

Astrup said the huge portions at most fast-food restaurants and the high caloric density of their food were probably responsible for the obesity link. Because even small amounts of fast food contain lots of calories, people consume a great deal without feeling full and soon get hungry again and eat more, he said.

While some fast-food chains have begun offering healthier alternatives, including fruit, Astrup said those were only "weak trends in the right direction."

In an essay accompanying the Lancet article, he suggested the chains make a more serious effort to boost the quality of their offerings, by using leaner meats, whole-grain bread, lower-fat fries, low-sugar soft drinks and more vegetables.

McDonald's director of nutrition, Dr. Cathy Kapica, said the issue was not where people ate, but the type of food they chose and the size of portions.

Kapica said McDonald's restaurants had introduced a variety of portion sizes, were serving more salads and fruit, and were providing nutritional information on trayliners, in-store brochures and a Web site.

"The key is to work together to educate and empower people to make smart choices when dining and to encourage physical activity," Kapica said.

Dr. Rudolph Leibel, an obesity expert at Columbia University in New York, said that while the study was sound and its conclusions likely true, it was important not to demonize fast food as the sole cause of the obesity epidemic in wealthy nations.

Fast-food restaurants, he said, are responding to a real societal need — the inability of many families in which both parents work to find time to cook for themselves.

The restaurants provide a real service by selling cheap, quick food, Leibel said, arguing that the main problem is in the quality and health effects of what they serve.

"I don't think the problem is with fast food per se," he said. "The problem is that it's the wrong kind of food."

The need for improvements there, Leibel said, is the key lesson of the paper, "and the only way to do that really ... is to have an informed consumer."
A new study gives scientific clout to a conclusion many already see as obvious: Eating lots of fast food makes you fat and increases the chance of developing diabetes.
It required a "study" to figure that out? Sounds like a nice boondoggle for some scientists, ha, ha.
LOL yeah it doesn't take a genius to figure that out. Fast food is exactly why my husband has gained weight. He works almost an hour away from home (we will move closer to his work when our year is over for apt in June) so he cant just come home for lunch. And there is no microwave or refrigerator at his work so I can't just make him something. But he is gonna have to loose weight. So he's gonna have to live with ham and/or turkey sandwiches and Baked Lays chips for lunch from now on. Any other ideas for foods that dont have to be refrigerated or microwaved?
Sabrina said:
A new study gives scientific clout to a conclusion many already see as obvious: Eating lots of fast food makes you fat and increases the chance of developing diabetes.
I do have type 2 diabetes.Now im gonna run to my lawyer and see if i can sue mcdonalds.
ravensteve1961 said:
I do have type 2 diabetes.Now im gonna run to my lawyer and see if i can sue mcdonalds.

How can you sue them? McDonalds didn't put a gun to your head to make you come and order food from them. Good Grief. People know that Fast-Foods aren't healthy to anyone. If you go in and order Big Mac, You cannot go sue them because you got fat or because you have diabetes. You just gotta watch what you eat.
Cheri said:
How can you sue them? McDonalds didn't put a gun to your head to make you come and order food from them. Good Grief. People know that Fast-Foods aren't healthy to anyone. If you go in and order Big Mac, You cannot go sue them because you got fat or because you have diabetes. You just gotta watch what you eat.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Good One !! He ask for it ! :gives:
Actually, both restaurants and customers have responsibilities to look over. For example, the customers should be aware of what are in their food, and once they eat them knowing what's inside, they accept the risks.

However, I would say the restaurants should be providing information on what are in their food. I like to know what they put in my food, so that way I'll know what to expect from eating the food. McDonald's has nutritional facts and information sheets, but for some reasons... they aren't always easily accessible. Sometimes, they're hidden behind an object or something. (shrugs) I also noticed that in the movie, Supersize Me! I guess I wasn't alone on these information sheets being hidden from the naked eye.

Both sides have responsibilities to look over, period. Just like the tobacco companies should be lawfully required to inform their customers that the cigarettes contain rat poison and thousands of different dangerous chemical substances.

Like I said, I like to know what is inside the food that I'm eating.
nah - i don't think it's possible cuz look at me ..... i eat fast food a lot - and i STILL weigh 145 lbs

high metabolism, methinks
DaClassOf2005 said:
nah - i don't think it's possible cuz look at me ..... i eat fast food a lot - and i STILL weigh 145 lbs

high metabolism, methinks

You may have high metabolism, but having a high metabolism will not prevent medical problems including heart attacks.
Banjo said:
Both sides have responsibilities to look over, period. Just like the tobacco companies should be lawfully required to inform their customers that the cigarettes contain rat poison and thousands of different dangerous chemical substances.
And juries are giving out big claim awards to victims who have lung cancer because of big tabacco companies. Why cant the government make tabacco products illegal to sell and let the FBI make some arrests like they do to drug gangs.
ravensteve1961 said:
And juries are giving out big claim awards to victims who have lung cancer because of big tabacco companies. Why cant the government make tabacco products illegal to sell and let the FBI make some arrests like they do to drug gangs.

Because they rake in a lot of money.
I generally though (as most people did) it was common knowledge about the Health Risks of fast food. I still eat it on occasion, in particular when I don't have time for a sit down meal. I try to avoid it when I can, and I don't enjoy it as much as I used to. I used to eat quite a bit and was overweight. I've cut most of it out and have already lost weigh and am feeling better.

Should the goverment regulate it? Nope. I don't think the goverment should be telling us how to run our daily lives, especially when it comes to the foods we eat. I think the goverment makes plenty of errors as it is (I don't agree with our food pyramid, etc).

Thats a great point about tobacco. I'm all for ingredients of food, tobacco, etc being disclosed. That should be a requirement, but I don't care to have the goverment telling me I can't have a Big Mac on occasion. I'd like to make my own decision on it.

I have never understood why drugs like tobacco and alcohol are legal, when drugs like marijuana are not. I'm not going to get into the debate of legalization of drugs (I'm really not allowed to :) ) I just think of how many alchohol related deaths there are, and how many people suffer the effects of tobacco, yet there are less dangerous things that are illegal.

Lawsuits against fast food restaurants and tobacco companies are rediculous. I smoke on occasion (used to be a regular smoker) and I know its bad for me. Why wouldn't I be responsible for my own actions? If I eat fast food and get fat, it serves me right. If I smoke a cigarette and get lung cancer, it serves me right. I'm responsible for my own actions.
Additionally, technically the fast food companies and tobacco companies are NOT doing anything wrong. Millions of people can die from cancer, but cigarettes are a legal product available on every street corner. What makes them responsible for it?
Taylor said:
Why wouldn't I be responsible for my own actions? If I eat fast food and get fat, it serves me right. If I smoke a cigarette and get lung cancer, it serves me right. I'm responsible for my own actions.
Additionally, technically the fast food companies and tobacco companies are NOT doing anything wrong. Millions of people can die from cancer, but cigarettes are a legal product available on every street corner. What makes them responsible for it?

Actually, you're right about people being served right for getting fat due to eating too much fast food. However, I can't say that about tobacco. Yes, they do have warnings today, but they still run advertisements to this day with stupid expressions and more.

But let's be glad it's not the 50s when people were actually being told that smoking is healthy! Good thing that a lot has changed.
Samething about cocane, heroin and marijuana taylor,,If i snort cocane i go to jail for it. If i inject heroin i go to jail for it. If i puff marijuana i go to jail for it.
So why should i have to spend time behind bars if i do illegal drugs but people who smoke a cigarette should pay punishment by their own body? Seems to me you should go to jail if you make a cigarette and smoke it.
Sabrina said:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Good One !! He ask for it ! :gives:
Yes, I´m with you :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The Court cant do anything to against McDonald because you should know yourself what right or wrong foods, you pick up. It´s your decision, not McDonald.
Lawsuits against fast food restaurants and tobacco companies are rediculous. I smoke on occasion (used to be a regular smoker) and I know its bad for me. Why wouldn't I be responsible for my own actions? If I eat fast food and get fat, it serves me right. If I smoke a cigarette and get lung cancer, it serves me right. I'm responsible for my own actions.
Additionally, technically the fast food companies and tobacco companies are NOT doing anything wrong. Millions of people can die from cancer, but cigarettes are a legal product available on every street corner. What makes them responsible for it?

I agree with you 100 percent. ;)
Taylor said:
Lawsuits against fast food restaurants and tobacco companies are rediculous. I smoke on occasion (used to be a regular smoker) and I know its bad for me. Why wouldn't I be responsible for my own actions? If I eat fast food and get fat, it serves me right. If I smoke a cigarette and get lung cancer, it serves me right. I'm responsible for my own actions.
Additionally, technically the fast food companies and tobacco companies are NOT doing anything wrong. Millions of people can die from cancer, but cigarettes are a legal product available on every street corner. What makes them responsible for it?

:gpost: ...I totally agree what you said Taylor, I am a smoker and I knew the risk even if I end up having lung cancer then I wouldn't be going around and suing the tobacco companies because I already knew it would effect my health and I also knew the risk too...

Most of us know the risk of eating too much fast food restaurants and smoking cigarettes still some of them go out and sue them.... :roll:

They need to start taking responsible for their own health and stop blaming the others...
Leibling said:

The Court cant do anything to against McDonald because you should know yourself what right or wrong foods, you pick up. It´s your decision, not McDonald.

It was obvious to me that RSteve was being sarcastic and didn't bother to respond to some of the responders who took it literally..... :wave:
Or maybe he is on drugs?
Alcohol is a drug, the most damaging one in this world, yet it is legal.
Caffeine is a drug as well.
Need I go on, before I fall asleep?