Eat you hearts out, Polar Bears, It is Warm Today

it was 60 ish with heavy rain last week, now it's been steady in the 50's day time here in Seattle, with cloudiness and a little of rain, not much. It is too warm for Janurary, the snowpack is low! We need more snowpack for our water needs in spring and summer! I hope it's not way too dry this summer.
Today our weather was cloudy, no snow and it was 43F degrees. Alot better than before. :mrgreen:
it had been rainin on and off in san jose.. yeah near berkeley and S.F area but sometimes it will be warm up to 60's but lately it had been in 50's but I like the weather here cuz no snow up here cuz if snow here i wud never able to walk in snow or I wud fall down on my ass almost all the time :squint: