drunk posting


New Member
Nov 14, 2009
Reaction score
Ever do it? How did it go?
I thought you might post here.

haha, there has been quite a few times ive browsed/posted AD while under the influence.

Most of the times I am just too lazy to type and do it when im clear. Thankfully I do that most of the times because the next day I am like "Oh, I read that wrong."

I have to admit, the last time I did it - it was pretty comical having an e-stalker.
PFH isn't that your usual condition from many "tasty kegs"? Have you started your trip around the USA on your "super 3 wheel bicycle" yet? Thrifty mode of travel-to say the least! Hope it doesn't snow/rain much on your extended trip. Will you be giving updates here on alldeaf.com? Cheers!

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Oxford Dictionary:drunk-excited or stupefied with alcoholic drink. How much-contingent on one's body. Plus the amount of alcohol in the drink.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
I've posted on FB while a bit tipsy, but that is the extent of it. It was nothing bad or self-incriminating, it was just mindless rants about stupid things.
haha, there has been quite a few times ive browsed/posted AD while under the influence.

Most of the times I am just too lazy to type and do it when im clear.

Yes I get exactly what you mean, alot of times I have the best things to say, but while Im typing I kinda get distracted and when I come back, I've completely lost interest in the whole conversation.
I have... Plenty of times... Even on here, but at least my posts were coherent. I have sleep texted many times too and I came off as a drunk.
I just had a tiny cup of whiskey with Pepsi... Pretty good... But goddamn, that thing is strong. It hit me within only one sip.

Now I'm having Long Island Iced Tea... After all, I live on Long Island so why not? Here I come, drunk posts. :) :beer:
Just so yall know... 750mL of Jagermiester is actually in me at this moment.....

Well, a bit more than that to be exact.
I have...especially in the Penisarium forum. I get sobered up and go and read...and I'm like, OMFG!!!!

The 750 ml of the Jag is staying in the freezer - I know better! LOL

It is weird how the cross symbol is over the deer and its horns. Kind of freaky...
I have...especially in the Penisarium forum. I get sobered up and go and read...and I'm like, OMFG!!!!

The 750 ml of the Jag is staying in the freezer - I know better! LOL

It is weird how the cross symbol is over the deer and its horns. Kind of freaky...

yeah... too bad it didnt stay in the freezer tonight.. for me at least. I know i'll regret it soon...
I have not been drunk enough to hurl in many years. Hmmm...