Don't Ask Me Anything.

Where was this?....In which thread?....

In the thread "SSI overpaid me."

One person really bashed deaf people for getting SSI and he has been banned. Another one just simply asked and expressed how it wasnt fair. In my opinion, hearing people say deaf people are disabled which makes sense cuz they cant imagine not being able to hear so that doesnt bother me but then they say that we are not entitled to SSI or SSDI or that it is not fair so to me that is a contradiction right there.

Sorry to go off topic here.
I've many questions that I would like to ask cats, but I'll need an interpreter as no cats that I know can use ASL. So maybe it's better if I don't ask anything at all?
Wirelessly posted

I noticed this is an old thread 2007 lol
He said Dont ask him anything, but didnt sau that we couldnt tell him

Kind of like lucky rabbit feet werent so lucky for the rabbit....
rabbit is good ... tastes like chicken !!! :D
In keeping with "rabbit"'s request-should this thread by locked?
I think that there needs to be a sign for catnip. I don't know of one. I would feel awkward teaching cats ASL if I didn't know the sign for catnip. What would a person suggest I use to sign catnip?