Does anyone know what sign this is?


New Member
May 14, 2007
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I work with a Deaf man who often has stomach issues. So I believe this sign has something to do with not feeling well. I think I have seen him sign it 2 different ways:

'P' bouncing off his stomach or middle finger bouncing off the stomach. One time he was doing it very abruptly.
It would be great if there was some sort of search engine where you could type in a description of a sign and it would give you the english word.

Thanks in advance.
The kind of websites would be awesome. I guess that would take lots of programmings for that to work. and are pretty reliable signing dictionaries out there.

Could the sign he used was telling you that he was in pain?
sign for upset?

Upset use handshape of P/k. he knows the sign for upset. His sign comes straight out from stomach and then back again.
I'm sure it has something to do with his stomach pain, I just wasn't sure if it was an actual sign.
Straight out from stomach? Maybe he was saying that he wants the pain to stop/go away?
kidney? just guessing.
That seems to fit the description and context. That "P" could be a "K".

"Kidney" is usually more to the side but it still could be that sign.
That seems to fit the description and context. That "P" could be a "K".

"Kidney" is usually more to the side but it still could be that sign.

You got this correct. Sometime, we misread fingerspell with letter K and P up and down. Interpreter sometimes ask repeat if it was P or K with fingerspelling.
Thanks everyone for your input! The people I work with are moderatly to severly MR. Unfortunatly he's not able to fingerspell or write what he's signing out. I also don't think he would know the sign for kidney, but I'll look into that.