Doctors, Lawyers, balking at getting interpreters for me - What am I doing wrong?


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Apr 22, 2010
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It's only been relatively recently that I realized I really do need an interpreter at all and anytimes important information is being passed to me. For some strange reason, I kept trying to handle things like Doctor, Dentist and other situations without one, by using paper and pen. I think I was somehow trying to make things easier for others, which of course backfired on me.

After a horrible experience with a dentist and anesthesiologist, which was going to require 4 separate surgeries and cost close to 20K, and which they refused to hire an interpreter for, I decided I was DONE making things easier for others and would insist on having a interpreter when I was entitled to one. ..and it's been Hellish.

This week, we called and emailed an Lawyer to deal with my husband's immigration from Canada to the US (I am a citizen). I told him to state in the email that I would require an interpreter and she responded by saying she had to check with an entire group of lawyers to see if USCIS would provide one. This both worried and annoyed me, since last I checked they were a government agency and so would be required to have an for me, and I was sure I had heard of other Deafies having interpreters for their immigration meetings. After more emails to set up an appointment, she claimed the first meeting we are trying to set up was "Casual" and she assumed I would bring a family member to sign to me.

I am furious ! I don't see any meeting with a lawyer as casual, especially one where I am expected to pay her at least 1000 of the 5000 USD she would charge for her services !

So, a few questions for people who have more practice and knowledge at dealing with this -

1. Am I entitled to an Interpreter or CART ( I still read better than I sign unfortunately.)

2. In the future, what is the best way to secure Interpreter services from professionals ?

I don't feel like I should be "asking" because It's not a favor, it's a requirement for doing business with me. So the last two times I have simply stated, " I am Deaf and require CART services or an ASL interpreter to be in attendance". This has not gone over very well.

3. Does anyone know any Deaf Immigration Lawyers or Deaf Friendly Immigration Lawyers in Florida ?


(p.s. Sorry for the random caps, keyboard acting up and not sure if I got them all)
Read the above resource links, and print them out.

Don't ask; inform the receptionist that you WILL need an interpreter or CART at your appointment, in accordance with the ADA.

Get to know your local professional interpreters. Introduce yourself and get to know what services they offer. Explain your situation to them. Often, they already have contracts with businesses, including medical services. Get a stack of their business cards so that when the doctor's office says, "We don't know how to contact interpreters," you can hand them the card.

Don't let them bully you into using family members as terps, or paying for professional terps.
Thank you Reba !

I had all but the last two links.

It's good to see that I appear to be on the right track. I've had a stack of business Cards from one of the local interpreter groups ever since they helped me convince the local sheriff's office that yes, Deaf people do go to neighborhood watch meetings, and Yes, they needed to hire an interpreter for that.

I guess I will just have to make more introductions with More local agencies, get more business cards, and carry on.

I won't let them bully me ! I'm feeling a bit better now. I am just so tired of getting a fight what appears to be every single time, I was begining to wonder what I was doing wrong. (Other than not insistanting on an interpreter which has since been fixed :)

Thanks again!

Read the above resource links, and print them out.

Don't ask; inform the receptionist that you WILL need an interpreter or CART at your appointment, in accordance with the ADA.

Get to know your local professional interpreters. Introduce yourself and get to know what services they offer. Explain your situation to them. Often, they already have contracts with businesses, including medical services. Get a stack of their business cards so that when the doctor's office says, "We don't know how to contact interpreters," you can hand them the card.

Don't let them bully you into using family members as terps, or paying for professional terps.
GOOD - WELL SAID, I love it and I will printe this out too for future so, when i explain (as i do) to local deafs about self stand up and demand qualified interpreters (and courts here is going to be in trouble they are breaking the law too! (will post a thread about this infuture but not yet im in process of researching) .but this is really clear and nice , thanks Reba.
Well, it happened to me again for the 2nd time when I went to see my primary intrepretor....The head nurse assistant really gave those girls in the office "HELL" about it, tho'....

And another thing...had lots of problems with my phone (Comcast) for several months....and when I threatened to contact the ADA...lo' and behold, it was fixed in 2 days.....

And when I told the receptionist via phone in Radiology that I would need an intrepretor this Wednesday....she asked..."what language, mamm"?... I said 'ASL'...she said..."what's that?"...
what I did 2 years ago, and the poster is still gave the university medical centre a poster about bill of rights which a NZSL (New Zealand Sign langauge) with signs for each of the 12 points....and so its great seeing it there, part of it is to get peoples awareness of NZSL in public places...but thats only a small part...

what im saying it would be good if ADA printed posters for d/Deaf people to take to medical/commnity centres for information posters on walls or notice boards...
that would help a lot of those misinformed people working in such places...
Noticed another posting about being denied an interperter. Poster filed a complaint with the dept of justice. And won
And when I told the receptionist via phone in Radiology that I would need an intrepretor this Wednesday....she asked..."what language, mamm"?... I said 'ASL'...she said..."what's that?"...
Come on, not many hearing people know what ASL is. Can't you just say "sign language"?
Money is the issue here.

I can understand from a family doctor's point of view. They have to pay $110 or so to have the interpreter show up. Your insurance will only pay the doctor $60 or so just for your visit. That means the doctor lost $40 just because you showed up. They lose even more money if you are on Medicaid.

Most hospitals have on-staff interpreters, so there is really no excuse if you are having major surgery. Lawyers make tons of money per hour, so the have no excuse either, but I suspect they are more paranoid about having misunderstandings between 3 people.

Several emails between the lawyer and my husband later I'm still not sure how to handle this. The last email said in part:

"It is strict company policy to receive payment beforehand, especially when we have to book any type of translator. (If the client does not show up, we are still on the hook to pay the translator - and that has happened in the past)."

So erm... if I was hearing I'd have had a free appiontment quite some time ago, but because I require a 'terp, I have to pay 1,000 usd upfront ?!? Isn't that illegal ?

I'm under a lot of pressure from family and friends to pay this lawyer, because we really need to get my husband immigrated but I certainly don't want to risk losing 1,000
so that the lawyer can not risk losing a few hundred.

I'm concerned that if we pay the lawyer, she will say she hired a 'terp but then none will show up. Trying to get a refund from alawer doesn't look like a lot of fun.

Any advice ? I'm a little worried bout looking for a different lawyer because what if they ALL refuse ?

Do I just file DOJ compliants until I run out of lawyers, doctors and dentists ?

Wavedancer (confused and bonndoggled about how this is supposed to work)