Yes I agree that it has nothing do with clean for the tourists... It´s their culture... I know what it is about because we were in Sinpagore... wow, very clean and environment-friendly... Accord their rule, do not chew the gum, eat, drink or smoke by walking down to the public... If I want to eat or drink or whatever then I have to look for bench with smoking tray top of the rubbish bin... near bench... we sat down and have our lunch then throw them away to rubbish bin... $1,000 fine penalty or clean the street until end of vacation if they caught me throw something on the street or road instead of rubbish bin... Very clean... like what you described about Japan´s culture... clean and polite... it´s their culture... Very friendly people... to China Town with different culture, also India Town with different culture, ..... very interesting...
Yeah I notice that, people have to stay in a place while eat or drink or whatever. I know it's interesting
Yes I agree that I aware that it´s not all people are friendly... it´s just individuals who is different as other individuals... You are lucky to meet friendly japanesse but others not... It does the same here in Europe countries as well... I have no problem with French people but you see different... which is normal... Many Americans said that Europe are friendly but other Americans said that they are unfriendly... Each is different... It look like that some Americans label their country is number one in the world is friendly and label it as culture... :roll:
We all have different experience and different people to meet.
Yes, I agree that Africa is poor country... The Africans want money for let us in their home to look around... We understand that they need money for their living... I want to take pictures of Africans but they scared... some want money for take pictures.
I don´t experience in Bahamas... interesting...
Wow, sounds sad about Africa.. Yeah The Bahamas is poor country, but unlikely Mexico, they don't pry for money and just acting peace.
Interesting, curious why do you feel like this... what difference between Japan and America?
Well I live in Vancouver/Portland metro area which are not that tight like I've seen in Tokyo, in Tokyo every building are very close to each other, there are no such a one floor building, there are probably 10-20 floors building on average. In Vancouver, Washington which are my city, there are plentifully of lands, every houses are fairly spaced out and not so many of building in downtown that are tall like Tokyo, that applies to Portland too. Also the people in my area are not that crowdly or very busy like Tokyo, also most of people here are more relax and only help when asked, very few would help without asking. There are a lot of poles having the paper sticking on it while Tokyo, there are nothing. Also most of the areas in my location are not really pederstation friendly while Tokyo have high pederstation friendly like they have the stairway to walk over the road instead of waiting till the road become empty. Also, I didn't get used with seeing so many bums on the street neither
I can understand your POV over French and from what you see them... but I don´t have problem with them and their friendly because we understand French little to keep them happy because we are there in France... They don´t speak Germans but just English and France... I know and respect their mentatliy and culture.
Yeah same here, I don't complain that they act like snob, I already know it was their culture so I just patiently and ask if they can help and try to act like them to learn the difference of culture, it's fun
Of course, every country don´t do for just tourists. Its about their own culture, we should show our respect to. If I want to visit their country then I have to learn about their culture, tradition, custom, mentatliy, etc. before visit and respect them.
Of course