Do you want to learn how to ride a motorcycle? Come in and Request!

Oh nice, I'd like to learn how to ride a motorcycle. I might buy one of those after college.
oh wow. i've been wondering from time to time when will you do this video demo. well c'mon! let's keep this thread alive and running!

best way to learn is get a fast 2 stroker racer replica, that will teach you the fine balance of respecting and controlling the machine.
i dont ride motorcycles but my dad always do that and he using safety helmet

i would agreed with SOB's comment and also post..
best way to learn is get a fast 2 stroker racer replica, that will teach you the fine balance of respecting and controlling the machine.


why it easy to use that dirt bike for while until you get know then time for real one.

Like I plow snow. I start from shovel to snowblower to tractor with plow to LAST is Truck with plow.

Need start with easy stuff then do hard stuff later.
I used to ride dirt bikes, which was fun. I'd like to learn how to ride a road bike, but I don't think I can trust myself, because I'd probably pull wheelies and endos - and end up on youtube... Nevertheless, I am interested in your videos. :)
I used to ride dirt bikes, which was fun. I'd like to learn how to ride a road bike, but I don't think I can trust myself, because I'd probably pull wheelies and endos - and end up on youtube... Nevertheless, I am interested in your videos. :)

Really. So you must be very good on dirt bikes if you say so. wheelies on road bikes is a whole lot different from dirt bikes, you're taking about a smaller front wheels (harder to control the gyroscopic effect in between the forks, inspite of greater the gyro force), heavier frames with much much stiffer bracings, longer wheel bases(lower COG), curved tires on wheels giving much much less contact patch, and of course a hell of a lot more speed with the torque curve(s) being obviously situated at a higher rpms with of course much wider-spread out gear ratios....i dont imagine many people (few exceptional riders have done this) but that is; i said EXCEPTIONAL meaning that you have are very gifted for this transference of dirt bike skills onto the road bikes doing stunts on tarseals. Furthermore, tarmac gives far less margins for errors, indeed tolerances between a lowside and a highside.
Really. So you must be very good on dirt bikes if you say so. wheelies on road bikes is a whole lot different from dirt bikes, you're taking about a smaller front wheels (harder to control the gyroscopic effect in between the forks, inspite of greater the gyro force), heavier frames with much much stiffer bracings, longer wheel bases(lower COG), curved tires on wheels giving much much less contact patch, and of course a hell of a lot more speed with the torque curve(s) being obviously situated at a higher rpms with of course much wider-spread out gear ratios....i dont imagine many people (few exceptional riders have done this) but that is; i said EXCEPTIONAL meaning that you have are very gifted for this transference of dirt bike skills onto the road bikes doing stunts on tarseals. Furthermore, tarmac gives far less margins for errors, indeed tolerances between a lowside and a highside.

I have never done anything extreme, besides the odd wheelie or jump. I have been also lucky not to have any serious accidents. I don't think I'd be lucky with a road bike though, especially after reading what you wrote. :) I can't even do a good wheelie on a pushbike without "flipping it" anymore. So, I wouldn't want to "flip" a road bike. :)
Have grew up with dirt motorcycles. Fast was 68 mph in farm it fun ride.

How hard motorcycle test is?

I am think get license then drive motorcycle. But I think trike more safe but want hear opinion.

nah not trike, its probably more dangerous and limiting on flow around corners, heck even likely the stability on straight lines..

have no idea on the laws in where i live (new zealand), regarding trike/car/motorcycle laws, but i would be sure it would lean towards a motorcycle licence especially if it was a motorcycle first then converted, and I do know this that (there quite a few) of trikes that was a VW bettle converted, so they are road registered as a VW car meaning you'd probably only need a car licence to drive it, but im not so sure. Weird rules I know.. I could even hazard a guess it would be similar elsewhere too, Trikes seem to tend to be a subject of loopholes somewhat.

Now, if say a once you got a say 350 V8 into a custom frames (I have seen it with triangular/ beams hybird chassis utlised in place to house it) I would guess again that you'd be required a motorcycle licence mainly from the consideration of the risk of getting hurt from excess power to weight ratio with a V8 on a motorcycle chassis...
well I don't know from motorcycles but I do think you put up cool pic, Jiro!
ive flipped pushbikes more than i can remember but yet can hold the front wheel for 300 metres at the most, often at that point ive used up the maximum tolerable torque and thus built speeds to an excess so i had to come down. But on other hand motorcycles its another story, I have done wheelies but never for a long lengths, say a couple of lampposts no more for same reason. I do not think i was doing wheelies 'Properly' by not relying totally upon the 'balancing point' front wheel was down just a nudge bit. i can flow and show and do it at will, from out of corners, (even around corners on pushbikes, hell 1 handed too, and even can turn around look behind me and carry on - that was 15 years ago, now so rusty I doubt i could now since with a nasty bouts of tinnitus (vertigo buggering up my balances)...if i was to get to be able to do wheelies like i did on pushbikes, i would have to be prepared to flip alot too, and thus gets bloody expensive and most likely bloody dangerous, potentionally endangering myself to break my own neck from my own 'style'of riding and learning.... other guys -hearing and perfected balance -in ear- wont have my cheating with torque problems... but hell then again i learnt to do powersliding real good, i was able to do it both front and back wheels on dirt bikes in the berms i loved it, and i guess thats stood me slightly different from most MX riders as majority of them liked only back wheeling spinning loose after the apex of the corners.
GP/superbikes riders (especially the GPs and or with violent vee-twins like Brittens and some ducatis) had to do it this way slide in braking, and slide out powering all the while keep sliding and thus keeping the possibility of highside away... looks easy, it is- sort off but often times difficult to get timing right. Its very easy to break your nerves to get to do it is something else... hell on tarmacs for me, i wouldnt do it, I just dont have the nerves...hanging off and braking traditionally and keeping the revs up is fine...but not like right up High, i like the gentle push in the midrange then higher up in the old RM125 was a beauty had this nice Fat midrange (and taller gearing due to 19inch that wasnt out until the next years model, which also meant steepening my rake of the fork and slightly slightly made turning easier, but um,, was a bit hairy on the bumpy, hard, dried out, race-worn corners...shit i remembered this well..... wow lol

but yup 2 strokes do teach you better, four stroke though have came a long way! i was shocked at how CR-F250 is great on MX would give a 125MX a run for the money....but Id still think a 125 tuned right, and with a feirce rider or highly finess would kill a 250 4 stroke rider , im pretty sure of that hmmm anyway i think i blabbled alot tonight, i was only say I dont wish to say i was that good on road bikes, i wasnt , highsided once that was a real confidence killer but luckily no broken bones..while done it hundreds of times on dirt bike, i just get up and keep going till tank ran out of gas or sun goes down... -that was the best fun id ever had in my life, too bad the girls in my life dont exist - it didnt matter...i lived and lived,i could honesty say this if i had a son (hearing, and 2 sharp eyes) id teach him well - i would, for this i owe it to Mort Andrews who taught me motocross.

Just leave. You came in and tell the stories? Please leave. I am asking to everybody if they are interested in to learn to ride motorcycle.
Finally the video made and up. now waiting on subscribers and support my videos. I am trying to promote it now. Thank you if you support my videos!

I know i need to upgrade my video camera! :( i didn't realize that my video is bad quality. :(

Video Link

My youtube username: MrEndemic
Endemic - nice video lolol. Good seeing you again. Anyway I think this is a great idea and I hope you'll get some subscribers. I'll want to learn how to ride a motorcycle one day - not anytime soon, but one day.

Best of luck with your videos!
Yup, that is the lesson I learned the hard way. Back in 1993 that is when I learn THAT lesson. I approached a car in front of me, that bastard had left turn signal and waiting to make left turn and I thought that bastard is gonna make left turn... WRONG! that driver made RIGHT turn instead and I ran into that car! Man! it hurts so much and I ended up in hospital.
Lesson learn!
absolutely! always treat each moving vehicle/person/object (truck, car, bike, person, etc.) as hostile! We call those who drive car/truck/suv/etc as "cager"

you do that - you'll get to live another day to ride :cool2:
looooool endemic - good video.
Yo man.. its been a long time to holla..

i dont mind to join your team to giving tips to them (if i have a time, but would be so super cool)

here's my baby:

Endemic, thank you for making videos about motorcycle riding. :ty: