Do you support a cure for deafness?

Do you support a cure for deafness?

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Support for a cure on deafness does not equate bitterness. No more different than those who support a cure for blindness.

I don't see where anyone claimed this. Just that the way you phrased the question and made the poll answers was insensitive to a lot of the bitter memories Deaf people have cause of audism.
Late-deafened, voted for a cure, but under the condition it's implemented very carefully and not forced on the Deaf community.
I am late-deafened and I voted no cure

I'm curious to hear from everyone who voted no, how do you feel about the fact you would be impeding the right of deaf people who would like to hear again? Where it's a simple choice for themselves, and not someone forcing someone else to be something other than who they are?
Should it matter if they are late-deafened or born deaf or whatever? These things are not what people can control. Attitudes, on the other hand, are something that these folks will have control over.

While it's obviously not a predictor, late-deafened people generally want their hearing back more often than people born deaf, cause it's a sense they lost, whereas for born deaf people it's a sense they never had. People might be interested to see if the trend plays out. :dunno:
Judging the way the question is asked, it would be difficult to vote against a cure. I assume that was the intention. I will start my own poll.
I'm curious to hear from everyone who voted no, how do you feel about the fact you would be impeding the right of deaf people who would like to hear again? Where it's a simple choice for themselves, and not someone forcing someone else to be something other than who they are?

I felt that the question was asking if I wanted the cure. I sure wouldn't keep others who wanted from benefiting, but I feel that this is the way G*d wanted me to be. Late Deafened.
While it's obviously not a predictor, late-deafened people generally want their hearing back more often than people born deaf, cause it's a sense they lost, whereas for born deaf people it's a sense they never had. People might be interested to see if the trend plays out. :dunno:

I may be in the minority in that respect since I am late deafened and I, myself, do not want a cure. I at least had years to be prepared and I know it's different for someone who did not have time or prior knowledge to prepare.
I may be in the minority in that respect since I am late deafened and I, myself, do not want a cure. I at least had years to be prepared and I know it's different for someone who did not have time or prior knowledge to prepare.

Of course. I think it's just a higher-correlation, not an absolute. :)

I'm not so sure I would want a cure myself, especially if it meant I couldn't be a part of the Deaf/Hh community here.
This is why I picked my answer as well. If i wasn't spose to be late deafened...i wouldn't be...simple as that. I don't want a cure for myself that is why I answered No
I say no because................... *bells ringing*!!!

If everyone accepted being deaf, and the general populace accepts deafness instead of trying to "fix" the "wrong"......

There would be no audism and the world would be perfectly fine....

uh oh...
I'm curious to hear from everyone who voted no, how do you feel about the fact you would be impeding the right of deaf people who would like to hear again? Where it's a simple choice for themselves, and not someone forcing someone else to be something other than who they are?

That is not my right to do so. If a person wants a "cure" for his or her deafness that is their choice not mine.I would not stop anyone getting something they wanted.
That is not my right to do so. If a person wants a "cure" for his or her deafness that is their choice not mine.I would not stop anyone getting something they wanted.

I think you misunderstood. I'm asking the people who voted not to allow the cure, thereby keeping others from having the choice, why they voted so.

But I agree with you. :)
I voted yes. One other thing, someone up there...maybe in page 1 or 2 said something about someone getting a cure and not giving a damn about the deaf community. I think that it depends on how connected a person is to the deaf community. Seeing as it is that the majority would support a cure says a lot. There should be plenty of options available for one to be able to choose. And, respect for others choice should be practiced.
This poll didnt ask if we wouldnt allow asked if we would support it or not. Do you really think people here have the power to prevent or block scientists from discovering a cure and then market it? :roll:

I do not support it which means that emotionally and financially, it is not something I would invest in. I would rather support a cure for terminal diseases.

That's my personal decision and yes, I would be very concerned with how society and the laws would treat those who chose not to opt for the cure.
Keep it out of the gov't (and it's funding) and it will stay out and will be treated it as optional. life threatening is more important . That's the way I see it.

But on the other hand, few people claim that in order to find cure for other things, They have to start with the ear.
This poll didnt ask if we wouldnt allow asked if we would support it or not. Do you really think people here have the power to prevent or block scientists from discovering a cure and then market it? :roll:

I do not support it which means that emotionally and financially, it is not something I would invest in. I would rather support a cure for terminal diseases.

That's my personal decision and yes, I would be very concerned with how society and the laws would treat those who chose not to opt for the cure.
This! Well said. :gpost:
This poll didnt ask if we wouldnt allow asked if we would support it or not. Do you really think people here have the power to prevent or block scientists from discovering a cure and then market it? :roll:

I do not support it which means that emotionally and financially, it is not something I would invest in. I would rather support a cure for terminal diseases.

That's my personal decision and yes, I would be very concerned with how society and the laws would treat those who chose not to opt for the cure.

:gpost: Well said. That is why I chose "I don't know" for my vote. There are many things that need cures. Deafness is not at the top of the list. I would rather see a cure for Alzheimer's. Just my experience with it tells me I would rather see Mom alert enough to write to, without hearing, than hearing me and the "kids" she imagines to see.
The poll choices are a trap. If you go against what the OP wants, and you say "no cure", you will be painted as being heartless. So it goes.