do you hate it when hearing person...

e said:
A Jehovah Witness woman stopped by at my house, tried to give a preach to my mom. She was asking questions about me and my sisters, she somehow knew that one of my two sisters is deaf and didn't know I was the another one, too. Anyway, she was sort of surprised and told my mom "I prayed to God that my children will never be born deaf. Thank god, my children were born normal." Then my mom slammed the door right on her face! Go, mom!

My god. JW lady is so stupid motherfucker. Wooowhoo.. your mom is the champion!!

JW people :rl:
Fly Free said:
DeafScuba -- i uddy how u feel -- i would definately feel that way if a hearie said that to me abt my child even tho i myself am not a parent of human kids -- just CATS LOL

anyhow -- i get peeved when hearies ask me "can u hear me qq" even after they have been told i am DEAF :roll:

Hearies asked me the same thing years ago. It was pain in the ass for me to explain to them about hearing frequencies, etc. It was so damning complex!!
e said:
A Jehovah Witness woman stopped by at my house, tried to give a preach to my mom. She was asking questions about me and my sisters, she somehow knew that one of my two sisters is deaf and didn't know I was the another one, too. Anyway, she was sort of surprised and told my mom "I prayed to God that my children will never be born deaf. Thank god, my children were born normal." Then my mom slammed the door right on her face! Go, mom!

WTG e's mom!!!!!!! :thumb:
no, i don't have any kids but sure, if they asked me the same question, "is your child deaf too?" and if i say that my kid isn't, they might say "oh that's good!" proably meaning that they are very shallow and just want every child of their own to be what they wanted them to be... :roll: so, if i tell 'em that my child is deaf, they proably would go "oooh i'm sorry!" they proably would think that deafness in the family would increase difficulty and stress but that's not true as long as you know that being deaf doesn't make you dumb or just don't have the ability to hear, and some just don't understand about the deaf culture that if they ask me anything about that i would proably tell 'em to shut the fuck up and to mind their own business.
I'd probably retort and ask them how they'd feel if they had a deaf child and that I'd be VERY happy about that~! Heheh...
About the JWs, it bugs me when they think I can be "hearing again" if I join their church. I love being LDS so I can tell them to go read my Book of Mormon and they always run away from my door scared.
seems like all of you have similar problems.. sometimes when a customer comes to me to ask me for something.. i say " i cannot hear, can you write it down please" they get scared and walk away.. this pisses me off sometimes, sometimes i just laugh and oh man that person's idiot.