Do you feel that hearing teachers restrict Deaf children in learning?

I never personally met a Highly-educated deaf person (the one who was born deaf) in my whole life.

I have met soooooooo many. They all inspired me.
Lighthouse, that doesn't mean that those people don't exist. That's my point about students having deaf role models. How can the students know what's possible if they don't see it?

Shel is a good role model for deaf kids. She's smart and highly educated.

:Oops: Thank you. :hug:
Shel has already addressed that point. She said that it depends on the individual teacher not hearing status.

Ok. I know good teachers that lack communication skills, rendering them horrible teachers with deaf children, but good with hearing children. This is a language issue, not about the art of teaching or personality to me. But perhaps other people don't find this a big issue then, and perhaps I am wrong, but I am curious about this one.

Lousy teachers are everywhere, but it seems they get extremely lousy when they try to teach deaf children with crap sign language skills, while deaf teachers just get lousy?
No No! I dont want to be famous. Rich, ya ..famous NO! :lol:

:giggle: But Id love to see lots of deaf/hoh kids get older and come to you and thank you for making possibles the best in their lives because of you. Don't forget to keep us posted in a few years. I know they will.
Lighthouse, that doesn't mean that those people don't exist. That's my point about students having deaf role models. How can the students know what's possible if they don't see it?

Shel is a good role model for deaf kids. She's smart and highly educated.

yes, she is very highly educated and a good role model for me and other deaf people. I just don't want people to think verbal only is the only way to be success. Now if shel say she got through college with ASL then that is definitely a role model for deaf people with ASL.
yes, she is very highly educated and a good role model for me and other deaf people. I just don't want people to think verbal only is the only way to be success. Now if shel say she got through college with ASL then that is definitely a role model for deaf people with ASL.

My brother is an ASL user and will get his Master's this May.
One has to really have the passion for teaching but if a hearing person really doesnt go out of his/her way to become fluent in ASL, then he/she shouldnt teach deaf children.

I think we all of us that believe in bibi can agree on that. It's how it works in the real world I am questioning. I have attended a deaf school in the states, and I had no problem with the level of ASL among the teachers at that school, but still I hear stories about low expectations from americans going to other deaf schools, that are similar to the situation in europe, that I have seen with my own eyes. As I haven't visited many deaf schools in the states, I am uncertain on this one, and that's why I am asking.
Wow as in how some people claim that deaf schools are the best place for deaf kids. From what you said I get the impression that it depends.

Usually they are the best places for the knowledge and expertise in teaching them. It doesnt mean that every teacher working at Deaf schools will possess the skills to teach them effectively even having the knowledge and expertise.
Congrats to your brother Shel! I know that ya'll are really close. You're so lucky to have such a great brother!
I'm wondering if rubbing wet salty sand really did help me. My mom suggested me to do this.
Count me in....when I lost my hearing (in 7th grade)...went to a deaf school, was placed in the 8th grade.....fell asleep in every class becuz it was too boring/easy and I'd already studied the subjects, placed into the 10th grade, then skipped the 11th and into the 12th!...I believe I actually got a 9th grade diploma....even tho' I graduated. I'm "self-taught" also with a lot of hard knocks. Several of my teachers were hearing. But....this was a "long time ago"!
Assure me that times have "changed"??...Here at AD, so many members, so intelligent. And I'm sure that not all have been to college?
Does it take a year of college to equal a diploma that hearing schools achieve?

in a few cases, never. :mad: I'm always playing johnny catch up. I don't think things have changed much.