Do I Understand?

A child dying from meningitis was not out engaging in a dangerous behavior such as walking on a train track, now were they? ............
My remark had nothing todo with meningitis. I was referring to your statement regardingthe girl hit by the train.
So was I - I was not combining menigitis with deafnes..
You insinuated that when a deaf person is killed, there's always "Little more going on there than deafness!". As if a child dying from meningitis "there's nothing "more going on there than menigitis."

But, in your opinion... nobody ever died because he/she was deaf/Deaf...!!!

Peaceful bubble...
I agree with your husband on that assessment!:giggle: Kind of scary that there are people out there that really think that way, though.

Not just thinking that way, jillio, but actually having the nerve of saying that to someone, regardless of the person being deaf or not. Just as bad as telling an obese man or woman that they should eat less so they can lose weight.
Not just thinking that way, jillio, but actually having the nerve of saying that to someone, regardless of the person being deaf or not. Just as bad as telling an obese man or woman that they should eat less so they can lose weight.

I talked with my husband more about why she did that. He said her view is that a CI is equalavent to chemo is to cancer. Like we wouldn't understand why someone who has found out that he/she has cancer refusing to take any meds to eliminate it. That's her view on CI..that it elimates deafness. Problem is that it is not as simple as she wishes to be.
I talked with my husband more about why she did that. He said her view is that a CI is equalavent to chemo is to cancer. Like we wouldn't understand why someone who has found out that he/she has cancer refusing to take any meds to eliminate it. That's her view on CI..that it elimates deafness. Problem is that it is not as simple as she wishes to be.

I wonder, shel, if she thinks that when you are in private and no one is looking that you can actually hear and that your own deafness is a staged production when out in public. I'd die to see the expression on her face regarding that statement. :naughty:
So was I - I was not combining menigitis with deafnes..
You insinuated that when a deaf person is killed, there's always "Little more going on there than deafness!". As if a child dying from meningitis "there's nothing "more going on there than menigitis."

I insinuated nothing of the kind. I replied to your example of a deaf person killed while walking on train tracks. My response applied to that specific example only.
But, in your opinion... nobody ever died because he/she was deaf/Deaf...!!!

Peaceful bubble...

Deafness hasn't killed anyone. It is not a fatal disease, nor a disease at all.

And wrong,t here is something more going on than meningitis. And in the case cited, it was CI.
Not just thinking that way, jillio, but actually having the nerve of saying that to someone, regardless of the person being deaf or not. Just as bad as telling an obese man or woman that they should eat less so they can lose weight.

I agree. Thinking it is one thing, but actually verbalizing it so it is out there for people to be aware of.....something else!
Deafness hasn't killed anyone. It is not a fatal disease, nor a disease at all.

And wrong,t here is something more going on than meningitis. And in the case cited, it was CI.

"Deafness hasn't killed anyone"..... Car's don't kill either. Nor do planes.
In that sense... CI never killed anyone either.

With your way of looking it's allways the circumstance.
Like it's not deafness, but the fact you cannpt hear. It's not the fall that kills you. It's the sudden stop. It's not CI that kills you. It's the lack of a vaccination.

But you hold on to that view of " CI kills. Deafness doesn't. " It really shows the quality of your masters programme!
"Deafness hasn't killed anyone"..... Car's don't kill either. Nor do planes.
In that sense... CI never killed anyone either.

With your way of looking it's allways the circumstance.
Like it's not deafness, but the fact you cannpt hear. It's not the fall that kills you. It's the sudden stop. It's not CI that kills you. It's the lack of a vaccination.

But you hold on to that view of " CI kills. Deafness doesn't. " It really shows the quality of your masters programme!

You are attempting to put words into my mouth again, cloggy. I said there are risks involved with any surgery that can kill. And if the surgery is elective, then the the individual deciding to underrgo that elective procedure also accepts the inherent risks once that decision has been made. If an indiviudal dies from a complication of the surgery, then it can also be said that, had the surgery not been performed, the complications would not have resulted, and thus, the death would not have resulted. Perhaps you see those risks as acceptable for an elective procedure used to address the issue of a non-pathological condition that can easily be dealt with on a non-invasive basis that encompasses the entirety of the issues involved rather than simply the physical issue. I view deafness from the perspective of the condition of deafness being a cultural and linguistic minority, not a pathological conditon requiring surgery. Perhaps if you had more knowlege of the biopsychosocial model you would be better able to understand my position. I see a deaf/Deaf person as a whole person, not just in terms of their auditory function. I address their needs from the perspective of ability, not disability. A Deaf/deaf person is much, much more than their auditory system. You would do well to understand that.

Re: your judgements regarding my education: you are once again making judgements without benefit of the knowledge necessary to make those judgements. Therefore, your opinion regarding such matters has no validity nor credibility. This remark can be seen as simply one more juvenile attempt to discredit that which threatens you, and to which you have no adequate defense.

You are continuing to attempt to take this thread off topic. As I opened this thread to allow opinions, thoughts, and feedback from the community whose individuals I serve, your continued responses are neither desirable, nor pertinent.
You are attempting to put words into my mouth again, cloggy. I said there are risks involved with any surgery that can kill. And if the surgery is elective, then the the individual deciding to underrgo that elective procedure also accepts the inherent risks once that decision has been made. If an indiviudal dies from a complication of the surgery, then it can also be said that, had the surgery not been performed, the complications would not have resulted, and thus, the death would not have resulted. Perhaps you see those risks as acceptable for an elective procedure used to address the issue of a non-pathological condition that can easily be dealt with on a non-invasive basis that encompasses the entirety of the issues involved rather than simply the physical issue. I view deafness from the perspective of the condition of deafness being a cultural and linguistic minority, not a pathological conditon requiring surgery. Perhaps if you had more knowlege of the biopsychosocial model you would be better able to understand my position. I see a deaf/Deaf person as a whole person, not just in terms of their auditory function. I address their needs from the perspective of ability, not disability. A Deaf/deaf person is much, much more than their auditory system. You would do well to understand that.

Re: your judgements regarding my education: you are once again making judgements without benefit of the knowledge necessary to make those judgements. Therefore, your opinion regarding such matters has no validity nor credibility. This remark can be seen as simply one more juvenile attempt to discredit that which threatens you, and to which you have no adequate defense.

You are continuing to attempt to take this thread off topic. As I opened this thread to allow opinions, thoughts, and feedback from the community whose individuals I serve, your continued responses are neither desirable, nor pertinent.

WOW... did I say all that...???
Sounds completely different when you say it...
WOW... did I say all that...???
Sounds completely different when you say it...

No, cloggy, you didn't say all that.....I did. Try to focus.

And of course it sounds different when I say it. I'm saying something entirely different from what you are assuming I am saying.
........I'm saying something entirely different from what you are assuming I am saying.
Well, that we have in common:
I'm saying something entirely different from what you are assuming I am saying.
Yes, there are degrees of agreement and the funny thing is that perception of that agreement or disagreement can change according to circumstance. a country faced with a foreign invader, will often overlook their internal differences and unify. When people only focus on the differences, then it can be hard to see any possible common beliefs or shared experience.

Sometimes, I feel we focus too much on the differences as a problem rather than just accepting that people are just...different.

Hey R2, great point! I couldn't agree more.
Originally Posted by R2D2
Yes, there are degrees of agreement and the funny thing is that perception of that agreement or disagreement can change according to circumstance. a country faced with a foreign invader, will often overlook their internal differences and unify. When people only focus on the differences, then it can be hard to see any possible common beliefs or shared experience.
Sometimes, I feel we focus too much on the differences as a problem rather than just accepting that people are just...different.

Hey R2, great point! I couldn't agree more.

Ditto! Well said R2.
I talked with my husband more about why she did that. He said her view is that a CI is equalavent to chemo is to cancer. Like we wouldn't understand why someone who has found out that he/she has cancer refusing to take any meds to eliminate it. That's her view on CI..that it elimates deafness. Problem is that it is not as simple as she wishes to be.

In this world there are so many ignorant people like this lady. My children have come across peple that assume because they are deaf, they have to be dumb. My son has a very good sense of himself and will turn around tell people I deaf not dumb.

As you know I do think cochlear implants can be a great tool but it is a personal choice and it is the deaf person's choice or parents depending on the age. I think if someone does not want an implant they should not be forced into. Shel if I was you and if my children were not implant and we did not want that I probable would said something.
In this world there are so many ignorant people like this lady. My children have come across people that assume because they are deaf, they have to be dumb. My son has a very good sense of himself and will turn around tell people I deaf not dumb.

As you know I do think cochlear implants can be a great tool but it is a personal choice and it is the deaf person's choice or parents depending on the age. I think if someone does not want an implant they should not be forced into. Shel if I was you and if my children were not implant and we did not want that I probable would said something.

My mother's oldest sister (died a few years ago) was a first grade teacher (my mother is second oldest) and referred me as deaf and dumb once. I told her I wasn't dumb. On the same note, as a teacher, she always referred to her kids as "dumb dumbs." Well, of course first graders are dumb, why would you think they're in school in order to learn and not be dumb?! She retired a number of years ago last decade (thankfully), as she was probably so crabby that no one could work with her!
She then started a tirade of comments about deaf people and CIs. Basically she was saying that she doesn't understand why don't all deaf people get CIs and how there should be a law forcing us to get the CI surgery.

:eek3: I don't think that'll pass the human rights people, but that's still scarry.
No, that was Darwin taking care of his own. Didn't her parents teach her better? :squint:

Good question...hearing people do the same and get struck by the train. Didnt they hear the train as well?