do anyone like STARBUCKS COFFEE?

never had coffee for all my 20 years .... maybe when i turn 21. then i'd start drinking coffee
:drink: AAAHHHHHH yummy!
*body engines starts*
*revving so loud*
*vrooooomm vrrooooommmm!!!*
WHOA! too much enegry whichi cannot be asleep tonightee... :rofl:
Originally posted by e
Before I tried Starbucks, I almost never drank coffee because I didn't really like the taste of it. So, after I tried it, I'd go there on occasion whenever I'm in mood. (I'd say every other 3 months or so) My most favorite is White Chocolate Mocha.... And I've learned my lesson not to drink it at night time because after a couple of times I've been awake for 2 days straight!!! Boy, it was powerful! I'd need it if I'm gonna study for mid-term or final exams, hehehe!

:lol: yeah E.. I used to drink too much starbucks coffee in afternoon with tons of junk food I wud not able to sleep in dorm til 3am or sometimes 4am oh well.. heh I learned my lesson NEVER NEVER eat too much food or coffee b4 time to go bed :P
I am immune to caffine. I drink so much caffine that I still fall asleep after x cups of coffee! LOL
Originally posted by Katzie
Starbuck? Ehhh I like Dunkin Donuts better :D I'd go straight to Dunkin Donuts. There's like 10 - 20 Dunkin Donuts in every town from where I live LOL Ohhhh this is heaven!

I only see one Dunkin Donuts in my location (Dallas/Fort Worth area). :dunno:

Lot lot lot Starbucks have take over the world.
Originally posted by Alex
I've never tried Starbucks coffee but I will when I have a chance. When I'm really tired, though, and desperately need to stay awake, I'd drink black coffee at a diner or wherever they serve coffee.

Never try? I will beat you up and slap your face on the table and make you drink it!
Starbucks rules.

There are two things I love... Carmel Frappucino and French vanilla cappucino.

Im trying not to drink them too often, but drink them like occassion. They are strongg (caffeine)
Originally posted by illustrator
I only see one Dunkin Donuts in my location (Dallas/Fort Worth area). :dunno:

Lot lot lot Starbucks have take over the world.

Try eastern Massachusetts :D
I love Starbucks! I don't like to drink hot drinks. I like to drink the Frapps. Chocolate brownie, vanilla creme, and mocha frapps.
MAJOR STARBUCKS FREAK! I ll Drink this ALL the time WHITE CHOCLATE MOCHA, and carmel frappicunio plus the white choclate frappicunios now :) heheheheh :bowdown: STARBUCKS RULEZ! heehhe
Originally posted by javapride
MAJOR STARBUCKS FREAK! I ll Drink this ALL the time WHITE CHOCLATE MOCHA, and carmel frappicunio plus the white choclate frappicunios now :) heheheheh :bowdown: STARBUCKS RULEZ! heehhe

LOL desi - wanna me tempt u like i did once in the AOL deaf room ??? :twisted: .... "that sweet aroma of white chocolate mocha .... slowly filling up ur nostrils ....."
I never tried... I'm big coffee fans and I never tried.. sad isn't it?
Starbucks Coffeebeans ARE SOOOOOO ADDICTIVE!!!! If I drink other cheap brand, I will end up throwing the whole coffee cup away!!! They did a good job stealing my taste for their brand!

Am glad to know a friend here in So. Cal who works at Starbucks so he can give me some free beans so I can brew some at home!

Speaking of devil, as I am typing this entry, I am drinking the almond flavored skim milk latte with whipped cream! Did not have this drink for a while, so I am so in HEAVEN right now!!
I :bowdown: Starbucks. It is my pit stop... to get started for the day. The SB store just around the corner from where I work has some employees who know signs, but they usually don't have to ask what I want. I order the same drink everyday.