Disrespectful or not?


Brady lady
Premium Member
Mar 11, 2005
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I need your feedback, I am furious at my brother's wife! She had the nerve to write something on fb saying my dad sold the house bec he feels he isn't going to live very long. Is it me or do I have every right to be upset ?

I am crushed and furious! My mom told me . My dad is very good to that dumb women.
how did your mom feel about that comment? did you tell your brother about it?
Are you upset because that is how you found out your father is in poor health?
Or upset because she told a lie and your father is fine?
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Jiro said:
how did your mom feel about that comment? did you tell your brother about it?

No , my bro doesn't know . My parents are divorced , my mom is mad and I am even more mad. People go beyond limits writing stuff on fb status.
Wirelessly posted

No , my bro doesn't know . My parents are divorced , my mom is mad and I am even more mad. People go beyond limits writing stuff on fb status.

wait I'm confused by Bott's post. Is your dad's health fine?
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Jiro said:
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No , my bro doesn't know . My parents are divorced , my mom is mad and I am even more mad. People go beyond limits writing stuff on fb status.

wait I'm confused by Bott's post. Is your dad's health fine?

My dad's health is not well. My dad has talked to me about it.

My bro's wife, put that on fb on her status. She is gossiping or waiting for the money.

What she did is disrespectful putting such status on her fb. How would you feel if someone wrote your health is not good and will not live long? No one does.
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Bottesini said:
Are you upset because that is how you found out your father is in poor health?
Or upset because she told a lie and your father is fine?

No. I knew about his health. People shouldn't write stuff like that for my cousins to read! I have some family members who are her friend. It was new to some family members who had no clue about this.
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My dad's health is not well. My dad has talked to me about it.

My bro's wife, put that on fb on her status. She is gossiping or waiting for the money.

What she did is disrespectful putting such status on her fb. How would you feel if someone wrote your health is not good and will not live long? No one does.
ah... plus... it's really none of her business. I think you should talk to your brother about it.
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Jiro said:
Wirelessly posted

My dad's health is not well. My dad has talked to me about it.

My bro's wife, put that on fb on her status. She is gossiping or waiting for the money.

What she did is disrespectful putting such status on her fb. How would you feel if someone wrote your health is not good and will not live long? No one does.
ah... plus... it's really none of her business. I think you should talk to your brother about it.

I agree. I don't want to upset my dad. She's a classless disgrace!
You have every right to upset about this. It was not your SIL place to post that on fb and it's a family matter about your dad's health not something for the whole world to know about. I would had said something to your SIL . I did not like what my ex SIL said once and I told her right to her face. To answer your question , yes it was very disrespectful of your SIL to have done that and you should tell her never to do it again.
Wirelessly posted

Jiro said:
Wirelessly postedI agree. I don't want to upset my dad. She's a classless disgrace!

what's your next course of action?

My mom will talk to my bro. She doesn't care if he gets mad at her. My mom and her family are angry even though they are divorced. They feel this is very shallow and low.
I would be furious. Those kinds of things do not go on fb.

When my Dad was in an accident and had gone into a coma, my then SIL announced it on her fb. Guess what? My family did not tell me that he was in a coma yet bc they didn't want to upset me too much before I flew in. Thankfully I had taken her off my friend list. But I did find out and I did confront her. Very very poor taste. She was a total drama queen. She just did it so people would go oh poor you!

Karma got her. My brother filed for divorce 4 months later :) whatever you say back don't put it on fb. I just took the high road and contacted her directly. Plus I didn't want to make the situation even worse.
Oh I didn't catch it first. My nephew did. Very horrible to do that to a kid, and that kid confronted her also by phone. My family was very very unhappy and she lied to my brother about doing it. But again my nephew saw it even before me and had it in his phone her lying to him about it when we had both seen it on fb. He was the one he told me and showed it to me. Again, the attention ho never cared about anyone else she just wanted some drama. Sick but again her butt got thrown on the streets. True colors shining through....
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Katniss said:
I would be furious. Those kinds of things do not go on fb.

When my Dad was in an accident and had gone into a coma, my then SIL announced it on her fb. Guess what? My family did not tell me that he was in a coma yet bc they didn't want to upset me too much before I flew in. Thankfully I had taken her off my friend list. But I did find out and I did confront her. Very very poor taste. She was a total drama queen. She just did it so people would go oh poor you!

Karma got her. My brother filed for divorce 4 months later :) whatever you say back don't put it on fb. I just took the high road and contacted her directly. Plus I didn't want to make the situation even worse.

I agree things like should not be on fb. Especially , saying how long a person has to live.

I am sorry you found out about the coma part on fb . That's not right. They need to explain to you not find out shocking news on fb.

I can understand it good to let family and friends know about someone. If they are ok or they are sick but not to say , they don't have too much longer to live. My dad is not hospice style , he functions well and looks good. No denial his liver problems and is gaining back his health slowly. He can't run a marathon but he can walk to the neighbor's house or down the street.
Facebook is a self serving board where people generally post things to make them seem more important. I've never understood the need for people to use that forum to discuss things with people they don't even know. It sounds to me like this woman is lacking basic common sense and sensitivity. No matter what he said it shouldn't be posted for the world to read about it. She probably doesn't have much going on her own life if she feels the need to post about other people's misfortunes, and unfortunately, there's really little that can be done other than to speak to her directly. She may not change her behavior but at least you'll feel better.
I agree with a lot of the posts on here and Lau2046 hit the nail on the head some people will post things just to get attention themselves and be in the center of the spotlight and are superficial and self centered. I know your upset but please don't do anything while your upset that you may regret later. Take time to calm down and then decide what course of action to take but, the main thing here, is just to be there for your dad and take care of him and what he needs as good as you can. I hope your dad gets better but you may want to breech some sensitive topics with him. Just in case type things such as a will and living will and so on. Just be there for him. My dad passed in November 1995 and I'd give anything just to have 1 more day with him here.
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Lau2046 said:
Facebook is a self serving board where people generally post things to make them seem more important. I've never understood the need for people to use that forum to discuss things with people they don't even know. It sounds to me like this woman is lacking basic common sense and sensitivity. No matter what he said it shouldn't be posted for the world to read about it. She probably doesn't have much going on her own life if she feels the need to post about other people's misfortunes, and unfortunately, there's really little that can be done other than to speak to her directly. She may not change her behavior but at least you'll feel better.

I have to agree with you. I wasn't quite sure if this kind of behavior is acceptable. I needed to check in if this was something I am missing to make it right for her to write that stuff.

In my opinion, it's disrespectful. None of her business.
Wirelessly posted

ncff07 said:
I agree with a lot of the posts on here and Lau2046 hit the nail on the head some people will post things just to get attention themselves and be in the center of the spotlight and are superficial and self centered. I know your upset but please don't do anything while your upset that you may regret later. Take time to calm down and then decide what course of action to take but, the main thing here, is just to be there for your dad and take care of him and what he needs as good as you can. I hope your dad gets better but you may want to breech some sensitive topics with him. Just in case type things such as a will and living will and so on. Just be there for him. My dad passed in November 1995 and I'd give anything just to have 1 more day with him here.

Thank God I am not there, taking care of my uncle's pets while he's out of town. I did stop at home and visit my dad. He didn't mention to me what she wrote on fb the moving part. I will find out more later when I go home Monday.

I have to see her blah! I won't say anything let my mom handle it when she speaks to my brother.

Sorry to hear about your dad :hug: I would feel the same way :(
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^^my thoughts exactly being insensitive, and Facebook is ont of those dangerous thing, it lets out loose especially from those who dont have a concept of discretion or boundarys.