Did this woman lie?

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Not a good idea. Sleep deprivation is dangerous while driving.
yeah, i'm sure he was thinking of his wife when he did it.


You're becoming quite uncouth..
Nothing unusual about it. Some people read into it just a tad too much.
ah, is it necessary to make a thread about how dad thinks about the daughter? oh don't go there.
Well, it's an obvious mistake to say she bounced on daddy's knees while watching the 1984 Olympics with Carl Lewis making history. It was an obvious one and with the IOC's extensive knowledge on Olympics history I'm sure they had question marks over their heads when belle Michelle mentioned Carl Lewis and daddy's knees at the same time.

I'm sure whoever wrote this little speech of hers for the IOC is fired. but the words came from her mouth and that should not be excused. Her mouth, her responsibility. She mislead the IOC about her history, if it in fact if it's true at all.
Nope. Read again....carefully. And it would help to show where I did this, too. :cool2:

it doesn't matter if your thread is all about michelle if she lied or not. it's my point of telling you that you ACTUALLy were thinking how dad's thinking was when she was sitting on his lap. It was your comment, not mine. it tells me something that you do think that way. you know?
someone in here needs to get his mind out of gutter
Mods - this thread needs to be :locked: It's obvious that this thread is not going to be a productive one.

:locked: :locked: :locked:
it doesn't matter if your thread is all about michelle if she lied or not. it's my point of telling you that you ACTUALLy were thinking how dad's thinking was when she was sitting on his lap. It was your comment, not mine. it tells me something that you do think that way. you know?

I said it was "unusual" for her to make that claim. I questioned her thinking when she said those things saying it happened. But at age 20? Was that her words or somebody else's off of that teleprompter? Somebody goofed. And it was Michelle's.
I agree, the thread need to be locked.
I said it was "unusual" for her to make that claim. I questioned her thinking when she said those things saying it happened. But at age 20? Was that her words or somebody else's off of that teleprompter? Somebody goofed. And it was Michelle's.

wwwwoowwww Michelle goofed!!! ooommmmgggg THIS IS DISASTER! everybody's going f'ing crazy! :hyper::monkey::run::fruit::Ohno:
I said it was "unusual" for her to make that claim. I questioned her thinking when she said those things saying it happened. But at age 20? Was that her words or somebody else's off of that teleprompter? Somebody goofed. And it was Michelle's.

Obama jetted in to Copenhagen to lobby for a Chicago Olympics. He spent a little over an hour there. Both he and Michelle wowed Europeans with inspirational stories from their Chicago neighborhoods. Most of the anecdotes proved implausible or inane: Michelle sitting on her father’s knee (at 20?) watching Carl Lewis, or learning from her dad to throw a right hook (at a time when the world was watching YouTube snippets of a wild Chicago street slugfest). Obama found himself playing the role of a 19th-century Irish pol finagling for the home tribe — at a time when the natural consequence of his serial apologies and postmodern transnational rhetoric would be the selection of Rio as host to the 2016 games.

No matter. It was Bush who lost Chicago its sure-thing bid — literally, according to Illinois senator Roland Burris. He claimed that the judges were still angry at Bush’s America, rather than peeved that Europeans were being treated by Barack and Michelle almost like teeny-boppers at a Beatles concert who were supposed to weep in adulation and seek autographs.

The Buck Passes Here by Victor Davis Hanson on National Review Online

Ha ha....that's a funny article.
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