Did this woman lie?

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Jul 9, 2006
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Michelle Obama to the IOC: “Some of my best memories are sitting on my dad’s lap, cheering on Olga and Nadia, Carl Lewis, and others for their brilliance and perfection.”
Transcript of Michelle Obama's remarks -- chicagotribune.com

That was in 1984 when she was 20 years old when Lewis first competed in the Olympics. But was she bouncing on her father’s lap during Nadia Comaneci's gymnatistic competion in 1976, when Michelle was twelve? Perhaps, maybe, just maybe, that happened during Olga Korbut's gymnastic competition in 1972, when Michelle was eight years old?

I mean, come on. Why say those campy things to the IOC officials. I thought she wasn't proud to be an American back then??
LOL!!!! :rofl: Maybe she liked sitting on her father's lap @ 20. :rofl: It's too funny! I can picture it. :lol:
Even if it's true at age 20 would it be a bit, uh, cre...unusual?
You don't go out much, do you? Studied a bit too hard?

What's so unusual about a woman sitting on a guy's lap, or her father's lap even? Geez.
It is. She has the amazing and uncanny ability to remember the time she was bouncing on Daddy's lap at age 20, 12, and 8 while she watched three different Olympics games in 1984, 1976 and 1972.
Even if it's true at age 20 would it be a bit, uh, cre...unusual?

That's what I mean. I doubt it's true. If that's even what she really said, then it is obviously a lie or maybe she was embellishing. It just sounds hilarious.
Oh, puhleeze. Have much trouble with reading comprehension?

*it's an animated pix of Chris Hannsen popping in, looking, saying "hmmm......... ok" and then slowly moving out of view while he's suspiciously looking at you.
They are just having father and daughter moment. Nothing further than that.
it is interesting that you tend to phrase every Obama-related situation in a negative way. You chose to say "Did this woman lie?" instead of... "Did she misspoke?"

They are just having father and daughter moment. Nothing further than that.

oh, sure, at age 20 bouncing on his knee. and recalled vividly the same thing at age 12 and then 8, which may have been a bit easier to believe. A father and daughter moment? surrre. I'm sure she ..... "misspoke."
oh, sure, at age 20 bouncing on his knee. and recalled vividly the same thing at age 12 and then 8, which may have been a bit easier to believe. A father and daughter moment? surrre.

do you have something better things to do than to obsessed over uh.... this? :roll:

this is more shameless than Letterman's confession
yeah, i'm sure he was thinking of his wife when he did it.
ha ha...wrong post...no wonder it didn't show up in the Letterman thread.
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Oh, I can still get my regular 6 hour sleep, I've a 3 hour advantage over you. You? Wayyy past your beddy time.
Oh, I can still get my regular 6 hour sleep, I've a 3 hour advantage over you. You? Wayyy past your beddy time.

6? 4 for me :) mine's not a typical 9-5 work :wave:
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